Private Cloud Path Enhancement

In certain cases, service providers have a private cloud which is separate from the public Internet. Within their environment they use PAT (Port Address Translation) to forward user traffic from their private cloud to the Internet. In these cases, the service provider will have a limited number of public IP address for NATing. When deployed for an enterprise customer, if they select one of these providers for multiple client sites, there is the possibility that multiple Client WAN links could be PATed/NATed to the same public IP address. Prior to 7.2, Talari would validate/learn a path based on the source IP address of the received frame (at the NCN for example). The end result is that the first site brought online would function as expected, with a Path in the GOOD state. However, at the second Client site using the same public IP address, the Path would be in the DEAD state. To resolve this issue, 7.2 has been enhanced to use the source IP address and source port for path learning validation. With this enhancement Talari has expanded its ability to interoperate with multiple additional Service Provider WAN environments.


Conduits between Client sites with the same shared public IP are not supported at this time.

All WAN links which may reside behind the same public IP must have Autodetect Public IP enabled in the configuration under Sites > [Site Name] > WAN Links > [WAN Link] > Settings > Basic Settings, as shown below:

Image showing basic settings

Remote sites other than the NCN will not be able to bring up paths to a client using a shared public IP unless UDP Hole Punching is enabled in the configuration under Connections > [Site Name] > Conduits > [Conduit] > Local Site > WAN Links at the client sites which share the public IP, as shown below:

Image showing WAN links