3 Performing a Silent Installation of the Order-to-Activate Cartridges

This chapter contains information about installing and deploying the Oracle Communications Order and Service Management (OSM) Order-to-Activate cartridges in an OSM environment without running the interactive installers.

Cartridge Installation Overview

The Order-to-Activate cartridges are installed into Oracle Communications Design Studio and deployed from there onto the OSM server. For the cartridges to work properly, various entities must be created in Oracle WebLogic Server in the server that contains OSM. An Ant script is provided to create these entities.

The general process for installing the OSM Order-to-Activate cartridges is:

Directory Placeholders Used in This Chapter

Table 3-1 contains the placeholders that are used in this chapter.

Table 3-1 Placeholders Used in This Chapter

Placeholder Directory Description


The location where Oracle Fusion Middleware components are installed. This directory contains the base directory for WebLogic Server and the oracle_common directory, among other files and directories.


The directory that contains the configuration for the domain into which OSM is installed. The default is MW_home/user_projects/domains/domain_name (where domain_name is the name of the OSM domain), but it is frequently set to some other directory at installation.


The headlessBuild directory under the directory into which you have extracted the Order-to-Activate software; for example C:\O2A\install\headlessBuild.

System Requirements

To install the Order-to-Activate cartridges successfully, ensure that you have the following software installed on your local Windows system:

  • The supported version of WebLogic Server and Application Development Framework (ADF). (See OSM Installation Guide for more information.)

  • OSM Software Development Kit (SDK) components.

  • Java JDK: Use the version of Java that matches the one being used by the OSM server. See the discussion of software requirements in OSM Installation Guide.

  • Apache Ant version 1.8.4 or later. Ensure that you have installed it properly according to the Ant documentation, including setting or updating the ANT_HOME, Path, and JAVA_HOME environment variables. The JAVA_HOME environment variable should point to a JDK, rather than a JRE.

  • Eclipse with Design Studio plug-ins: See Design Studio Installation Guide for information about installing Design Studio plug-ins. You do not need to run the GUI for this application during the silent installation, but it must present on your system so that the silent installer can access the libraries.

You must also have the following installed, either on your local Windows system or on a remote system:

  • OSM server installed into the supported version of a WebLogic Server domain.

Order-to-Activate Cartridge Compatibility

To install or upgrade the Order-to-Activate cartridges, you must ensure compatibility between the following:

  • The OSM software version and the Order-to-Activate cartridge version. OSM is compatible with all cartridges developed in the same release or a previous release, including Order-to-Activate cartridges. For information about updating Order-to-Activate cartridges from a previous release, see "Updating Prior Versions of the Cartridges to Work with Newer Versions of OSM."

  • The OSM Order-to-Activate cartridge version and the Oracle Application Integration Architecture (Oracle AIA) Order to Cash Integration Pack for OSM version

For Order-to-Activate cartridge compatibility information see Order-to-Activate Cartridge Product Compatibility Matrix (in the OSM Cartridges for Oracle Application Integration Architecture section of the OSM documentation) on the Oracle Help Center website: http://docs.oracle.com/en/industries/communications/order-service-management/index.html

Setting Up the Installation Environment

Before you can perform a silent installation of the Order-to-Activate cartridges, you must set up the installation environment.

Getting the Installation Package

To get the Order-to-Activate installation package:

  1. Go to the Oracle software delivery website:


  2. In the Product field, select Oracle Communications Order and Service Management Cartridge for Provisioning Fulfillment and select your platform.

  3. Download the installer file for the Oracle Communications Order and Service Management Cartridges for Application Integration Architecture.

  4. Unzip the downloaded file into a directory on your Windows system. The OracleComms_OSM_O2A_CartridgesInstaller_byyyymmdd.zip file is created.

  5. Unzip OracleComms_OSM_O2A_CartridgesInstaller_byyyymmdd.zip. The headlessBuild directory containing files needed for the silent installation is created. This directory will be referred to in this chapter as silent_install_dir. The OSM.PIP directory containing the OracleComms_OSM_O2A_Install.zip file, which is also used by the silent installation, is also created.

