
The text contained in the Template body is returned as is, unless it is surrounded by percent symbols (%). When FACE is using a template and comes across a % character, if the next character is also a %, a single % is inserted in the response. Otherwise, it searches for a second % and tries to find a matching Field Parameter for the text between the %s (exclusive). If found, the segment's appropriate value for the Field Parameter Name is inserted in the response. If no default Field Parameter match is found, the Custom Data for the recording is checked, whereupon the value of a matching Custom Data field is appended to the response. In the event that no value can be determined for the given Field Parameter (in both the default list and among the Custom Data), an empty string is inserted in the formatted text returned to the client. If no closing % is found after an opening %, an error code/response is returned, indicating that the template is improperly formatted. Text between and after field parameters (delineated by %) is appended to the response as is.