Manage Sites

Use the Sites link on the Admin page of the ISR Dashboard to manage ISR sites in your network. A site is a physical location, a group of recording servers, or a single ISR. This screenshot shows the Sites details page and includes its recorders, locations, and archivers.

Managing sites includes adding, editing, and deleting sites that contain configurations for the following components:.

Site Item Description
RSS Allows you to view RSS (recording server) information, delete an RSS, modify an RSS, or add a new RSS associated with a site. The configuration parameters include the RSS name, IP Address, XML-RPC port number, and utilization of available ports for each RSS.
Location Allows you to edit or delete information about the current Location of the RSS, or add a new Location for the RSS associated with a site. The configuration parameters include Location name, the source directory path on the RSS (where recordings are stored), the HTTP URL path to the recordings, and the amount of free space on the RSS in Kilobytes and Percentage.
Archiver Allows you to edit or delete information about an Archiver(s), or add a new Archiver to a site. An Archiver can move recording files from a single location to one location only. However, you can configure multiple archivers to each move files to corresponding destination locations. The configuration parameters include the Archiver’s IP address, the source from which to get the recordings, the destination for which to send the recordings, Archiver threads, number of move attempts, the mode of the archiver (primary or failover), and the state of the archiver (active or paused).

Select Sites from the Admin page to manage Sites.


Only Super Users have access to managing sites. Account Administrators can view the site configurations but do not have access to managing the information.

Sites Page

This screenshot shows the sites page.

The following table describes the information displayed on the Sites page.

Column Description
Name Name of the managed Site.
This image shows the details icon. Displays configuration details of the RSSs, Locations, Archivers, Session Agents, and Web Appliances, in the ISR network, and allows you to edit the details.
This image shows the delete icon. Deletes the managed Site.

Adding a Site

Superusers can add a Site to the ISR using the New Site link on the Sites page. Once the Site is created and saved to the ISR database, configure the following applicable components for the Site:

  • RSS (required)
  • RSS Location (required)
  • Archiver (optional)
  • Session Agent (optional)
  • Web Appliance (optional)

    To add a site:

  1. After logging into the ISR Dashboard, click Admin in the main menu (or Edit System Configurations on the Home page).
  2. Click Sites. The Sites page displays.
    This screenshot shows the sites page.
  3. Click the Create link in the upper right corner of the page. The following dialog box displays.
    This screenshot shows the new site dialog box.
  4. Name—Enter a name for the Site.
  5. Click Create. The Site name displays on the Sites page.

    Once you add the Site, you must configure the RSS and the RSS Location. You can also configure a Session Agent and Web Appliance if required. The following paragraphs describe how to configure each of these elements.

Managing an RSS

After adding a Site to the ISR database, you must add an RSS to the Site configuration. The RSS configuration is the recording server information required for the Site’s ISR. You can add, edit, and delete RSSs from the ISR database.


Oracle recommends you contact your 
Technical Support representative before adding or
changing an RSS configuration.

Sites RSS Summary

The RSS Listing page contains the following information:
RSS Information Description
Name RSS name
VoIP IP RSS Voice network IP address
  • This image shows the running icon. - Running
  • This image shows the offline icon. - Offline
  • This image shows the running with errors icon. - Running with errors
Uptime Number of Days RSS has been available
Current Sessions In Use Number of active sessions
Sessions Capacity Total number of simultaneous sessions allowed

Adding an RSS

After adding a Site to the ISR, you must add an RSS to the Site’s configuration.

To add an RSS to a Site:

  1. From the Sites page, choose a Site and click the Details icon.

    The Sites page displays.

  2. Click on the RSS component. The following page displays.
    This screenshot shows the site's RSS information page.
  3. Click Create. The following dialog box displays.
    This screenshot shows the new RSS dialog box.
  4. Name—Enter a name that describes the RSS you are adding.
  5. VoIP IP—The RSS Voice network IP address.


    A new location is created for the RSS using this IP Address under the Location component, with a default path value of opt/isr/Recordings. You can edit the location if you’ve installed the RSS on a different filesystem path. For more information, see Managing an RSS Location.
  6. Admin IP—The IP address to connecty to the RSS host over the "Admin" network.
  7. Data IP—The IP address to connect to the RSS components (for example, the Converter, API, and Recorder processes) over the "Data" network.
  8. Sessions Capacity—Total number of licensed ports on the RSSs on this Site.
  9. Click Create. The new RSS displays on the RSS page.