Setting Up Files and Directories

To set up the files and directories:

  1. Back up and edit the silent_install_dir/build.properties file.

  2. In the file, edit the value of the osm.sdk.home parameter so that it points to your local copy of the OSM SDK.


    Use (forward) slashes in the path, rather than the backward slash usually used in Windows paths.

    You do not need to edit any other properties in the file at this time.

  3. Save and close the file.

  4. Create the silent_install_dir/security directory.

  5. If you are using WebLogic in Production mode and have a WebLogic cluster, you must perform this step. In the domain directory on each computer containing managed servers for your domain, create the following directories for each managed server located on that computer:

    • O2A_SAF_managedServerName

    • O2A_UIM_SAF_managedServerName

    • O2A_TOM_SAF_managedServerName

    For example, if the current computer contains the first two managed servers, which are named osm_ms01 and osm_ms02, you would add the following directories in that domain directory:

    • O2A_SAF_osm_ms01

    • O2A_UIM_SAF_osm_ms01

    • O2A_TOM_SAF_osm_ms01

    • O2A_SAF_osm_ms02

    • O2A_UIM_SAF_osm_ms02

    • O2A_TOM_SAF_osm_ms02

    Then, if managed servers osm_ms03 and osm_ms04 were located on another computer, you would go to the domain directory on that computer and add directories for osm_ms03 and osm_ms04 there.

Encrypting the Passwords Used by the Silent Installer

There are several passwords you will need for the silent installer. For security reasons, these passwords must all be encrypted.

Encrypting the WebLogic Server Administrator Password for Connecting to WebLogic

This password is always needed when running the silent installer. Configure it by running WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST).

To encrypt the WebLogic Server administrator password for connecting to WebLogic:

  1. In a command shell on the Windows system, change to the MW_home/oracle_common/common/bin directory.

  2. Run the wlst.cmd command.

  3. Enter the following command:



    • username is the name of the WebLogic Server user that belongs to the Administrators group

    • password is the clear-text password for that user

    • protocol is t3s if connecting to an SSL port on WebLogic Server, otherwise it is t3.

    • hostname is the IP address or name of the system on which the WebLogic Server domain for OSM is running

    • port is a port on which the administration server is listening

    for example:

  4. Enter the following command:

    storeUserConfig('configFilePath/ConfigFile.secure', 'keyFilePath/KeyFile.secure')


    • configFilePath is the path, formatted for WLST, to store the configuration file. This path can be any directory to which you have write access, but the files will eventually need to be located in the silent_install_dir, so you may want to enter that directory here now.


      For WLST, use a (forward) slash in the path, rather than the backward slashes usually used in Windows paths.

    • keytFilePath is the path, formatted for WLST, to store the key file. This path can be any directory to which you have write access, but the files will eventually need to be located in the silent_install_dir, so you may want to enter that directory here now.

    for example:

    storeUserConfig('C:/O2A/install/headlessBuild/ConfigFile.secure', 'C:/O2A/install/headlessBuild/KeyFile.secure')
  5. Exit WLST using the following command:

  6. If you saved the files to a different location than silent_install_dir, copy the files to the silent_install_dir directory now.

Encrypting the WebLogic Server Administrator Password for Use with XML Import/Export

This password is always needed when running the silent installer. Configure it by running Ant.

To encrypt the WebLogic Server administrator password for use with XML Import/Export:

  1. In a command shell on the Windows system, change to the silent_install_dir directory.

  2. Enter the following command:

    ant create-osm-admin-server-xmlie-encrypted-password-properties-file
  3. When prompted to enter the user name, enter the name of a WebLogic Server user that belongs to the Administrators group.

  4. When prompted to enter the password, enter the plain-text password for the user.

  5. When prompted to enter the password again, reenter the password for the user.

    The script will finish and create the following files in the silent_install_dir/security directory:

    • osm_admin_server.xmlie.password.salt.store

    • osm_admin_server.xmlie.properties

Encrypting Passwords for the Standard Order-to-Activate User Accounts

These passwords are always needed when running the silent installer. Configure them by running Ant.

