Improved Site WAN Link Provisioning

An Overview of Provisioning

Provisioning allows for the automatic bidirectional (Ingress/Egress) distribution of bandwidth for a

WAN link among the various services associated with that WAN link. Using the Oracle SD-WAN Edge

Configuration Editor, the user can enter the values in the text fields and directly into the cells of the table like a spreadsheet. The Provisioning page is shown below in Figure 18. There are three steps to Provisioning that provide for this bandwidth distribution in a simple and effective way:

  1. WAN Link Rates (Setting the WAN link physical and permitted rates)
  2. Provisioning Groups (Create and edit groups of shares of bandwidth)
  3. Services (View and edit services for groups or individual site WAN links)

With Oracle SD-WAN Edge Release 2.4, we introduce the concept of Fair Shares to the provisioning process. Shares are used to distribute the permitted bandwidth between the provisioning groups. The bandwidth calculated is based on the shares allocated for a particular group, divided by the total shares for all groups. A separate pool of shares is used for both Ingress and Egress traffic.

This area allows the user to set both the WAN link

Image showing WAN link configuration.