3 Oracle SD-WAN Aware on Amazon Web Services

The following sections contain procedures for creating and preparing an Amazon Virtual Machine and EC2 instance for a Cloud Aware installation.

Before You Begin

Before you continue, take some time to consider how a Cloud Aware Instance will fit into your current network architecture.

  • What CIDR block do you plan to use for your VPC and its subnets?
  • Do you plan to use existing subnets or create new ones for your VPC and Cloud Aware interfaces?
  • Have you determined how much storage you will need for your Cloud Aware instance based on your Talari WAN?
  • How do you plan to configure Security Groups for your Cloud Aware instance?
  • Have you already created an AWS Key Pair?

Create an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud


If a pre-existing VPC is available with connectivity to your private network, we recommend installing Cloud Aware within that VPC to simplify the deployment procedure. If you need to create a new VPC, continue with this procedure.
  1. Log into Amazon Web Services (AWS).
  2. From the main AWS Management Console click on the VPC link.
  3. From the VPC Dashboard, click on the Your VPCs link and then click the Create VPC button to create a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).

    Figure 3-1 Create a VPC

  4. Enter a Name tag to identify your VPC.

    Figure 3-2 Enter a Name and CIDR block

  5. Enter your pre-defined VPC CIDR block. Click Yes, Create to continue.
  6. If you do not already have an existing Internet Gateway to use in AWS, from the VPC Dashboard, click the Internet Gateway Link and then click the Create Internet Gateway button.

    Figure 3-3 Create Internet Gateway

  7. Enter a Name tag for your Internet Gateway and click the Yes, Create button.

    Figure 3-4 Name Internet Gateway

  8. Select the Internet Gateway you just created and click the Attach to VPC button.

    Figure 3-5 Attach Internet Gateway to VPC

  9. Choose the Internet Gateway you created from the drop-down menu and click the Yes, Attach button to attach it to your VPC.

    Figure 3-6 Choose VPC to Attach to Internet Gateway

  10. If you have not defined subnets to use with your VPC, click the Subnets link on the VPC Dashboard, and then click Create Subnet to create subnets (e.g., WAN, LAN, MGT) as your network requires. Cloud Aware only requires access to a management subnet.

    Figure 3-7 Create Subnet

  11. Enter a Name tag to easily identify the subnet you are creating. Choose your new VPC from the drop-down menu. Enter the CIDR block you want to define for the subnet. (e.g., WAN, LAN, and MGT). Click the Yes, Create button to continue.
  12. Create as many subnets as your network requires.

    Figure 3-8 Insert Name, Choose VPC, and Enter CIDR block

  13. If you have not defined route tables to use with your VPC, click the Route Tables link on the VPC Dashboard, and then click Create Route Table to create route tables for your subnets (e.g., WAN, LAN, and MGT) for your Cloud Aware instance.

    Figure 3-9 Create Route Table

  14. Enter a Name tag to easily identify the route table you are creating. Choose your new VPC from the drop-down menu. Click the Yes, Create button to continue.

    Figure 3-10 Enter Name and Choose VPC for Route Table

  15. Create a route table for each subnet.
  16. Select the route table you plan to use for Cloud Aware. Click on the Subnet Associations tab and click the checkbox next to the management subnet to associate with this route table. Click Save.

    Figure 3-11 Associate Route Table with Subnet

  17. Associate each route table with the appropriate subnet.
  18. Select the route table you plan to use for Cloud Aware. Click on the Routes tab. Click the Edit button, and then click the Add another route button.

    Figure 3-12 Add Routes

  19. Enter in the Destination field and enter the Internet Gateway in the Target field. Click Save to continue.


    When you click in the Target field, a list of available Internet Gateways that you can choose from should appear. If said list does not appear, you can find the name of your Internet Gateway by clicking on the Internet Gateways link on the VPC Dashboard and selecting the Internet Gateway. The name appears on the Summary tab.
  20. Repeat for each route table that you created.


    Adding the destination may only be necessary for the MGT and WAN route tables.

Create an Amazon EC2 Instance for Cloud Aware

  1. Click EC2 to open the EC2 Dashboard.
  2. Click the Launch Instance button.

    Figure 3-13 Launch Instance

  3. Click on My AMIs and Select the Cloud Aware version you would like to install.
  4. Choose an EC2 Instance Type. Consult the following table to determine what Instance Type is sized appropriately for your Talari WAN.

    Talari WAN Scale

    Amazon EC2 Instance

    Max # of Client Sites

    Average # of WAN Links per Site

    Average # of Network ServicesFoot 1 per Site

    Instance Type

    Storage Volume Type

    Storage Size for up to One Year of Data





    General Purpose

    1.5 TB





    General Purpose

    2.6 TB





    General Purpose

    9.6 TB





    General Purpose

    2.0 TB





    General Purpose

    4.1 TB





    General Purpose

    18.0 TB





    General Purpose

    3.0 TB





    General Purpose

    7.2 TB





    General Purpose

    35.0 TB

    Footnote 1

    Static Conduit Service, Dynamic Conduit Service, Intranet Service, Internet Service

  5. Click Next: Configure Instance Details.

    Figure 3-14 Configure Instance Details

  6. Choose the previously created VPC from the Network drop-down menu.

    Figure 3-15 Create Instance on VPC

  7. Choose the management Subnet you previously created from the drop-down menu that will allow you to access your Cloud Aware. Click Next: Add Storage to continue.
  8. Under the Network Interfaces section, you may choose to specify a Primary IP for the default interface (eth0); otherwise, the IP address is automatically assigned from the subnet.
  9. On the Add Storage screen click Add New Volume and enter the Size of the volume to store your Oracle SD-WAN Aware database. Consult the Amazon Web Services Requirements section on page 4 for details on how to size this device. Click Next: Tag Instance to continue.