To encrypt the passwords for the standard Order-to-Activate user accounts:

  1. In a command shell on the Windows system, change to the silent_install_dir directory.

  2. Enter the following command:

    ant create-comsom-encrypted-password-properties-file
  3. When prompted, enter and reenter the passwords for the Order-to-Activate users.

    The script will finish and create the following files in the silent_install_dir/security directory:

    • osm.password.salt.store

    • osmde.password.salt.store

    • osmfallout.password.salt.store

    • osmlf.password.salt.store

    • osmlfaop.password.salt.store

    • osmoe.password.salt.store

    • osmoelf.password.salt.store

    • userConfig.properties

Encrypting the UIM Application User Password

The Unified Inventory Manager (UIM) password is needed when running the silent installer to configure Order-to-Activate for the service order management role. Configure it by running Ant.

To encrypt the UIM application user password:

  1. In a command shell on the Windows system, change to the silent_install_dir directory.

  2. Enter the following command:

    ant create-uim-encrypted-password-properties-file
  3. When prompted to enter the user name, enter the name of a user defined to the UIM application. If you intend to use UIM emulators, you can enter any value that is validly formatted for a user name here.

  4. When prompted to enter the password, enter the plain-text password for the user.

  5. When prompted to enter the password again, reenter the password for the user.

    The script will finish and create the following files in the silent_install_dir/security directory:

    • uim.password.salt.store

    • uimUserConfig.properties

Encrypting the Technical Order Management Application User Password

This password is needed when running the silent installer to configure Order-to-Activate for the service order management role. Configure it by running Ant.

To encrypt the technical order management application user password:

  1. In a command shell on the Windows system, change to the silent_install_dir directory.

  2. Enter the following command:

    ant create-tom-encrypted-password-properties-file
  3. When prompted to enter the user name, enter the name of a user defined to the technical order management application. If you intend to use technical order management emulators, you can enter any value that is validly formatted for a user name here.

  4. When prompted to enter the password, enter the plain-text password for the user.

  5. When prompted to enter the password again, reenter the password for the user.

    The script will finish and create the following files in the silent_install_dir/security directory:

    • tom.password.salt.store

    • tomUserConfig.properties

Encrypting the Password for Deploying the Cartridges

This password is always needed when running the silent installer. Configure it by running Ant.

To encrypt the password for deploying the cartridges:

  1. In a command shell on the Windows system, change to the silent_install_dir directory.

  2. Enter the following command:

    ant create-cmt-encrypted-password-properties-file
  3. When prompted to enter the user name, enter the name of a WebLogic Server user that is a member of the Cartridge_Management_WebService group.

  4. When prompted to enter the password, enter the plain-text password for the user.

  5. When prompted to enter the password again, reenter the password for the user.

    The script will finish and create the following files in the silent_install_dir/security directory:

    • cmt.admin.password.salt.store

    • cmtUserConfig.properties

Encrypting the Oracle AIA JMS Connection Password

This password is needed when running the silent installer if you are connecting to a live instance of Oracle AIA. Configure it using the WebLogic Server utility weblogic.security.Encrypt.

To encrypt the Oracle AIA JMS connection password:

  1. On the system where the OSM server is installed (as opposed to the Windows system on which you are performing the silent installation, if they are different systems), open a command shell and change to the domain_home/bin directory.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • On UNIX or Linux, source the setDomainEnv.sh file, for example:

      . setDomainEnv.sh
    • On Windows, run the setDomainEnv.cmd file.

  3. Enter the following command:

    java weblogic.security.Encrypt password

    where password is the plain-text password for the Oracle AIA JMS connection.

  4. Copy the resulting value and save it for later to paste it as the value for the solution.saf.password parameter in the build.properties file.

Encrypting the UIM JMS Connection Password

This password is needed when running the silent installer to configure Order-to-Activate for the service order management role if you are using a live connection to UIM. Configure it using the WebLogic Server utility weblogic.security.Encrypt.

