Editing My Settings

The Edit My Settings page (Settings in the Main Menu) in the ISR allow you to customize specific elements of the Dashboard for your environment. These settings apply to the current logged in user only. You can configure:

  • Dashboard Settings
  • Recordings List Settings
  • RSS View Settings
  • Change Password
  • After logging into the ISR Dashboard, click Edit My Settings (Settings in the Main Menu). The following Dashboard Settings page displays.
This screenshot shows the Edit My Settings page's Dashboard settings.

Using the Dashboard Settings, you can:

  • Set your preferred language
  • Set your preferred time zone locale
  • Set the number of seconds that the pages in the dashboard are refreshed
  • Set the number of entries you want displayed per page
To configure the Dashboard settings:
  1. Preferred Language—Select the language you prefer.
  2. Preferred Time Zone Locale—Select the time zone locale associated with your location or location of the user. The following table provides the valid values for this field.
    Abu Dhabi Copenhagen London Sapporo
    Adelaide Darwin Madrid Sarajevo
    Alaska Dhaka Magadan Saskatchewan
    Almaty Dublin Marshall Is. Seoul
    American Samoa Eastern Time (US & Canada) Mazatlan Singapore
    Amsterdam Edinburgh Melbourne Skopje
    Arizona Ekaterinburg Mexico City Sofia
    Astana Fiji Mid-Atlantic Solomon Is.
    Athens Georgetown Midway Island Srednekolymsk
    Atlantic Time (Canada) Greenland Minsk Sri Jayawardenepura
    Auckland Guadalajara Monrovia St. Petersburg
    Azores Guan Hanoi Monterrey Stockholm
    Baghdad Harare Montevideo Sydney
    Baku Hawaii Moscow Taipei
    Bangkok Helsinki Mountain Time (US & Canada) Tallinn
    Beijing Hobart Mumbai Tashkent
    Belgrade Hong Kong Muscat Tbilisi
    Berlin Indiana (East) Nairobi Tehran
    Bern International Date Line West New Caledonia Tijuana
    Bogota Irkutsk New Delhi Tokelau Is.
    Brasilia Islamabad Newfoundland Tokyo
    Bratislava Instanbul Novosibirsk UTC
    Brisbane Jakarta Nuku'alofa Ulaanbaatar
    Brussels Jerusalem Osaka Urumqi
    Bucharest Kabul Pacific Time (US & Canada) Vienna
    Budapest Kaliningrad Paris Vilnius
    Buenos Aires Kamchatka Perth Vladivosotok
    Cairo Karachi Port Moresby Volgograd
    Canberra Kathmandu Prague Warsaw
    Cape Verde Is. Kolkata Pretoria Wellington
    Caracas Krasnoyarsk Quito West Central Africa
    Casablanca Kuala Lumpur Rangoon Yakutsk
    Central America Kuwait Riga Yerevan
    Central Time (US & Canada) Kyiv Rihadh Zagreb
    Chatham Is. La Paz Rome Zurich
    Chennai Lima Samara N/A
    Chihuahua Lisbon Samoa N/A
    Chongqing Ljubljana Santiago N/A
  3. List Refresh Rate Seconds—Select the number of seconds that the dashboard waits before refreshing the recordings list. Valid values are:
    • None (default)
    • 30 seconds
    • 1 minute
    • 2 minutes
    • 5 minutes
  4. List Display Entries Per Page—Enter the number of entries per page to display on the Recordings page. For example, entering a value of 7 in this field displays 7 recording entries per page in the Recordings List. Valid values are 1 to 100. Default is 20.

Recordings List Settings

Using the Recordings List Settings, you can customize the columns that display on the Recordings List page.

You can select the column heading(s) from the “Not Displayed” column and drag it to the “Displaying” column. After clicking Update, the headings in the Displaying column display on the Recordings List page.

To configure the Recordings List settings:

  1. To add a heading to the display list, in the “Not Displayed” column (red boxes), click on a heading and drag the selection to the Displaying column. The red box you placed in the Displaying column turns green.

    To remove a heading from the display list, in the “Displaying” column (green boxes), click on a heading and drag the selection to the Not Displayed column. The green box you placed in the Not Displayed column turns red.

    You can place a maximum of 5 headings in the Displaying column.

    The following table describes the headings you can select to display in the Recordings list.
    Heading Description
    Time (default) Displays the date and time the recording started. This column is based on the user’s GMT offset and is in the format MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS (AM or PM).
    From (default) The number that the caller dialed from (i.e., Caller ID).
    To (default) Displays the number that the caller dialed.
    Duration (default) Displays the length of the recording (in seconds)
    Session ID Displays the Session ID derived from the X-ISR-UCID.
    RSS Egress Call ID Displays the unique egress call ID derived from the call-id used in the egress call leg for the recording (only used in pass-thru mode).
    RSS Ingress Call ID (default) Displays the unique ingress call ID derived from the call-id received in the initial SIP INVITE.
    Custom Data Fields Displays a Custom Data field name as a Recordings list heading, and a valid Custom Data field value displays in that column for each recording.
  2. Click Update to save the recordings list settings.

    The headings listed in the Displaying column (green boxes) display as column headings on the Recordings List page.

RSS View Settings

Using the RSS View Settings, you can set the maximum entries to include from the RSS error logs.

To configure the RSS view settings:

  1. Max Error Log Entries—Enter the number of entries to show on each RSS error log page. Valid values are 1-255. Default is 20.
  2. Click Save to save the RSS view settings.

Change Password

Use the Change Password tab to change your current ISR login password to a new password.

To change your password:

  1. Current Password—Enter the current password you use to log into the Dashboard.
  2. Password—Enter your new password for logging into the Dashboard. Your password must meet the following requirements:
    • Password must be at least 8 characters long.
    • Password must contain at least one number (0-9) and one letter (A-Z and/or a-z).
    • Password must contain at least one letter and one special character (for example, @, ##, $).
  3. Confirm Password—Reenter your new password to confirm the new Dashboard password.
  4. Click Update to save your new password.


    Default security settings require a new password not be the same as one used in the previous four attempts. If you attempt to enter a new password that was previously used, an error message appears.