SD-WAN Edge Configuration

The SD-WAN Edge has a set of tools that can be used to reliably deliver application services over a combination of networks. In order for these tools to work optimally and deliver the expected results, it is important to understand the applications that will be used, to have a well-designed network, and to apply the tools in the right situation.

Configuration Package

The Configuration Package is an archive that contains the SD-WAN Edge Configuration file and meta data about the SD-WAN Edge Configuration. This includes the network maps that are constructed using the Configuration.

The Configuration Package is used to save and export the configuration file. To apply the changes, Export the Configuration Package to the active SD-WAN Controller - Change Management Inbox, compile the new Configuration and then push the changes to the network.

The actions available from the Configuration Management screen are:
  • Add - Create a new configuration
  • Import - Select a file to import
  • Lock/Unlock
  • Download - Download the configuration to the users local system
  • Publish to SD-WAN Controller
  • Modify - Add a comment or change the name of the configuration
  • Clone - Create a copy of the configuration
  • Delete

New Configuration Package

Allows the user to create a new Configuration Package.


Allows the user to modify the name of an existing configuration.

Import SD-WAN Edge Configuration

You can use Change Management or Local to import a configuration. Import configuration always imports with the name of the configuration being imported. If another configuration file already exists with the same name, the user will be prompted select override option or to change the name of the configuration. If no Configuration Package is open, you must create a new one using the Add button.

Selecting Import will display a dialog that allows for an SD-WAN Edge Configuration or Configuration Package to be imported for editing from external sources:
  • From Change Management displays a list of current and previous Configurations on this SD-WAN Edge from the Change Management archive.
  • From File allows a Configuration to be uploaded from the user's system

Name Conflict

When importing a package or configuration file, if another package with the same name exists, then the imported file will need to be renamed.
  • Package Name: The new name for the imported file.
  • Allow Override: Enable replacing the contents of existing package with the contents of imported file. The contents of the existing package will be lost.

Export Configuration Package

Selecting Export will display a dialog that allows the user to export an open Configuration Package to Change Management.

A dialog will show and it allows for the current Configuration Package to be exported to a Destination:
  • Download File: The Configuration Package will be compressed into an archive and a download will be initiated.

Import Application Preset

This will import a new Oracle defined application signature file into the current open config.

User can import from file or import from signature files saved on the SD-WAN Edge. If importing from file, the file will be saved on the SD-WAN Edge and be used for later import.

When importing the new signature file into current config, there are two modes:
  • Merge: user changes to the Oracle defined applications will stay and new additions from the new signatures will be added to the current config file.
  • Overwrite: user changes to the Oracle defined applications will be lost and the new application signatures will be added to the current config file.

Import Cloud Config

This will import cloud services configuration into the global Cloud Services section of the current configuration. The import file is usually provided by the cloud services provider in JSON format with the .json file extension.

Click Clear at any time to reset the filter and display the entire configuration.


While any named object may be filtered, the tree will only expand to the object types shown in the Type field. For example, you may filter for the Virtual Interface "VLAN1", but only the Site(s) containing matching Virtual Interfaces will be automatically expanded.

Global Actions

A list of options available for changing the settings over the entire configuration.
  • Regenerate All Secure Keys: In the event that all of the secure keys in the configuration need to be changed, this tool will randomly generate new secure keys for all sites in the configuration, instead of requiring a manual change of all keys for each site individually.