Adding a New Template

You can create a special formatting template by performing the following procedure on the Dashboard:
  1. In the Admin tab, click Template Definitions.
  2. Click on the provided "verint" template for an example and return to "Template Definitions" when ready.
  3. Click Create.This screenshot shows the Template Definitions page.
  4. Assign a Name.


    While editing an existing template, the Name field is disabled. In the case that the same body exists for the template, the following error is displayed:
    Template with same body and name already exists in the system, for following
  5. In the Body field, enter any required special formatting characters and the %-surrounded ISR fields represented in "Field Parameters".
  6. Click Create.


You may download segment metadata in the new special format using the example provided in "Common FACE Commands" in the Oracle Communications Interactive Session Recorder API Guide.