Define WAN Link Basic Properties (Private MPLS)

Once the Private MPLS WAN Link with its MPLS Queues is defined, users should assign an Autopath Group to the WAN Link under a specific Conduit definition. Go to Connections

[Site Name]WAN Links[MPLS WAN Link Name]Conduits[Conduit Name][Local Site]WAN Links and click Edit (INSERT ALT TEXT). Click the Autopath Group drop-down menu and choose from the available groups. By default, MPLS Queues inherit the Autopath Group assigned to the MPLS WAN Link. You may choose to set the individual MPLS Queues to Inherit the chosen Autopath Group or choose an alternate from the Autopath Group dropdown menu for each MPLS Queue. Figure 3 illustrates this process.

INSERT ALT TEXT Figure 3: Conduit WAN Link Autopath Group Drop-Down Menu


If there is not a one-to-one mapping, based on DSCP tag, between queues at the local site and the remote site, users must map MPLS Queues to specific Autopath Groups. Inheriting an Autopath Group from the MPLS WAN Link will only automatically generate paths between queues with matching DSCP tags.