To encrypt the UIM JMS connection password:

  1. On the system where the OSM server is installed (as opposed to the Windows system on which you are performing the silent installation, if they are different systems), open a command shell and change to the domain_home/bin directory.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • On UNIX or Linux, source the setDomainEnv.sh file, for example:

      . setDomainEnv.sh
    • On Windows, run the setDomainEnv.cmd file.

  3. Enter the following command:

    java weblogic.security.Encrypt password

    where password is the plain-text password for the UIM JMS connection.

  4. Copy the resulting value and save it for later to paste it as the value for the solution.uim.saf.password parameter in the build.properties file.

Encrypting the Technical Order Management JMS Connection Password

This password is needed when running the silent installer to configure Order-to-Activate for the service order management role if you are using a live connection to technical order management. Configure it using the WebLogic Server utility weblogic.security.Encrypt.

To encrypt the technical order management JMS connection password:

  1. On the system where the OSM server is installed (as opposed to the Windows system on which you are performing the silent installation, if they are different systems), open a command shell and change to the domain_home/bin directory.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • On UNIX or Linux, source the setDomainEnv.sh file, for example:

      . setDomainEnv.sh
    • On Windows, run the setDomainEnv.cmd file.

  3. Enter the following command:

    java weblogic.security.Encrypt password

    where password is the plain-text password for the technical order management JMS connection.

  4. Copy the resulting value and save it for later to paste it as the value for the solution.tom.saf.password parameter in the build.properties file.

Configuring the build.properties File

This section describes how to configure the build.properties file for the Order-to-Activate cartridge silent installation.


Every parameter in this file must have a value. In some situations, you will not need to set a specific value for a particular parameter, but in that case, leave the sample value provided in the file. Do not remove the value and leave it blank.

The build.properties file is located in the silent_install_dir directory. Edit the file using any standard text editor.

Configuring Software Path Settings

The software path settings, listed in Table 3-2, must be configured in all situations when performing a silent installation.


You may want to ensure that the products below are installed into paths that do not have spaces in them. However, if your path does contain a space, enclose the whole path in double quotation marks.

Table 3-2 Software Path Settings in the build.properties File

Parameter Name Sample Value Description



Set this value to the directory on the local system that contains the OSM SDK.

Note: Use (forward) slashes in the path, rather than the backward slashes usually used in Windows paths.


"C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.7.0_80"

Set this value to the directory on the local system containing the same release of the JDK that the OSM server is using.

Note: Use (forward) slashes in the path, rather than the backward slashes usually used in Windows paths.



Set this value to MW_home/wlserver on the local system, the base directory for the WebLogic Server core files.

Note: Use (forward) slashes in the path, rather than the backward slashes usually used in Windows paths.



Set this value to MW_home on the local system, the location where Oracle Fusion Middleware components are installed

Note: Use (forward) slashes in the path, rather than the backward slashes usually used in Windows paths.



Set this value to the location of an instance on the local system of Eclipse with Design Studio installed into it.

Note: For this path, use double backward slashes rather than the single backward slashes usually used in Windows paths.



Set this value to the local standalone installation of Ant.

Note: Use (forward) slashes in the path, rather than the backward slashes usually used in Windows paths.

Configuring Solution Import Settings

The solution import settings, listed in Table 3-3, must be configured in all situations when performing a silent installation.

Table 3-3 Solution Import Settings in the build.properties File

Parameter Name Sample Value Description



Set this to one of the following values:

  • y to import the calculate service order solution option

  • n to import the solution option without calculate service order



Used for the calculate service order solution only.

If you are using the service option without calculate service order, the value of this parameter does not matter, so leave it with the original value set in the file or set it to any of the values below.

Set this to one of the following values:

  • y.t.a to import both central order management and service order management

  • y.t.c to import central order management only

  • y.t.s to import service order management only

Note: If you configure central order management and service order management on different OSM instances, make sure you configure AIA to use both endpoints appropriately.



Do not change the value of this parameter.



Used for the option without calculate service order only.

