Transcoding Support

Based on the transcoding resources available, which vary by platform, different codecs may be transcoded from- and to-.

Platform Supported Codecs (by way of codec-policy in the add-on-egress parameter)
  • Acme Packet physical platforms
  • Hardware-based transcoding for virtual platforms (PCIe Media Accelerator)

The Acme Packet 4900 does not support 40 and 60 packetization times for the EVS codec.

  • AMR
  • AMR-WB
  • CN
  • EVRC
  • EVRC0
  • EVRC1
  • EVRCB0
  • EVRCB1
  • EVSFoot 1
  • G711FB
  • G711OFD
  • G722
  • G723
  • G726
  • G726-16
  • G726-24
  • G726-32
  • G726-40
  • G729
  • G729A
  • GSM
  • iLBC
  • opus
  • PCMA
  • PCMU
  • SILK
  • T.38
  • T.38OFD
  • telephone-event
  • Virtual Platforms (with 1+ transcoding core) - only supported on Intel CPUs
  • AMR
  • AMR-WB
  • CN
  • EVS
  • G722
  • G723
  • G726
  • G726-16
  • G726-24
  • G726-32
  • G726-40
  • G729
  • G729A
  • iLBC
  • opus
  • PCMA
  • PCMU
  • SILK
  • telephone-event

Note that the pooled transcoding feature on the VNF uses external transcoding ESBC, as defined in "Co-Product Support," for supported ESBC for the Transcoding-SBC (T-SBC) role.

Footnote 1 Hardware-based EVS SWB and EVS FB transcoding is supported for decode-only.

TCM3 and System Software Compatibility

As of April 2023, Oracle has begun supporting new memory components for the TCM3. These components are dependent on ESBC software version. Newer Oracle software releases, starting with SCz9.2.0p1, provide you with multiple means of verifying TCM3 memory compatibility. Software versions prior to SCz9.2.0p1 do not operate properly with this new memory, but does allow the TCM3 cards to boot. If your software version does not support the new memory, the TCM3 cards with the new memory do not boot, and the system shows their state as BOOT FAILURE. Furthermore, system behavior when you use older software with this new memory is unpredictable.

For unsupported TCM3 cards, the system generates a notification for each unsupported card on the console showing its incompatibility. Contact support if you need to verify your hardware.

See Minimum TCM3 Versions on the Acme Packet 3950/4900 in the Transcoding chapter for explanation about verifying TCM3 memory compatibility with this ESBC software release.