Double Event Triggers

In previous releases, the appliance would send a notification immediately after an event occurred under any circumstances. To enhance this capability and reduce the number of event notifications that users receive, a double event trigger capability has now been added to the appliance. This allows certain event emails to only be sent when they persist over a user-defined period of time. For example, a conduit is dead - and is dead for a certain period of time. Once the pre-defined time limit is reached and the conduit is still dead, the event notification would be sent to the defined email address. This will reduce the number of emails sent when a conduit goes down and comes back up immediately. Typically, path state change events generate more state changes which result in more email notifications. The double event trigger capability reduces the number of notifications dramatically while still allowing the user the ability to monitor any path state changes. This capability is disabled by default. The user has the following options when configuring this capability:

Supports Event Types: Timeframe in seconds:











To configure this capability, log in to the web console of the appliance and proceed to

Integrate -> Configure Events and Alerts. Scroll down to the “General Event Configuration” section and look for the section labeled “Alert if State Persists.” By default, the user will see the behavior set to “Alert Immediately”, this pull-down supports the timeframe options shown above. Once all options are configured select the “Apply Settings” to complete any changes.