Managing Accounts

Use the Accounts link on Admin page of the ISR Dashboard to manage accounts in the ISR network.

The Accounts page in the ISR Dashboard allows you to add new Account(s) and configure account parameters. This function also allows you to view, edit, and delete existing Accounts on the ISR.

For each account, you can configure account branding and configure route defaults. You can configure multiple accounts (supports multi-tenancy) if required, and assign specific users or edit user parameters for each account.


A default System Account exists under the Accounts page and should not be renamed or deleted. This account includes all users and routes configured on the ISR. Users assigned as Super Users and Account Administrators can edit the System Account. For more information about users, see Chapter 6, Managing Users.

You can also use other applications (i.e., Microsoft® Excel, Notepad®) to specify the parameters for an account, and then import the contents of the file into the ISR Dashboard.

Select Accounts from the Admin page to manage Accounts.

Accounts Page

This screenshot shows the accounts page.

The following table describes the information displayed on the Accounts page.

Column Description
Account Name Name of the account.
Description Description of the account.
Number of Routes Number of routes configured for the account.
Recorder State Identifies whether or not recording is enabled or disabled on the account.
Sessions Capacity Total number of available sessions currently allowed for this account.
The following table describes the buttons on the Accounts page.
Button Description
Create Create an Account.
Edit Edit an Account. This button is only enabled when an Account row is selected.
Delete Delete an Account. This button is only enabled when an Account row is enabled.

Adding an Account

You can add an account(s) using the ISR Dashboard. After adding an account, the settings are applied as the default settings for all routes under that account.


You can create an account using any application that can save to a comma separated value (CSV) file (i.e., Microsoft® Excel, Notepad®, etc.). Using the ISR Dashboard, you can then import the account information from the file (<filename>.csv) to the ISR database.

For more information about importing account information into the ISR database, see Importing an Account CSV File.

Only a Super User and Account Administrator can add new accounts.

To add an account:

  1. After logging into the ISR Dashboard, click Admin in the main menu (or Edit System Configurations on the Home page).
  2. Click Accounts. The Accounts page displays.
  3. Click Create. The following dialog box displays.
    This screenshot shows the Create Account page.
  4. Account Name—Enter an account name for this account.
  5. Description—Enter a description for this account.
  6. Recording is—Select whether or not to enable recordings on this account. Valid values are:
    • Enabled (default)

    • Disabled

  7. Segmentation State—Select whether or not to enable recording segmentation via FACE API requests or reINVITE.
  8. Sessions Capacity—Enter the maximum number of call recording sessions simultaneously available for routes to use on this account. When the maximum session capacity is reached across all routes on the account, a recording may indicate to the caller that all lines are busy and to call back at another time. Valid values are:
    • 1 to 999999999 (must indicate total number of licensed sessions)

    • -1 indicates no limit (default)

    • After you create an account, you can also set the number of additional ports available for routes to use (Additional Burst Ports) after the maximum number of ports have been used up. For more information about setting Additional Burst Ports, see Account Route Defaults.

    • The Session Limit for New Account data and the Additional Burst Session data are shown separately in Recording Usage Reports and are subject to your licensing agreement.

  9. Click Create to create the new account. The Edit Account page displays.

Configuring/Editing Details for an Account

Super Users and Account Administrators can configure or edit the details for any of the accounts on the Accounts page. Tenant Administrators can configure or edit the details for their own accounts only.

After selecting an account on the Accounts page, you can click Edit and make changes to the following:

  • Account Configurations
  • Archival Configurations
  • Dashboard Configurations
  • LDAP Configurations
  • Permissions
  • Route Defaults
  • Routes
  • Users
  • Video Configurations

Edit Account Configurations

You can edit the general information for an account when required.

To edit the Account Configurations:

  1. On the Admin page, click Accounts. The Accounts page displays.
  2. Select an account from the list and click Details. The following page displays.
    This screenshot shows the Edit Accounts page.
  3. Account Name—Edit the account name.
  4. Description—Edit the description for this account.
  5. Recording is—Select whether or not to enable recordings on this account. Valid values are:
    • Enabled (default)

    • Disabled

  6. Segmentation State—Select whether or not to enable recording segmentation via FACE API requests or reINVITEs.
  7. Session Capacity—Edit the maximum number of call recording sessions simultaneously available for routes to use on this account. When the maximum session capacity is reached across all routes on the account, a recording may indicate to the caller that all lines are busy and to call back at another time. Valid values are:
    • 1 to 999999999 (must indicate total number of licensed sessions)

    • -1 indicates no limit (default)

    • The maximum session limits for an Account are subject to your licensing agreement.

