
The call-recording-server configuration element allows you to forward both signaling and media packets to and from a realm to a specified destination.


Enter the name of the IPRCR you are configuring
Enter the primary realm to which you want this IPRCR to be associated. This must be an existing realm or the IPRCR will be considered invalid and this server will be ignored.
Enter the primary address you want to use as a destination for forwarding signaling packets
Enter the primary address you want to use as a destination for forwarding media packets. If both the signaling and media primary addresses are the same, this parameter can be left blank
Enter the secondary realm you want this IPRCR to be associated with if the primary-network becomes unreachable. This must be an existing realm or the IPRCR will be considered invalid and this server will be ignored.
Enter the address you want to use as a destination for forwarding signaling packets if the address you entered in the primary-signaling-addr parameter becomes unreachable.
Enter the address you want to use as a destination for forwarding media packets if the address you entered in the primary-media-addr parameter becomes unreachable
Enter the SIP method you want to be used for ping messages send to the IPRCR
Enter the time in seconds to allow between the transmission of ping requests in an HA configuration. A value of 0 means this parameter is disabled.
  • Default: 0
  • Values: Min: 0; 2 / Max: 9999999
Enables decryptions of TLS/SRTP packets.


call-recording-server is an element under the session-router path. The full path from the topmost ACLI prompt is:configure terminal > session-router > call-recording-server


This is a multiple instance element.