Editing an RSS

Once you’ve added an RSS, you can edit the RSS parameters if required.

To configure the RSS:

  1. On the Sites page, choose a Site with an RSS configured and click the Details icon. The Viewing Site page displays.
  2. Click on the RSS component. The RSS page displays.
  3. Choose an RSS to edit and click the Details icon. The following dialog box displays.
    This screenshot shows the site's RSS recorder information.
  4. The following RSS configuration sections are available:
    Name Description
    Advanced Configurations RSS Recorder process connection details
    API Configurations API connection settings
    Converter Server Configurations Converter process settings
    Locations Recorder process Location settings
  5. When you are finished editing the RSS configuration, click Update. The changes are saved to the ISR database. The RSS page displays.
Advanced RSS Configurations

The following fields may be changed in an RSS's Advanced Configurations settings:

  • Name—Enter a name that describes the RSS you are adding.
  • VoIP IP —The RSS Voice network IP address.
  • Admin IP —The IP address to connect to the RSS host over the "Admin" network.
  • Data IP—The IP address to connect to the RSS components (for example, the Converter, API, and Recorder processes) over the "Data" network.
  • Sessions Capacity— Total number of licensed ports on the RSSs on this Site.
  • SIP ISR UCID Header Field— The administrator may set the SIP header name whose value is to be parsed as the ISR's UCID. The default value is "X-ISR-UCID".
  • Config update interval—How often the Recorder attempts to update its configuration.
  • Webservice SSL Enabled?—Enables the Recorder webservice for HTTPS communications. This is enabled by default.
  • Rest webservice ssl cert file— The path of the file offered in the certificate exchange. The default value is "/opt/isr/security/keys/rss_cert.pem".
  • Log Level— Recorder process logging level. The default value is "INFO".


The remaining fields in the Advanced Configuration section are not available for configuration.
RSS API configurations

The following settings are available to configure the internal RSS API:

  • API URL Scheme—The protocol used for the API URL. The default value is "https".
  • API URL Port—The port number on which the API listens. The default value is "8443".
  • API URL Base Path—The base path serving the API application. The default value is "/IsrApi/rest/".
  • API Cache Update Interval—The number of seconds before the API cache is updated. The default value is "300".
RSS Converter Server Configurations

The following settings are available for configuring the Converter Process:

  • Codec map update interval— The number of seconds between Codec Map updates of transmission and playable codecs. The default value is "300".
  • Config update interval— The number of seconds before the Converter updates its broader configurations. The default value is "300".


The remaining fields in the Converter Server Configurations section are not available for configuration.
RSS Locations

The following settings configure where the Recorder process writes its files:

  • Location— The primary location for writing recorded files. The default value is "<RSS name (IP)> Primary".
  • Failover location— The failover location for writing recorded files. The default value is "<RSS name (IP)> Secondary".
RSS Ports Status

The RSS's Ports Status section offers a listing of Recorder process ports and some details on the status of each.

RSS Logs

The RSS's Logs section provides the most recent logs written by the Recorder process.

Deleting an RSS

You can delete an RSS from a Site if required.

To delete an RSS:

  1. On the Sites page, choose a Site with an RSS and click the Details icon. The Viewing Site page displays.
  2. Click on the RSS component. The RSS page displays.
  3. Choose an RSS to delete and click the Delete icon. The following prompt displays:

    Are you sure you want to delete this RSS?

  4. Click Continue to delete the RSS from the ISR database or click the X in the upper-right corner of the box to cancel the delete function.


    Once you delete an RSS, it cannot be recovered.

Managing an RSS Location

After adding an RSS to the ISR, the Location is automatically assigned (see Adding an RSS). The Location indicates the specific location in the ISR system where the recordings are stored. You can add a new Location or change an existing Location if required. You can also delete the location if necessary.


When you add your first RSS, the ISR automatically adds an RSS Primary Location to the Locations page.

Adding a Location

You can add a new Location for an RSS if required.


A single configured Archiver can move recordings to only one destination location. If you need recordings to go to other destination locations, you must configure an Archiver for each of those locations. For more information about configuring an Archiver, see Managing Archivers.
To add a new RSS Location:
  1. From the Sites page, choose a Site and click the Details icon.

    The Sites page displays.

