Monitor Plan Progress

The Monitor Plan Progress page allows you to monitor the status of the selective software update plan.


  • Update Plan: Allows you to upload Oracle software (.tar.gz) for the SD-WAN Controller and all SD-WAN Edge models in the network. You can also create or modify the schedule for a selective software update plan. Selecting this will stop any running plan.
  • Stop Plan: Stops the currently running plan.
  • Resume Plan: Resumes the stopped plan.

Selective Software Status Table

Site-Appliance: 'Site name'-'Appliance name'

Model: device model

State selective update plan status:

  • Stopped: software update is stopped
  • Pending: software update is pending
  • In Progress: software update is currently in progress
  • Finished: software update has successfully completed
  • Cancelled: software update was cancelled
  • Failed: software update has failed

Current Active Software: currently running software

Current Active Config: date of running configuration

Target Software: software targeted for the update

Target Update Time: planned date and time for the software update