    • After you create an account, you can set the Additional Burst Sessions available for routes to use after the maximum number of sessions have been used up. For more information about setting Additional Burst Ports, see Route Capacity Defaults.

    • The maximum session limit and the available burst session data is included in the Usage and Billing Reports. For more information about generating reports, see Managing Reports.

  8. Click Update to save the changes to the account.

Archival Configurations

You may define an archival strategy for each account, using the Account's Archival Configuration page.

To add an Account-specific Archival destination:

  1. On the Admin page, click Accounts.
  2. Select an account from the Accounts page and click Edit.
  3. Click Archival Configurations and click Enable Archival by Account to expand the archival information.
    This screenshot shows the Archival Configurations train stop.


    Archival by account is enabled only when there is a default archiver created.
  4. In the Name field, enter the name of the Account for which archival is being configured. By default, this field is filled with the name of the Account in which you are working.
  5. In the Remote Access URL field, enter the URL in which the recordings are archived. Note that locations created automatically by the addition of a valid RSS configure the URL and serve recordings from it. If you add custom locations, you must configure them to be served by a web server and then set this URL if you want them to be playable via the Dashboard or APIs.
  6. In the Access Type field, select one of the following:
    • Local - Local disk
    • Mount - NFS Mount shared directory
    • SFTP - SFTP server
    • SFTP Port - Specify the port number. Valid values are 0 - 65535. The port must be enabled in the specified host.


    "Local" access in Archival by Account is deprecated and Oracle recommends the "Mount" access type in this scenario.
  7. Click Local/Mount Configurations and in the Local Recordings Directory field, specify the directory of the Account's Archival destination Location. When Access Type is set to SFTP, the Archiver attempts to move the Account's recordings to the SFTP user "home" path on the SFTP server.
  8. Click Advanced Configurations. The Checksum field enables the MD5 Hash for Recordings feature.
  9. Click Create.
  10. Click Update.
    For more information on configuring Archival by Account, see "Managing Sites".


    Archival for recordings on the enabled Accounts begins immediately after configuration. To avoid errors, confirm that the Local directory path, NFS share, or SFTP server is valid and accessible with your configuration. Note that for NFS shares, they must be mounted to each host that needs to access them, typically each RSS.
Configuring MD5 Checksum Validation
The ISR may use MD5 Hashing to validate files are moved in their entirety.
  1. On the Admin page, click Accounts.
  2. Select an account from the Accounts page and click Edit.
  3. Click Archival Configurations to expand the Archival configuration.
  4. Select the Archival Location entry on which you are enabling checksum validation.
  5. Click Advanced Configurations.
  6. Set the Checksum field to MD5.
  7. Click Update.
    If a checksum violation occurs, the Recording Details page displays displays an error.
  8. Once MD5 Hashing is enabled, you may retrieve the checksum on new recordings. Using an authorized valid token, make a FACE details request. For example:
    $ curl -k -X GET "https://<face_ip>:8443/Face/audioRecording/details?token=<token>&filename=<file_name>
    The following is a truncated sample response:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
Verifying Archival Success

To verify successful Archival for a specific recording.

  1. On the Recordings page, select the Recording you are archiving and click Details.
  2. Click File Location.
    The Archival Status and Archival Remarks fields provide information about the Archival of a specific recording. This screenshot shows the Recording Details' page's File Location section.
Site Archival Configuration with Account Archival Enabled
Recordings that do not belong to an Account with Account Archival configured may still need to be moved to another Location, converted for playback, or deleted after a certain amount of time. This is configured through the Sites Archival page.

To edit Archival:

  1. Select the "Source" Location in the "Update" form. This may be the RSS's "Primary" Location, or another Location specific to your environment.
  2. Select the "Destination" Location, in the "Update" form. This could be the RSS's "Secondary" Location, or another Location specific to your environment.
  3. Click Update.
  4. Confirm, using the Recording Detail page's File Location section, with a recording made on an Account not specifically configured for Archival.
    This screenshot shows the Recordings Details page's File Location section.
Troubleshooting Archival
  1. Access the Recording Details page.
  2. Click the File Location section.
    This screenshot shows the Recording Details page's File Location section.
    The Archival Status and Archival Remark comments provide information about the recording's Archival.


    Only converted and wav formatted recording files will be archived to the destination location if the location type is SFTP.
  3. The Administrator may use the Reset button to resolve a problem in the architecture and attempt Archival again for the recording.


    Invalid permissions of the destination directory for the Archival process user or Archival SFTP client user are a common source of Archival failures. For example, invalid SFTP credentials yield an Archival Remark reason of "Archive is Aborting due to unable to establish SFTP Session for the Location".