  2. Click on the Location component.
    The following table describes the information displayed on the Location page.
    Column Description
    Name Name of the RSS Location.
    Local Recordings Directory Specifies the directory path associated with the Location.
    Remote Access URL Specifies the Web URL path for accessing the recordings via a browser.
    Disk Usage Indicates the percentage of storage disk used for recordings in the directory location. Valid values are 0% to 100%.
    This image shows the delete icon. Delete the RSS Location from the ISR database.
  3. Click Create. The New Location dialog box displays.

    This screenshot shows the new location dialog box.

  4. Name—Enter a name that describes the Location you are adding. For example, RSS1 ( Primary.
  5. Remote Access URL—Enter the URL that identifies the Web location for accessing the recordings via a browser. For example,


    Locations created automatically by the addition of a valid RSS configure the URL and serve recordings from it. If you add custom locations, you must configure them to be served by a web server and then set this URL if you want them to be playable via the Dashboard or APIs.
  6. Access Type—Select one of the following:
    • Local - Local disk
    • Mount - NFS Mount shared directory
    • SFTP - SFTP server
    • SFTP Port - Specify the port number. Valid values are 0 - 65535. The port needs to be enabled in the specified host.

The following sections describe the additional configuration parameters available in the Location page's section. When you are finished configuring all of the parameters for your environment, click Create to complete creating the Location.

Local/Mount Configurations - Local Recordings Directory

The Local/Mount Configurations according allows you to specify the directory of the Account's Archival destination Location.
  • Local Recordings Directory—Specifies the directory path to where the Archiver stores the recordings on the RSS associated with the Location. For example, /opt/isr/Recordings.


    When Access Type is set to SFTP, the Archiver attempts to move the Account's recordings to the SFTP user "home" path on the SFTP server.

SFTP Configurations

The SFTP configuration section allows you to configure the Location's SFTP properties.
  • SFTP Host—Specify the Location's SFTP host.
  • SFTP User—Specify the Location's SFTP user.
  • SFTP Password—Specify the Location's SFTP password.

Advanced Configurations

The Advanced Configurations section allows you to configure several advanced configuration properties for the Location.
  • Global? (Accessible to all Sites)—Select whether or not this Location may be used in Archival configurations on all Sites. Valid Values are:
    • Yes - This Location may be used in all Sites.
    • No (default) - This Location configuration may apply to this Site only.
  • Checksum—Enables the MD5 Hash for Recordings feature. For more information, see "Configuring MD5 Checksum Validation".
  • Able to Delete Recordings—Select whether or not this Archiver has permission to delete recordings and metadata stored longer than specified in Route and Account configurations. Valid values are:
    • Yes (default) - Archiver deletes files older than specified in Route and Account configurations.
    • No - Archiver does not delete files, regardless of the date specified in the Route and Account configurations.
  • Store in Date Directory—Select whether or nto the Archiver stores the recording files in a folder identified by the current date. Valid values are:
    • Yes (default) - Archiver stores recordings in a folder by date.
    • No - Archiver does not store recordings in a folder by date.
  • Store in Account Directory—Select whether or not the Archiver stores the recording files in a folder identified by the associated account. Valid values are:
    • Yes - Archiver stores recordings in a folder by account.
    • No (default) - Archiver does not store recordings in a folder by account.
  • Purge Index of Missing Recordings—Select whether or not the Archiver removes recording entries containing no recorded media files, from the main recording table, and sends them to a different "problem" table that can be reviewed at a later time. By enabling this feature, you prevent a user from viewing recording files with no recorded media files when they perform a search. However, an Administrator can view the "problem" table if required, for troubleshooting purposes. When this field is disabled, the Archiver keeps the recording file with no recorded media in the main recording table. Valid values are:
    • Yes - Archiver moves recordings containing no recorded media from the main recording table to a "problem" table. Users cannot view these recordings, but Administrators may view the "problem" table.
    • No (default) - Archiver keeps recordings with no recorded media files in the main recording table. Users may view these recordings.
  • Create Empty Recordings—When enabled, the Archiver creates a recorded file even when no media was available for writing (for example, a session terminates immediately after INVITE is negotiated). Valid values are:
    • Yes -

      Archiver creates an empty recorded file when media is not available for writing.

    • No (default) - No empty recorded files are created.