If you are using the calculate service order solution option, the value of this parameter does not matter, so leave it with the original value set in the file or set it to any of the values below.

Set this to one of the following values:

  • a.s.n to import both central order management and service order management with simple topology

  • a.t.n to import both central order management and service order management with typical or complex topology

  • c.s.n to import central order management only with simple topology

  • c.t.n to import central order management only with typical or complex topology

  • s.s.n to import service order management only

Note: If you configure central order management and service order management on different OSM instances, make sure you configure AIA to use both endpoints appropriately.

Configuring WebLogic Server Settings

The WebLogic Server settings, listed in Table 3-4, must be configured in all situations when performing a silent installation.

Table 3-4 WebLogic Server Settings in the build.properties File

Parameter Name Sample Value Description



This value refers to a file that is created in the "Encrypting the WebLogic Server Administrator Password for Connecting to WebLogic" section.

Set this value to the name of the first file you created in the storeUserConfig command. This file must be located in silent_install_dir.



This value refers to a file that is created in the "Encrypting the WebLogic Server Administrator Password for Connecting to WebLogic" section.

Set this value to the name of the second file you created in the storeUserConfig command. This file must be located in silent_install_dir.



Set this value to the host name or IP address of the WebLogic Server on which you want to create WebLogic Server resources. If OSM is deployed to a cluster, use the server on which the administration server is located.



Set this value to the port of the WebLogic Server on which you want to create WebLogic Server resources. If OSM is deployed to a cluster, use the port on which the administration server is listening.



Do one of the following:

  • If OSM is deployed to a single managed server, set this to the name of the managed server.

  • If OSM is deployed to a cluster, set this to the name of the cluster.

  • If OSM is deployed to a single administration server, set this to the name of the administration server.

Configuring Solution Configuration Settings

The solution configuration settings, listed in Table 3-5, must be configured in all situations when performing a silent installation.

Table 3-5 Solution Configuration Settings in the build.properties File

Parameter Name Sample Value Description



Do not change the value of this parameter.



Set this to one of the following values:

  • s.n if OSM is in a standalone environment and you would like to set up local queues for Oracle AIA (for example, if you are using the Oracle AIA emulators)

  • c.n if OSM is in a clustered environment and you would like to set up local queues for Oracle AIA (for example, if you are using the Oracle AIA emulators)

  • s.s if OSM is in a standalone environment and you would like to set up a Store-and-forward (SAF) agent to connect to a live Oracle AIA instance

  • c.s if OSM is in a clustered environment and you would like to set up a SAF agent to connect to a live Oracle AIA instance



Set this to one of the following values:

  • d to deploy the Oracle AIA emulators

  • n not to deploy the Oracle AIA emulators



If you are using the service option without calculate service order, the value of this parameter does not matter, so leave it with the original value set in the file or set it to any of the values below.

If you are using the calculate service order solution option, set this to one of the following values:

  • s to configure the solution to use the simple topology

  • t to configure the solution to use the typical topology

  • c to configure the solution to use the complex topology



Set this to one of the following values:

  • x if you are using the service option without calculate service order. Also set the value to x if you are using the calculate service order solution option and you have entered s or t for the topology.type parameter.

  • s to use a topology that has multiple billing and provisioning systems and one each of install and shipping systems

  • m to use a topology that has multiple billing, provisioning, install, and shipping systems

  • n to use a topology that has multiple billing, provisioning, and shipping systems and one install system

  • p to use a topology that has multiple billing, provisioning, and install systems and one shipping system



Set this value to the host name or IP address of the WebLogic Server to which you will deploy the cartridges. If OSM is deployed to a cluster, use the server on which the proxy server is located.



Set this value to the port of the WebLogic Server to which you will deploy the cartridges. If OSM is deployed to a cluster, use the server on which the proxy server is located.



Do not change the value of this parameter.



Do not change the value of this parameter.



Do not change the value of this parameter.



Do not change the value of this parameter.



Do not change the value of this parameter.



Do not change the value of this parameter.



Do not change the value of this parameter.



Do not change the value of this parameter.



