Access with Patch Number

This procedure describes how to access the Network Analytics Suite specific documents on MOS with the patch number of the release.

  1. Log in to MOS using the appropriate credentials.
  2. Click the Patches & Updates tab.
  3. In the Patch Search console, the Number/Name or Bug Number (Simple) option remains selected by default.

    Figure 2-1 Search with Patch Number

    Search with Patch Number
  4. Select Patch Name or Number from the drop-down list and enter the patch number in the corresponding input field.
  5. Click Search.

    The Patch Simple Search Results window lists the patch.

  6. Select the patch to view the details.

    The Patch Details window appears.

  7. Click Download.

    The File Download window appears.

    Figure 2-2 File Download

    File Download
  8. Click the <p********_<release_number>_Tekelec>.zip file.
  9. Extract the release package zip file to download the network function patch to the system where network function must be installed.