Error Messages

Here are some common types of errors and possible workarounds:

Type of Error Description Resolution
Validation errors A required parameter is missing, a value isn't supported, a value is in an invalid format, or an unexpected parameter was provided.

Fix the invalid data and resubmit the request.

The method descriptions in this document or Swagger indicate which parameters are required for each method. The error message guides you to the parameter where the error occurred.

Resource not found errors A resource ID you provided, such as an account ID, doesn't match anything in the database.

Confirm your resource IDs and resubmit the request.

For example, if you try to update a node with a specific ID, but accidentally enter the wrong ID, you get a 404 error in the response stating that the node could not be found. Before resubmitting the request, you can use a GET request to confirm the entered node ID is the one you intended to use.

Connection errors A generic system or connection error occurred.

Check the server connection and then resubmit the request.