Do not change the value of this parameter.



If you are configuring an environment for service order management only, do not change the value of this parameter.

If you are configuring an environment for both central order management and service order management or for central order management only, do one of the following:

  • If OSM is deployed to a single managed server, set this to the name of the managed server.

  • If OSM is deployed to a cluster, set this to the name of the cluster.

  • If OSM is deployed to a single administration server, set this to the name of the administration server.



If you are configuring an environment for both central order management and service order management or for central order management only, do not change the value of this parameter.

If you are configuring an environment for service order management only, do one of the following:

  • If OSM is deployed to a single managed server, set this to the name of the managed server.

  • If OSM is deployed to a cluster, set this to the name of the cluster.

  • If OSM is deployed to a single administration server, set this to the name of the administration server.

Configuring Oracle AIA Connection Settings

The Oracle AIA connection settings, listed in Table 3-6, must be configured if you intend to connect to a live instance of Oracle AIA.

Table 3-6 Oracle AIA Connection Settings in the build.properties File

Parameter Name Sample Value Description



Set this value to the name of the user for opening a JMS connection to Oracle AIA.



Set this to the value generated in the "Encrypting the Oracle AIA JMS Connection Password" section.



If Oracle AIA is deployed to the administration server, enter the host name and port of the administration server for Oracle AIA.

If Oracle AIA is deployed to a single managed server, enter the host name and port of the managed server for Oracle AIA.

If Oracle AIA is deployed to a cluster, enter the host names and ports of all of the managed servers in the Oracle AIA cluster in the following format:


For example:


Configuring UIM Connection Settings

The UIM connection settings, listed in Table 3-7, must be configured if you intend to connect to a live instance of UIM and are configuring both central order management and service order management or service order management only.

Table 3-7 UIM Connection Settings in the build.properties File

Parameter Name Sample Value Description



Note: The first character in this value must match the first character of the value of o2a.architecture.bridge.type.

Set this to one of the following values:

  • s.n if OSM is in a standalone environment and you would like to set up local queues for UIM (for example, if you are using the UIM emulator)

  • c.n if OSM is in a clustered environment and you would like to set up local queues for UIM (for example, if you are using the UIM emulator)

  • s.s if OSM is in a standalone environment and you would like to set up a SAF agent to connect to a live UIM instance

  • c.s if OSM is in a clustered environment and you would like to set up a SAF agent to connect to a live UIM instance

  • s.x if OSM is in a standalone environment and you would not like to set up any queues for UIM

  • c.x if OSM is in a clustered environment and you would not like to set up any queues for UIM



Set this value to n if o2a.som.cso.inv.architecture.bridge.type is s.s, c.s, s.x, or c.x.

If o2a.som.cso.inv.architecture.bridge.type is s.n or c.n, set to d to deploy the emulators, or set to n if you want to create the local queues and not deploy the emulators.



Set this value to the name of the user for opening a JMS connection to UIM.



Set this to the value generated in the "Encrypting the UIM JMS Connection Password" section.



If UIM is deployed to the administration server, enter the host name and port of the administration server for UIM.

If UIM is deployed to a single managed server, enter the host name and port of the managed server for UIM.

If UIM is deployed to a cluster, enter the host names and ports of all of the managed servers in the UIM cluster in the following format:


For example:


Configuring Technical Order Management Connection Settings

The technical order management connection settings, listed in Table 3-8, must be configured if you intend to connect to a live instance of technical order management and are configuring both central order management and service order management or service order management only.

Table 3-8 Technical Order Management Connection Settings in the build.properties File

Parameter Name Sample Value Description



Note: The first character in this value must match the first character of the value of o2a.architecture.bridge.type.

