
This guide contains the procedures and information you need to install Access Service Request (ASR) 64 on MetaSolv Solution 6.3.1.

For future service packs, refer to the respective ASR release notes document for the minimum required version of MetaSolv Solution. You should always install different ASR versions in sequence, starting with the earlier ASR version. For example, install or apply the service pack for ASR 62 before ASR 63, ASR 63 before ASR 64, and so on.

This guide includes some information on third-party software products used by MetaSolv Solution. However, this is limited to information needed to install and perform initial configuration tasks. If you need additional information on a third-party software application, consult the documentation provided by the product's manufacturer.


This guide is for individuals responsible for installing or maintaining MetaSolv Solution and ensuring the software is operating as required. This guide assumes that you have a working knowledge of Oracle Database, Windows, and UNIX, if required.

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