ACLI Configuration Element Changes

The following tables summarize the ACLI configuration element changes in the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller S-Cz9.3.0 release.

Online Certificate Status Protocol

New Elements Description
security, authentication, online-certificate-status-protocol Allows you to select which interfaces require OCSP verification, the OCSP FQDN, and the IP address and port of the DNS resolver for the OCSP FQDN.

STUN Support

New Attribute Description
media-manager, ice-profile, rtcp-stun Enable STUN support on RTCP port

IKE/IPsec Encryption

Modified Attribute Description
security, ike, ike-config, phase1-dh-mode The value dh-group2 is removed. The values dh-group17 and dh-group18 are added.
security, ike, ike-config, phase2-exchange-mode The value dh-group2 is removed. The values dh-group17 and dh-group18 are added.
security, ike, ike-sainfo, security-protocol The value esp-null is removed.
security, ike, ike-sainfo, auth-algo The values of md5 and sha1 are removed.
security, ike, ike-sainfo, encryption-algo The values null and 3des are removed.
security, ipsec, security-association, manual, auth-algo The values of md5 and sha1 are removed.
security, ipsec, security-association, manual, encr-algo The value of 3des is removed.
security, ikev2-ipsec-wancom0-params, ipsec-algorithms The value of null is removed from allowed ciphers and the value of sha1 is removed from the allowed hashes.

MSRP Ports

New Attribute Description
media-manager, msrp-config, double-port-allocation Enable or disable using 2 steering pool ports for MSRP calls.

Realm Configuration

New Elements and Attributes Description
media-manager, realm-config, suppress-hold-resume-reinvite A new attribute to enable to suppress reinvites.
media-manager, realm-config, snmp-sipmethod-stats A new attribute to enable SNMP retrieval of realm based SIP method statistics for SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY and MESSAGE methods.
media-manager, realm-config, max-inbound-per-session-burst-rate A new attribute to set the maximum inbound burst rate per session.
media-manager, realm-config, burst-rate-window-per-session A new attribute to set the burst rate window per session.
media-manager, realm-config, dos-action-at-session A new attribute to set the action to take on the session conducting a DoS attack.
media-manager, realm-config, restricted-latching A new value of sdp-ip-port has been added to use the IP address and port specified in the SDP for latching.

Session Agent Configuration

New Attributes Description
session-router, session-agent, max-inbound-per-session-burst-rate A new attribute to set the maximum inbound burst rate per session.
session-router, session-agent, burst-rate-window-per-session A new attribute to set the burst rate window per session.
session-router, session-agent, dos-action-at-session A new attribute to set the action to take on the session conducting a DoS attack.
session-router, session-agent, emergency-dscp-profile The name of the emergency DSCP profile to apply to this session agent.

SIP Configuration

New Attributes Description
session-router, sip-config, emergency-dscp-profile The name of the emergency DSCP profile to apply to this session agent.
session-router, sip-config, precondition-med-enhancement Enables support for multiple early dialogs with preconditions and TrFO.
session-router, sip-config, transcoding-agents This element no longer accepts port numbers in its list of agents.

SIP Interface

New Attributes Description
session-router, sip-interface, tcp-max-nat-interval The amount of time in seconds that testing over TCP connections should not exceed for adaptive HNT.
session-router, sip-interface, tcp-nat-int-increment The amount of time in seconds to use as the increment in value in the SIP expires header for adaptive HNT testing for TCP connections.
session-router, sip-interface, tcp-nat-test-increment The amount of time in seconds that will be added to the test timer for adaptive HNT testing for TCP connections.
session-router, sip-interface, tcp-sip-dynamic-hnt Enables dynamic hosted NAT traversal feature for connections using TCP as the transport protocol.
session-router, sip-interface, emergency-dscp-profile Specifies the name of the emergency DSCP profile you want to apply to this sip-interface.

Schedule Backups

New Elements and Attributes Description
system, system-config, schedule-backup A new element to configure automatic backups.
system, system-config, schedule-backup, admin-state A new attribute to enable or disable all automatic backups.
system, system-config, schedule-backup, config-backup A new element to configure the attributes for an automatic backup.
system, system-config, schedule-backup, config-backup, admin-state A new attribute to enable or disable this specific backup.
system, system-config, schedule-backup, config-backup, interval Set how often the ESBC backs up the configuration.
system, system-config, schedule-backup, config-backup, retry-interval The length in minutes after which the ESBC will retry backing up the configuration if the previous attempt failed.
system, system-config, schedule-backup, config-backup, retry-count The number of times which the ESBC will try to backup the configuration when repeated attempts fail.
system, system-config, schedule-backup, config-backup, push-failure-alarm Enable or disable generating an alarm and trap when the backup attempt failed.
system, system-config, schedule-backup, config-backup, push-receiver The configuration element where you set the connection details of the push receiver. This is a multi-instance configuration element.
system, system-config, schedule-backup, config-backup, push-receiver, address The IPv4 address of the SFTP server to which the ESBC will push the backups.
system, system-config, schedule-backup, config-backup, push-receiver, user-name The user name that the ESBC will use to log in to the SFTP server.
system, system-config, schedule-backup, config-backup, push-receiver, password The password that the ESBC will use to authenticate to the SFTP server.
system, system-config, schedule-backup, config-backup, push-receiver, data-store The directory on the SFTP server where the ESBC will copy the backup configuration files.
system, system-config, schedule-backup, config-backup, push-receiver, protocol The protocol that the ESBC will use when connecting to the SFTP server.

SSH Configuration

Modified Attributes Description
security, ssh-config, hostkey-algorithms The values of ssh-rsa and ssh-dss have been replaced with the values of rsa-sha2-256 and rsa-sha2-512.
security, ssh-config, encr-algorithms The following values are removed: aes256-cbc, aes192-cbc, aes128-cbc, rijndael256-cbc, rijndael192-cbc, rijndael128-cbc, and 3des-cbc

STI Configuration

New or Modified Attributes Description
session-router, sti-config, sti-response-treatment-config-name The name of the sti-response-treatment-config to apply to this sti-config.
session-router, sti-config, max-retry-attempts The number of attempts the system tries sending a request to a new sti-server within the sti-server-group unless a server responds or sip transaction times out.
session-router, sti-header-mapping-ruleset, mapping-rules, source-param The SIP or HTTP header parameter based on the source header.
session-router, sti-header-mapping-ruleset, mapping-rules, target-param The SIP or HTTP header parameter based on the target header.
session-router, sti-heartbeat-config A new element to define operational parameters for the heartbeat that monitors the availability of the STIR/SHAKEN servers.
session-router, sti-response-treatment-config A new element to create containers for response-treatment-entry sub-elements.
session-router, sti-response-treatment-config, sti-response-treatment-entry A new element to define global or specific STI server rules.
session-router, sti-server-group, strategy The values LeastBusy and PropDist are deprecated.
session-router, sti-server, sti-response-treatment-config-name A new attribute for the name of the STI response treatment.

System Configuration

Modified Attributes Description
system, system-config, disable-garp-out-of-subnet A new attribute to prevents the system from sending out any GARP or ND query for sip-interfaces that are not in the same subnet of each network-interface.
system, system-config, httpclient-cache-size-multiplier A new attribute to store the connection cache multiplier value.
system, system-config, http-clearDead-conn-timer The time interval in seconds for clearing dead connections.
system, system-config, resource-monitoring A new element for configuring resource monitoring.