Conversion Configurations

Configure how and when the Archiver converts RPDD recording files to .wav files prior to moving them to their destination location via the Conversion Configurations section.
  • Converter IP Address—Enter the IP address (in dotted decimal format) of the media converter (RMC). For example,


    For more information on managing the media converter, see "ISR RMD".
  • Converter REST Webservice SSL Enabled?—Enables or disables secure communications with the Converter process webserver. The default is "Yes".
  • Mode—Select whether all RPDD recordings (currently G.729 recordings or recordings from routes set to Always record as raw RTP) are converted, a percentage of recordings are converted, or no recordings are converted when the Archiver moves them to the destination location.
    • Disabled (default) - The RMC does not convert RPDD recordings from .rpdd format to .wav format.
    • Convert All - The RMC converts all RPDD recordings from .rpdd format to .wav format
    • Converty by Percentage - The RMC converts only a percentage of all RPDD recordings from .rpdd format to .wav format, based on the value entered for the Percent of Recordings to Convert parameter.
  • Percent of Recordings to Convert - Select a number to indicate the percentage of recordings to be converted by the RMC. The Mode field must be set to Convert by Percentage in order to set the percentage value. Valid values are 0 to 100. Default is 100 percent.

Editing a Location

You can edit an existing Location if required.

To edit a Location:

  1. On the Sites page, choose a Site with a Location and click the Details icon. The Viewing Site page displays.
  2. Click on the Locations component. The Locations page displays.
  3. Choose a Location to edit and click the Details icon. The Update dialog box displays.
  4. Edit the parameters for the RSS Location as applicable using the procedures defined in Adding a Location, starting at Step 4.
  5. When you are finished editing the RSS Location, click Update. The changes are saved to the ISR database and display on the Locations page.

Deleting a Location

You can delete a Location if required.

To delete a Location:

  1. On the Sites page, choose a Site with a Location and click the Details icon. The Viewing Site page displays.
  2. Click on the Locations component. The Locations page displays.
  3. Choose a Location to delete and click the Delete icon. A prompt asking, "Are you sure you want to delete this Location?" displays.
  4. Click Continue to delete the Location from the ISR database or click the X in the upper-right corner of the box to cancel the delete function.


    Once you delete a Location, it cannot be recovered.

Managing Archivers

You configure an Archiver(s) to store recordings. The Archiver(s) moves recording files from one Location to another Location, often from a local disk to a Network Attached Storage (NAS) or a Storage Area Network (SAN). It is important to consider your archival requirements before assigning servers to sites, as Archivers are ISR-specific.

When you first install the ISR, you specify a Primary location for where recordings are written in real time. This can be a partition on the ISR server (RSS) or on another drive or server on the network. (The primary source location in the illustration below is /opt/isr/Recordings on the RSS).

You can also specify a secondary (failover) source location for the recordings. In the event that the primary location is inaccessible (i.e., it is full, or it can’t be reached on the network, etc.), the ISR begins writing the recordings to the secondary location in real time. (The secondary source location in the illustration below is /opt/isr/ArchivedRecordings).


Oracle recommends that you specify a secondary location for your recordings in the event the primary is inaccessible for any reason. For more information about setting up your secondary (failover) location, see the Interactive Session Recorder Installation Guide.

For ISR installations that do not require large capacity storage spaces for recordings, the primary and secondary locations may provide sufficient space to store the recordings. However, for installations that may have a very large quantity of recordings, additional storage devices such as a Network-Attached Storage (NAS) or a Storage Area Network (SAN), may be required to off-load the recordings from the ISR, to a more permanent location on the NAS or SAN.

On the ISR, you can configure a Primary and Secondary (Failover) Archiver to move recordings from the primary and secondary locations, to more permanent storage devices as required. The Primary Archiver moves recordings from the primary location (source location) to the NAS or (destination location). The Secondary or Failover Archiver moves recordings from the secondary location (source location) to the NAS or (destination location). Since the recordings in the secondary location are flagged as being stored in this location, the Failover Archiver looks for these flagged recordings and moves them to the more permanent storage location.

The following illustration shows the use of the Primary and Failover Archiver in a network.

The Primary and Failover Archiver diagram is described above.

A single configured Archiver can move recordings to only one destination location. If you need recordings to go to other destination locations, you must configure an Archiver for each of those locations.

The Archivers box on the Viewing Sites page displays the current status of any Archivers for the site. The following table describes the information that displays in the Archivers component box.

Archivers Information Description
This image shows the enabled icon. Enabled Total number of Archivers enabled on this Site.
This image shows the disabled icon. Disabled Total number of Archivers disabled on this Site.

Clicking on the Archiver box on the Viewing Sites page allows you to add a new Archiver to the site, edit the configuration of an existing Archiver, or delete an Archiver if required.