Set this to one of the following values:

  • s.n if OSM is in a standalone environment and you would like to set up local queues for technical order management (for example, if you are using the technical order management emulator)

  • c.n if OSM is in a clustered environment and you would like to set up local queues for technical order management (for example, if you are using the technical order management emulator)

  • s.s if OSM is in a standalone environment and you would like to set up a SAF agent to connect to a live technical order management instance

  • c.s if OSM is in a clustered environment and you would like to set up a SAF agent to connect to a live technical order management instance

  • s.x if OSM is in a standalone environment and you would not like to set up any queues for technical order management

  • c.x if OSM is in a clustered environment and you would not like to set up any queues for technical order management



Set this value to n if o2a.som.cso.tom.architecture.bridge.type is s.s, c.s, s.x, or c.x.

If o2a.som.cso.tom.architecture.bridge.type is s.n or c.n, set to d to deploy the emulators, or set to n if you want to create the local queues and not deploy the emulators.



Set this value to the name of the user for opening a JMS connection to technical order management.



Set this to the value generated in the "Encrypting the Technical Order Management JMS Connection Password" section.



If technical order management is deployed to the administration server, enter the host name and port of the administration server for technical order management.

If technical order management is deployed to a single managed server, enter the host name and port of the managed server for technical order management.

If technical order management is deployed to a cluster, enter the host names and ports of all of the managed servers in the technical order management cluster in the following format:


For example:


Performing the Silent Installation

To build and deploy the Order-to-Activate cartridges you run Ant scripts that build the solution cartridges, configure the WebLogic Server resources, and deploy the cartridges.

Building the Solution Cartridges

If you have not yet configured the WebLogic Server queues, resources, and users in the OSM domain, do not perform this procedure, but instead see "Building the Solution Cartridges and Configuring the WebLogic Server Resources." You build the cartridges by running Ant.

To build the solution cartridges:

  1. In a command shell on the Windows system, change to the silent_install_dir directory.

  2. Enter the following command:

    ant headless.build.deploy

    The script will finish and create a file in the silent_install_dir/workspace/solution_cart_name/cartridgeBuild directory, where solution_cart_name is the name of the composite cartridge corresponding to the settings you have selected. See Table 2-1 for a list of the composite cartridges and the situations to which they apply. The file that is created is named solution_cart_name.par.

Building the Solution Cartridges and Configuring the WebLogic Server Resources

You must build the solution cartridges and configure the WebLogic Server resources before you can use the Order-to-Activate cartridges. If you have already configured the WebLogic Server queues, resources, and users in the OSM domain, do not perform this procedure, but instead see "Building the Solution Cartridges." You build the cartridges and configure the WebLogic Server resources by running Ant.

To build the solution cartridges and configure the WebLogic Server resources:

  1. In a command shell on the Windows system, change to the silent_install_dir directory.

  2. Enter the following command:

    ant headless.build.resource.deploy

    The script will finish after a few minutes and in addition to creating resources in the WebLogic Server domain, will create a file in the silent_install_dir/workspace/solution_cart_name/cartridgeBuild directory, where solution_cart_name is the name of the composite cartridge corresponding to the settings you have selected. See Table 2-1 for a list of the composite cartridges and the situations to which they apply. The file that is created is named solution_cart_name.par.

Deploying the Cartridges

You deploy the Order-to-Activate cartridges by running Ant.

To deploy the cartridges:

  1. In a command shell on the Windows system, change to the silent_install_dir directory.

  2. Enter the following command:

    ant headless.deploy

Testing the Order-to-Activate Cartridges

To test the Order-to-Activate cartridges, you must open Design Studio. For information about how to do this, see "Testing the Order-to-Activate Cartridges."

Switching Between Live and Emulator Configurations

Using the interactive installer, you can change your configuration between connecting to emulators and connecting to live systems. For information about how to do this, see "Switching Between Live and Emulator Configurations."

Configuring a Workspace Without Configuring WebLogic Server

Using the interactive installer, you can configure a workspace to contain the Order-to-Activate cartridges without configuring a WebLogic Server domain. This operation cannot be performed silently. For information about how to do this, see "Configuring a Workspace Without Configuring WebLogic Server."

Uninstalling Order-to-Activate Components

You can uninstall the Order-to-Activate components that are no longer needed by undeploying the cartridges and deleting the Oracle AIA emulators. For information about how to do this, see "Uninstalling Order-to-Activate Components."