HIP Address Configuration

To configure administrative service functionality on a media interface, you must first define all source IP addresses in the media-interface's network that will exchange administrative traffic with the system. Next you will identify the type of administrative traffic each of those addresses will exchange.

You must configure the gateway parameter on this network-interface for administrative traffic to successfully be forwarded. You should also ensure that this network interface is not on an overlapping network as any of the administrative networks (wancoms).

Set the following parameters to configure HIP functionality on a network interface:

  1. add-hip-ip—Configure all possible local IP address(es) to which a remote system can send administrative traffic. This parameter specifies addresses that can reply to requests. You must also configure them in a service list, such as add-icmp-ip, to specify the service to which they can reply. This parameter can accept multiple IP addresses. You can later remove this entry by typing remove-hip-ip followed by the appropriate IP address.
  2. add-ftp-ip—Set the IP address(es) that will access the OCSBC's FTP server. This allows standard FTP packets enter the OCSBC and reach the host. You can later remove this entry by typing remove-ftp-ip followed by the appropriate IP address.
  3. add-icmp-ip—Set all possible local IP address(es) to which a remote system can ping the OCSBC and expect replies. You must also configure these addresses to the add-hip-ip parameter. You can later remove this entry by typing remove-icmp-ip followed by the appropriate IP address.

    For security, if the ICMP address and the hip-ip-list are not added for an address, the OCSBC hardware discards ICMP requests or responses for the address.

  4. add-snmp-ip—Set the IP address(es) that will access the system's SNMP process. This lets SNMP traffic enter the OCSBC and reach the host. You can later remove this entry by typing remove-snmp-ip followed by the appropriate IP address.
  5. add-telnet-ip—Set the IP address(es) that can connect and access the system through Telnet. You can later remove this entry by typing remove-telnet-ip followed by the appropriate IP address.
  6. add-ssh-ip—Set the IP address(es) that can connect and access the system through SSH. You can later remove this entry by typing remove-SSH-ip followed by the appropriate IP address.