3 New Features

The 8.2. release supports the following new features and enhancements.

Oracle Standardized Appearance

This version of the product now reflects Oracle's standard for branding and appearance.
  • ID: 19315

Oracle Enterprise Linux Support

This version of the product now relies upon Oracle Enterprise Linux. No user interaction is required.
  • ID: 19324

Oracle Standardized Versioning

The documentation and products now reflect Oracle's standard 5-digit code for versioning. Use the following table to map from the legacy to the current numbering scheme:
Digit Place Oracle Definition Legacy Talari Definition
1 Major Major
2 Minor Minor
3 Maintenance Release unused
4 Patch Set Patch
5 Patch Hyperfix

For example, in legacy terms Release 8.1 P2 H1 would now be numbered .

  • ID: 19153