Dashboard Configurations

You can customize the ISR Dashboard for each account using the Account page's Dashboard Configurations section.

  1. On the Admin page, click Accounts.
  2. Select an account from the Accounts page and click the Edit button.
  3. Click Dashboard Configurations to expand the branding information.
    This screenshot shows the Accounts' Dashboard Configurations page.
  4. In the Header and Footer Color field, click on color block icon and select the company color to apply to the Header and Footer, as well as all the button names in the ISR Dashboard. Or enter the Company’s color code, in Hex format, in the text box. For example, #F4AB00.
  5. In the Locale field, select the language to use.
  6. Logo—Enter the file name of the Company logo you want to apply to the header of all the screens in the ISR Dashboard. Enter the file URL of the Company logo. If required, you can store the file on the Dashboard host and set the path relative to the /var/www/dashboard/current/public/images directory. For example, images/Company.png.
  7. In the Product Name field, enter the name of the product.
  8. Admin Help—Enter any help information that you want to display when an Administrator clicks the Help icon from any page in the ISR Dashboard. Valid values are text or HTML code. For example:

    For help or support, contact ABC, Inc. via

    The default value for this field is:

    <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> <tr> <td valign="top"> <p ><h4>Technical Support</h4></p> </td></tr> <tr><td><a href="" TARGET="_blank"><b>Premier Support</b></a> is available for this product.</td></tr> <tr><td>For questions and problems that cannot be answered by our <a href="" TARGET="_blank">documentation</a>, please open a service request through the Oracle Support Portal:  <br/><br/> <a href="" TARGET="_blank"></a> <h4>In your service request, please:</h4> <ol> <li>Identify the component on which you believe the problem resides</li> <li>Provide a detailed description of the behavior</li> <li>Attach the appropiate logs: <ul> <li><b>Core Recorder (On RSS Host): ISR.log</b> -- /cxc_common/ISR/ISRLogs/ISR.log</li> <li><b>Routing API (On RSS Host): IsrApi.log </b> -- /cxc_common/ISR/ApiLog/IsrApi.log</li> <li><b>Recording Dashboard (On Dashboard VM Host): production.log</b> -- /var/www/dashboard/current/log/production.log</li> </ul> </li> </ol> </td> </tr> </table>
    This screenshot shows the Support dialog box.


    In the Admin Help and User Help fields, you can resize the text box as required by left-clicking and holding your mouse button on the bottom-right corner of the box, and dragging it to the size you require.
  9. User Help—Enter any help information that you want to display when a User clicks the Help icon from any page in the ISR Dashboard. Valid values are text or HTML code. For example:

    For help or support, contact ABC, Inc. via

    The default message in the ISR is:
    For help, please contact your account administrator.
  10. Max Recording Entries in List View—The maxinum number of recording entries that the Dashboard searches for in the Recordings List View. The default value is 10000.
  11. Max Recording Entries in CSV Download—The maximum number of recording entries that the Dashboard searches for when preparing a CSV file for download. The default value is 10000.
  12. Click Update to save the changes. The color and logo you specify display on the screens in the ISR Dashboard.


The Accounts' Permissions page allows you to configure Account-level playback, deletion, and download recording file permissions through the ISR Dashboard. This screenshot shows the Accounts Permissions page.

Route Defaults

The Accounts Route Defaults page is applied as the default settings for all routes under the selected account. The Route Defaults page allows you to configure the following:
  • Recording Defaults
  • Recording Notes and Scoring Permissions
  • Record and Save Mode Defaults
This screenshot shows the Accounts Route Defaults page.
Route Defaults

The Route Defaults allow you to specify whether or not recording is enabled by default for the routes that are created on the account. You can also specify the Route mode to use for the recording, the percent of recordings allowed, and the recording format.

To configure recording defaults:

  1. On the Admin page, click Accounts.
  2. Select an account from the Accounts page and click the Edit button.
  3. Click Route Defaults to expand the route default information.
  4. Click Recording Defaults to expand the recording default information.
  5. Route Mode—Select the type of recording you want this account to perform by default. Valid values are:
    • Standard (SIPREC)—ISR records as the Session Recording Server (SRS) in a SIPREC architecture.
    • Record and Save—The ISR records calls and only saves them if the Record and Save on DTMF key (see Record and Save Mode Defaults) is pressed by one of the parties on the call. If no key is pressed, the recording is automatically discarded. When you select this option, the Percent to Record, Route Can Record, and Default Recording State parameters become grayed-out.

