Additional Features in 7.1 GA

Increased Maximum Bandwidth on AUX Port

7.1 increases the maximum WAN link bandwidth for interface groups including the AUX port to 500Mbps on the T3010, T5000, and T5200.

Monitor > Statistics Enhancements

7.1 introduces some slight changes to the Monitor > Statistics page in the Web Console:

  • In the Paths (Summary) view, the Congestion column has been removed.
  • In the Classes view, the Conduit Filter field has been replaced with a dropdown menu. Additionally, any entry in the Dropped Packets column with a value greater than 0 will be highlighted.
  • In the ARP view, entries are automatically sorted by reply state.
  • In the WAN Link Usage view, the Usage % column has been added to the “Local WAN Links” and “Usage and Permitted Rates” tables. The Usage % is Kbps/Permitted Kbps.

WANOp Intelligent Cache

7.1 optimizes the performance of WANOp caching for items accessed multiple times, ensuring faster speeds for frequently accessed files.