3 8.2M1 Release

The following topics provide descriptions, explanations, and configuration information for the contents of Maintenance Release 8.2M1, also referred to as Unless otherwise stated, requirements and other release information is identical to 8.2 ( GA, noted in the first chapter of this document.

New Features

The 8.2M1 release supports the following new features.

KVM Platform Support

Oracle SD-WAN Edge Virtual Appliances can now be deployed on Linux Kernel Virtual Machine (KVM) as a supported platform.

KVM requires Oracle SD-WAN Edge OS 7.0 and later.

See the new Oracle SD-WAN Edge Virtual Appliance Installation Guide for more information.

HA Support on Virtual Platforms

High Availability (HA) failover is now supported for Oracle SD-WAN Edge Virtual Appliances deployed on Linux KVM and VMWare ESXi platforms.

HA Support on Virtual Platforms requires Oracle SD-WAN Edge OS 7.0 and later.

See the new Oracle SD-WAN Edge High Availability Guide for more information.

OCI Cloud Platform Support

Oracle SD-WAN Edge running as a virtual appliance can now be deployed on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) in order to take advantage of Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) resources.

OCI deployment requires Oracle SD-WAN Edge OS 7.0 and later.

See the new Oracle SD-WAN Edge Virtual Appliance Installation Guide for more information.

Documentation Changes

Coinciding with the Oracle SD-WAN Edge 8.2M1 release, the customer documentation has changed as follows:
  • The legacy Virtual Appliance Requirements and Installation Guide has been added to the Oracle SD-WAN Edge 8.2 documentation set as the Oracle SD-WAN Edge Virtual Appliance Installation Guide.
  • The legacy High Availability Guide has been added to the Oracle SD-WAN Edge 8.2 documentation set as the Oracle SD-WAN Edge High Availability Guide.