    Figure 3-16 Add Storage to Instance

  10. On the Tag Instance screen, enter a Key (i.e., a Name) and a Value (i.e., a specific identifier for the Instance such as "Oracle SD-WAN Aware 2.0") to make it easy to identify your Cloud Aware EC2 instance. Click Next: Configure Security Group to continue.

    Figure 3-17 Tag the Instance

  11. On the Configure Security Group page, click the radio button next to Create a new security group to follow the process for creating a new security group, or click the radio button next to Select an existing security group to choose from the groups already configured. Click Review and Launch to continue.


    To use Oracle SD-WAN Aware on AWS, at a minimum, SSH, HTTP, and HTTPS should be configured with a Source of Anywhere or a custom IP range. Network administrators may choose to adjust the security settings to best fit their existing network architecture and security policies.

    Figure 3-18 Configure Security Groups

  12. The Review Instance Launch screen summarizes the settings you configured for your Cloud Aware EC2 instance including any possible security issues and Amazon warnings. Once you have reviewed the information presented on this page, click Launch to create and initialize the EC2 instance.

    Figure 3-19 Review Instance Before Launch

  13. On the Key Pair window, you may Choose an existing key pair or create a new one. Click Launch Instances to start your Oracle SD-WAN Aware EC2 Instance.

    Figure 3-20 Choose or Create a Key Pair

  14. When the Instance State is running and the Status Checks are passed, make note of the Private IP of your Oracle SD-WAN Aware Instance, which can be found on the Description tab.

    Figure 3-21 Launch New Cloud Oracle SD-WAN Aware Instance

  15. From the EC2 Dashboard, select the Network Interfaces link and locate the default interface that was created for the Oracle SD-WAN Aware Instance. This will be used as the management interface. Highlight the interface and edit the Name tag to make it easy to identify.
  16. From the EC2 Dashboard, select the Elastic IPs link and then click the Allocate New Address button to allocate an Elastic IP that will be reachable from outside the VPC.
  17. Highlight the Elastic IP and click Associate Address from the Actions drop-down. Enter the Network Interface and Private IP of the Oracle SD-WAN Aware Instance and click Associate.
  18. You can now use the Elastic IP to connect to Oracle SD-WAN Aware via a web browser. Default login credentials are: Username: talariuser, Password: talari-<instance-id> (e.g., talari-i-726a09ff).

Connect Cloud Oracle SD-WAN Aware to Your WAN

There are a few options for connecting Cloud Aware to your existing Talari WAN.

  • Option 1: Connect Cloud Aware via VPC
    1. A Virtual Private Gateway may be used to establish a VPN Connection between the VPC and your private network. Please consult AWS documentation for configuration details.
    2. Once the Virtual Private Gateway is operational, add a route to the VPC’s route table that directs traffic destined for your private network to the Virtual Private Gateway.
  • Option 2: Connect Cloud Aware via Talari Conduit
    1. If you deployed a Talari Virtual Appliance CT800 within a VPC and connected it to your Talari WAN, Cloud Aware can access the rest of the Talari WAN through its secure Talari Conduit.
    2. Add a route to the VPC’s route table that directs traffic destined for your private network to the LAN-side Network Interface of the CT800 instance
  • Option 3: Create an AWS Direct Connection

    AWS Direct Connect can be used to establish a private connection between the VPC and your private network. Please consult AWS documentation for configuration details (https://aws.amazon.com/directconnect/).

Completing the Connection Between Cloud Aware and Your Talari WAN

Once a connection has been established between the VPC and your private network, do the following:

  1. Log in to the Oracle SD-WAN Aware web console with the username talariuser and password <AWS-ID>.
  2. From the Oracle SD-WAN Aware web console, go to Manage, then Storage, then click the Active radio button next to the storage partition you created, and click Apply.


  3. The Delete All Existing Files warning dialog will appear. Click Switch.


  4. The Switch Active Storage System dialog will appear. Click Switch.


  5. Oracle SD-WAN Aware will be placed into Maintenance Mode. A progress bar will appear. When the progress bar completes, click Continue.
  6. From the Oracle SD-WAN Aware web console, go to Manage, then APN Discovery and click the Download Certificate button to download an SSL certificate to your workstation.
  7. From the Network Control Node (NCN) web console, got to Manage Network, then APN Aware Certificates to upload and install the SSL certificate on the NCN.
  8. From the Oracle SD-WAN Aware web console, go to Manage à APN Discovery and enter the NCN MGT IP Address, then click the Discover button to discover the Talari Appliances in your Talari WAN.
  9. Oracle SD-WAN Aware can now manage and monitor the Talari Appliances on your Talari WAN.