Adding an Archiver

You can add an Archiver to a Site if required.


You may also configure Archiving on a per Account basis. For more information, see "Archival" in the "Managing Accounts" chapter.

To add an Archiver:

  1. From the Sites page, choose a Site and click the Details icon.

    The Sites page displays.

  2. Click on the Archivers component. The Archivers page displays.
    This screenshot shows the RSS's archiver page.
    The following table describes information displayed on the Archivers page.
    Column Description
    IP Address IP Address of the Archiver.

    Note: Archiver resides on the RSS.

    Source Specifies the location where the source recordings reside. This is the location from where the Archiver gets the recordings. For a Primary Archiver, the value for this field should be the Primary Source Location. For a Failover Archiver, the value should be the Secondary Source Location.
    Destination Specifies the location of the storage devices (NAS, SAN, etc.) to which the Archiver moves the recordings for storage. When the Archiver moves the recording files to the destination location, it can create subdirectories in this path to sort by account, date, and time.
    Status Identifies whether the Archiver is enabled (active) for moving recording files, or temporarily disabled (paused). Status can be:

    This icon indicates that the Archiver is enabled and active. Enabled

    This icon indicates the archiver is disabled. Disabled

    Mode Specifies the whether this Archiver is the Primary or the Failover Archiver. The Primary Archiver moves all recordings from the Primary Source Location to the destination location. The Failover Archiver moves all recordings from the Secondary Source Location to the destination location.
    This image shows the details icon. Displays details of the Archiver and allows you to edit the details.
    This image shows the delete icon. Deletes the Archiver from the ISR database.
  3. Click Create. The new Archivers dialog box displays.
  4. IP Address—Enter the IP address of the Archiver you are adding to this site. Valid values are IPv4 addresses entered in the format (for example,
  5. Source—Select the location where the source recordings reside. This is the location from where the Archiver gets the recordings. For a Primary Archiver, the value for this field should be the Primary Source Location. For a Failover Archiver, the value should be the Secondary Source Location.


    The Primary Source Location and Secondary Source Location were configured during the ISR installation. For more information, see the Interactive Session Recorder Installation Guide.
  6. Destination—Select the location of the storage devices (NAS, SAN, etc.) to which the Archiver moves the recordings for storage.
  7. Number of Threads—Select the number of simultaneous recordings that an Archiver can move at one time. Valid values are 1 through 90. Default is 3.
  8. Move Attempts—Select the number of attempts that the Archiver makes when moving recordings from the source location to the destination location. If the Archiver fails to move the recording files the first time, it repeats the attempts to move the files the number of times you set for this field. Valid values for this field are 1 through 10. Default is 1.
  9. Mode—Select whether this Archiver is the Primary or the Failover Archiver. The Primary Archiver moves all recordings from the Primary Source Location to the destination location. The Failover Archiver moves all recordings from the Secondary Source Location to the destination location. Valid values are:
    • Primary (default) - This Archiver moves files from Primary Source Location.

    • Failover - This Archiver moves files from Secondary Source Location.

  10. Status—Select whether the Archiver is enabled (active) for moving recording files, or temporarily disabled (paused). Valid values are:
    • Enabled (default) - Archiver is active and monitors when recording files are ready to be archived.

    • Disabled - Archiver is temporarily disabled and does not move recording files.

  11. Click Create. The new Archiver displays on the Archivers page.

Editing an Archiver

You can edit an Archiver configuration if required.

To edit an Archiver:

  1. From the Sites page, choose a Site with an Archiver and click the Details icon. The Viewing Site page displays.
  2. Click on the Archivers component. The Archivers page displays.
  3. Choose an Archiver to edit and click the Details icon. The Archivers dialog box displays.
  4. Edit the parameters for the Archiver as applicable using the procedures defined in Adding an Archiver, starting at Step 4.
  5. When you are finished editing the Archiver, click Update. The changes are saved to the ISR database and display on the Archivers page.

Deleting an Archiver

You can delete an Archiver if required.

To delete an Archiver:

  1. On the Sites page, choose a Site with an Archiver and click the Details icon. The Viewing Site page displays.
  2. Click on the Archivers component. The Archivers page displays.
  3. Choose an Archiver to delete and click the Delete icon. You are prompted to confirm the delete.
  4. Click Continue to delete the Archiver from the ISR database or click the X in the upper-right corner of the box to cancel the delete function.


    Once you delete an Archiver, it cannot be recovered.