QoS Reports

In prior release of Edge, the user did not have insight into the application classes that traverse a specific conduit, WAN link or path. There were only generic counters that could be used which displayed traffic on a per class basis. This data was provided as counters for total traffic only. In the Edge release 2.3, the appliance now provides class statistics based one of the following options: WAN link, Conduit, Path, and Site. The Report will look like the following: INSERT ALT TEXT

From the above screen capture we can see the different classes of traffic on the path

“PPCBL→Colo-L3. From the screen capture we can see the applications classified as Realtime (blue), Interactive (green) and Bulk (red). Traditionally, Realtime is VoIP or time sensitive traffic, Interactive is http/https/telnet and Bulk is any type of file transfer application (ftp). From this report the user can determine which traffic class was using what portion of the bandwidth on a conduit or WAN link. To view this report log in into the web console of the appliance and proceed to Monitor -> QoS Reports. Insight into this type of data allows the network administrator to plan accordingly for WAN link and bandwidth usage, and potential WAN link expansion.