Description of Components

The components of the ISR consist of the following:

  • RSS - Record Store Server
  • CIS - Control Index Server

Each of these components are described in the following paragraphs.

Record Store Server (RSS)

The RSS consists of the following components:

  • Call Manager - Using call state, channel and route information Call Manager handles account and platform-related call decisions.
  • SIP Agent - Processor for SIP-related events.
  • Channel Map - State storage and reference for active call information and available channels.
  • Local Route Cache - Binary tree store of route-based information for call and recording decisions. Initializes reflecting the dashboard-driven route_config database table with periodic (configurable) updates mirroring changes in the table.
  • Call Stats Updater - Processes call metrics and refreshes call and recording tables with call statistics.
  • RTP Port Manager - Returns available RTP ports and maintains port status for SIP Agent.
  • Event Queue - Prioritizes and stores call and other events
  • Cache Manager - Local audio store which makes available audio content such as busy messages and beeps during recording.
  • Mixer Channel - RTP support for sending, receiving, buffering, transcoding and mixing audio which contains the following:

    RTP I/O - RTP input and output stream handling.

    Audio Mixer - Audio stream processing for injecting platform or route-specific audio.

    Recorder Thread - Manages audio and file stream processing.

  • RSS API - offers ISR remote call and recording services along with resources for route and channel references in ISR database.
  • RSS API Servlet - Service handles ISR XML-RPC API requests.
  • REST API - REST resource for ISR API commands.
  • Archiver
  • SIPREC - Used to interact between a Session Recording Client (SRC) and a Session Recording Server (SRS).

    Codec Negotiator - Responsible for generating supported Codec list for SDP offers and answers to offers.

    SIPREC Processor - This component is responsible for processing SIPREC requests. When the SIP Proxy receives a SIPREC call, judging by multipart bodies, it passes call context and SIPREC Metadata to SIPREC process. The SIPREC Processor then parses the Metadata of the Recording Session (RS) into a structured data object. The SIPREC Processor, in turn, passes the call context back to SIP Proxy with flag set for detailed instructions on SIP signaling. Note: Final SIP action for SIPREC from SIP Proxy, afterward, is also affected by Call Manager.

Control Index Server (CIS)

The CIS consists of the following components:
  • ISR Index
  • ISR User Dashboard
  • ISR Monitor