  6. Recording is—Select whether or not calls on this route are recorded. Valid values are:
    • Yes (default) - Recording is enabled for all calls on this route.

    • No - Recording is disabled for all calls on this route.

  7. Percent to Record—Specify a value for the percentage of calls to record on this route. Default is 25. Valid values are:
    • 0 to 100


    When a session is not recorded based on this value, the ISR replies to unrecorded INVITEs with a 412 response code, logs the rejected session, and adds the rejected session to the call statistics table.
    When this value is set to 0, the ISR remains connected and available for ad-hoc API recording for all sessions. When you set this value to 0 and update your ISR, the ISR Dashboard provides the following message:
    Percent To Record has been set to 0%. Each session is accepted and remains active for ad-hoc recording. To reject sessions due to percentage-based recording, the value must be greater than 0%. 
  8. Always Record As Raw RTP—Select Yes when multiple transmission codecs are present in a session. If set to No with multiple transmission codecs present in a session, the ISR does not record the call properly.
  9. Codec profile Name—Specify the associated codec profile you want to assign to this account.
  10. Record DTMF—Select whether routes for this account record DTMF digit presses by default. The default value is Use System Account's Setting.
Recording Notes and Scoring Permissions

Recordings in the ISR Administrator Dashboard have specific metadata information that is stored with the actual recording. Some of this information includes Agent ID, rating, notes, and whether or not the recording was completed. For more information about recordings, see Managing Recordings.

You specify whether or not routes created for the account allow users, by default, to edit recording information by setting the Recording Notes and Scoring Permissions parameters.

To set recording editing permissions:

  1. Allow Editing of Agent ID?—Select whether or not you want users for this route to edit the Agent ID for a recording. Valid values are:
    • Yes - Allow editing of Agent ID for a recording.

    • No (default) - Prevent editing of Agent ID for a recording.

  2. Allow Editing of Rating?—Select whether or not you want users for this route to edit the Rating assigned to a recording. Valid values are:
    • Yes - Allow editing of rating for a recording.

    • No (default) - Prevent editing of rating for a recording.

  3. Allow Editing of Completed Transaction?—Select whether or not you want users for this route to be able to indicate that a recording represents a complete transaction. Valid values are:
    • Yes - Allow editing of completed transaction information for a recording.

    • No (default) - Prevent editing of completed transaction information for a recording.

  4. Allow Editing of Notes?—Select whether or not you want users for this route to edit the Notes specified for a recording. Valid values are:
    • Yes - Allows editing of notes specified for a recording.

    • No (default) - Prevent editing of notes specified for a recording.

Record and Save Mode Defaults

When the Route Mode is set to Record and Save (see Recording Defaults), you can set the DTMF key that indicates the recording is to be saved. If any other key is pressed, or no key press is received, the recording is discarded.


The Route Mode parameter MUST be set to Record and Save to enable this Record and Save on DTMF parameter.

To set the record and save mode defaults:

  • Record and Save on DTMF—Select the type of keypress that allows the caller to save their recording from their phone’s keypad. This parameter allows you to assign a specific DTMF key (keypress), that when pressed by the caller, stores the recording at their location. The value dtmf-disableddisables this feature. Valid values are:
    • dtmf-pound # (default)
    • dtmf-star *
    • dtmf-0
    • dtmf-1
    • dtmf-2
    • dtmf-3
    • dtmf-4
    • dtmf-5
    • dtmf-6
    • dtmf-7
    • dtmf-8
    • dtmf-9
    • dtmf-disabled
Sessions Capacity Defaults

The ISR allows you to set the maximum number of sessions available by default for routes created under the current account. When the maximum session capacity is reached across all routes on the account, a recording may indicate to the caller that all lines are busy and to call back at another time.

You can also set the number of additional call recording sessions available by default for routes to use after the maximum number of sessions has been depleted. The additional burst sessions are used ONLY when the maximum session capacity is reached.

  1. Session Capacity—Enter the maximum number of sessions to assign by default to new routes for the account. Default is 24. Valid values are:
    • -1 to 999999999 (must indicate total number of licensed sessions)

    • -1 indicates no limit (default)

    • The maximum session limits for an Account are subject to your licensing agreement.

    • The maximum session limit data is included in the Usage and Billing Reports. For more information about generating reports, see Managing Reports.

  2. Additional Burst Session Capacity—Enter the number of additional call recording sessions to assign by default to routes for the account. These are only used after the maximum number of sessions has been depleted. Default is 6. Valid values are:
    • -1 to 999999999 (must indicate total number of licensed sessions)

    • -1 indicates no limit (default)

    • The additional burst session limits for an Account are subject to your licensing agreement.

