12 Managing Security Settings

The Admin Manage Security Settings link allows you to configure dashboard security settings. Using this link you are able to configure password expirations, user lockout durations, maximum failed login attempts before lockout, and whether or not a user can view a forgotten password page.

To Configure Dashboard Security Settings:

  1. After logging into the ISR Dashboard, click Edit System Configurations or click Admin in the top menu bar.
  2. Click Security Settings.
    This screenshot shows the Security Settings page.
  3. Users Password Expires in—Specify the number of days after which users’ passwords expire. The default value is 90.
  4. User Lockout Duration—Specify the number of minutes a user must wait before attempting to log in again after reaching the User Max Failed Logins Before Lockout value. The default value is 30.
  5. User Max Failed Logins Before Lockout—Specify the number of failed login attempts allowed before the ISR locks a user out.
  6. Show Forgotten Password Page?—Specify whether or not a user can view a Forgotten Password Page. The default value is no.
  7. Allow HTTP Cache of Recording files?—Specify whether the ISR includes the following HTTP header, Cache-Control: max-age=0, no-cache, no-store, in response to recording playback requests. When set to Yes, the ISR does not include the header. When set to No, the ISR does include the header.
  8. Internal API Authorization Type—Select token to enforce authorized communication between the RSS components. Select none to disable authorization for RSS component communications. The default is token.
  9. Internal API Authorization Session Expires in—Set the number of seconds before the authorization token expires and a new one is created. The default value is 3600 seconds.
  10. Click Update.