
This configuration element is used to configure SIP whitelists which controls the passage of unknown headers and parameters in request and response traffic.


A unique identifier of this allowed-elements-profile
A textual description for the allowed-elements-profile
Enter list of headers that are allowed (with any parameter). When header-rules are added to a rule-set, they are automatically removed from this list. A header list is entered separated by commas, but without the “:” part of the header name. This parameter is initially populated with many allowed headers.
  • Default: Accept, Accept-Resource-Priority, Alert-Info, Allow, Allow-Events, Authentication-Info, Authorization, Call-ID, Contac, Content-Disposition, Content-Encoding, Content-Length, Content-Type, CSeq, Diversion, Event, Expires, From, History-Info, Join, Max-Forwards, Min-Expires, Min-SE, P-Access-Network-Info, P-Asserted-Identity, P-Associated-URI, P-Called-Party-ID, P-Charging-Function-Addresses, P-Charging-Vector, P-DCS-LAES, P-DCS-Redirect, P-Preferred-Identity, P-Visited-Network-ID, Path, Privacy, Proxy-Authenticate, Proxy-Authorization, Proxy-Require, RAck, Reason, Record-Route, Refer-To, Replaces, request-uri, Require, Resource-Priority, Retry-After, Route, RSeq, Security-Client, Security-Server, Security-Verify, Service-Route, Session-Expires, Session-ID, Subscription-State, Supported, To, Via, WWW-Authenticate
See the rule-sets subelement that follows.


allowed-elements-profile is an element under the session router path. The full path from the topmost ACLI prompt is: configure terminal > session-router > allowed-elements-profile