    • The additional burst session data is included in the Usage and Billing Reports. For more information about generating reports, see Managing Reports.

  3. Click Update to save the default route parameters. The Edit Account page displays.


The Routes section of the Edit Account page allows you to view all routes associated with this account.This screenshot shows the Accounts Routes page.


The Users section of the Edit Account page allows you to view all users associated with this account.
This screenshot shows the Accounts Users page.


The Account's Video Configurations page allows you to enable or disable video recording for an Account.

  1. On the Admin page, click Accounts.
  2. Select an account from the Accounts page and click Details for that account.
  3. Click Video Configurations.This screenshot shows the Accounts Video Configurations page.
  4. In the Video recording is field, enable or disable video recording. By default, video recording is disabled.
  5. In the Video Access Permissions field, specify whether users are allowed to access video recordings. By default, users are enabled.
  6. Click Update.

LDAP Configurations

The LDAP Configurations section of the Edit Accounts page allows you to configure the ISR system for Dashboard logins using LDAP. The LDAP Configurations page allows you to configure the following:
  • Enable LDAP on the ISR Dashboard
  • The host URL or IP
  • The port number of the LDAP server
  • The TLS certificate file to use for secure LDAP requests.
This screenshot shows the Accounts LDAP Configurations page.

Deleting an Account

You can delete accounts in the ISR Dashboard as required.


The System account is the default account in the Dashboard and cannot be deleted.

To delete an account:

  1. On the Admin page, click Accounts.
  2. Select an account from the Accounts page and click Delete.

    The following message and prompt displays.

    “Deleting this account will delete all recordings, routes, and user types associated with it!

    Are you sure you want to delete this account?”

  3. Click Continue to continue and delete the account and all associated recordings, routes, and user types or click Cancel to cancel the delete function.


    Once you delete an account, it cannot 
be recovered. All routes, users, and recordings 
associated with the account are lost.

Importing an Account CSV File

You can define accounts in a CSV file and import the data from the file into the ISR database.


Ensure the values provided in the CSV file match the values in the table provided or the ISR displays an error message.

To import account information from a CSV file:

  1. Using any application that can save to a CSV file, create a file that contains the parameters required for creating an account.
    • Boolean (yes/no) values must be entered using 0 (yes or enabled) and/or 1 (false or disabled).

    • The ISR does not ignore any leading and/or trailing spaces, so ensure your CSV file does not have any.

      The following table provides the parameters you must enter in the CSV file. Parameters must be entered in the same order presented below.

      Parameter Heading Valid Values
      account_name text
      account_description text
      account_misc text
      percent_to_record 0 to 100
      recording_enabled 0 | 1
      recorder_state 0 | 1
      default_recording_type 1 None: Account or System default (default)

      2 WAVE Linear/8bit/8KHz stereo

      3 WAVE Linear/16bit/8KHz stereo

      4 WAVE Linear/8bit/8KHz mono

      5 WAVE Linear/16bit/8KHz mono

      6 WAVE uLaw 8bit/8Khz stereo

      7 WAVE aLaw 8bit/8Khz stereo

      8 WAVE uLaw 8bit/8Khz mono

      9 WAVE aLaw 8bit/8Khz mono

      10 Raw uLaw 8bit/8Khz mono

      11 Raw aLaw 8bit/8Khz mono

      12 Raw PCM 8bit/8KHz mono

      13 WAVE ADPCM 4bit/8KHz mono

      14 WAVE ADPCM 8bit/8KHz stereo

      agent_id_editable_flag 0 | 1
      rating_editable_flag 0 | 1
      completed_editable_flag 0 | 1
      notes_editable_flag 0 | 1
      application pass_through





      maximum number of ports digits (-1 for no limit)
      number_of_burst_ports digits (-1 for no limit)
      acct_port_limit digits

      Example File with Parameters and Values

      This image shows an example CSV file with parameters and values.
  2. Save the file as a <filename>.csv file (for example, AccountB.csv).
  3. Login to the ISR Dashboard.
  4. Click Admin.
  5. Click Accounts. The Accounts page displays.
    This screenshot shows the Accounts page.
  6. Click Import.
  7. Click Choose File and navigate to the CSV file you are importing, select the file and click Open to populate the field.
  8. Click Import to upload the account CSV file to the ISR database.


    The new accounts are added to your Accounts page and display the values that correspond to the values you specified in the CSV file.

    The dashboard also provides guidelines for creating your file and a working sample. Click on Guidelines to display the parameter names you can use in a CSV file when creating an account.

    Click on Sample File, and then click on accounts.csv to download an example of an accounts CSV file you can use as a guideline.