Context-Sensitive Help

In addition to the information that ACLI menus offer, context-sensitive help can assist you with navigation and configuration. Within this one-line entry, you have access to context-sensitive help that tells you what values are valid for a given field and when you have completed an entry. When the <ENTER> no further known parameters line appears, the ACLI is informing you that there is no subsequent information to enter.

To use the context-sensitive help, enter the name of the command or field with which you require assistance, followed by a <Space> and then a question mark (?). The context-sensitive help information appears.

In general, context-sensitive help provides more detailed information than within ACLI menus. For system commands, it prompts you about the information you need to enter to execute a system command successfully. For configuration elements, it prompts you with a brief description of the field, as well as available values, ranges of values, and data types.

Context-Sensitive Help for System Commands

The ACLI’s context-sensitive help feature displays information you need to complete system commands and the body of subcommands available for each system command. In the following example, the show command menu appears. Typing a ? after a system command asks if the system requires further information to complete a specific command. The system responds with a list of available subcommands.

ORACLE# show ?
about                       credit information for acli
accounting                  accounting statistics
acl                         show host access table
algd                        ALG status
arp                         ARP table
backup-config               show a backup configuration
balancer                    show session load balancer information
bgfd                        BGFD status
buffers                     show memory buffer statistics
built-in-sip-manipulations  Displays all built-in sip-manipulations
call-recording-server       Call Recording Server Statistics
clock                       system clock
configuration               show current configuration
directory                   show files in a directory
dns                         DNS information
enum                        ENUM information
ext-band-mgr                External Bandwidth Manager status
ext-clf-svr                 External CLF Server status
features                    currently enabled features
h248d                       H248D status
h323d                       H323D status
health                      system health information
hosts                       show host table
imports                     show all files available for import
interfaces                  show network interfaces
ip                          IP system information
logfile                     Display a log file, 'enter' to display list
loglevel                    loglevels of current processes
lrt                         LRT (local-routing) information
mbcd                        MBCD status
media                       show media interface information
memory                      memory statistics
monthly-minutes             monthly minutes information for a specified realm
nat                         show NAT table
neighbor-table              ICMPv6 neighbor table
net-management-control      Network Management Controls Statistics
nsep-stats                  NS/EP RPH call statistics
ntp                         NTP status
packet-trace                displays the current packet trace addresses
policy-server               external policy server name
power                       current state of each power supply
privilege                   show current privilege level
processes                   active process statistics
prom-info                   show prom information
qos                         show qos FPGA information
radius                      radius accounting and authentication statistics
ramdrv                      ramdrv space usage
realm                       realm statistics
redundancy                  redundancy status
registration                SIP Registration Cache status
route-stats                 show routing statistics
routes                      show routing table entries
running-config              current operating configuration
sa                          security-associations information
security                    security information
sessions                    Session Statistics
sipd                        SIPD status
snmp-community-table        show snmp community table
snmp-info                   show snmp
space                       check the remaining space on the device specified
spl                         SPL information
spl-options                 display information on all SPL options
support-info                show all required support information
system-state                current system-state
tacacs                      tacacs authorization, accounting and authentication statistics
temperature                 current SD temperature readings
timezone                    show timezone for the system (start and end time in  mmddHH format)
trap-receiver               show snmp trap receivers
uptime                      system uptime
users                       currently logged in users
version                     system version information
virtual-interfaces          show virtual interfaces
voltage                     current SD voltages (SD-II only)
wancom                      show wancom interfaces

The system responds with a no further known parameters if there are no subcommands.

ORACLE# show about ?
<ENTER!>  no further known parameters
ORACLE# show about

Viewing Output With the More Prompt

When the output of a command is too large to fit your screen, the system displays the output in smaller sections. At the end of a section a message is displayed with your options:

  • <Space> —Display the next section of output
  • <q>—Quits and returns to the system prompt
  • <c>—Displays the rest of the output in its entirety
    ORACLE# show ?
    about                       credit information for acli
    accounting                  accounting statistics
    acl                         show host access table
    algd                        ALG status
    arp                         ARP table
    backup-config               show a backup configuration
    balancer                    show session load balancer information
    bgfd                        BGFD status
    buffers                     show memory buffer statistics
    built-in-sip-manipulations  Displays all built-in sip-manipulations
    call-recording-server       Call Recording Server Statistics
    clock                       system clock
    configuration               show current configuration
    directory                   show files in a directory
    dns                         DNS information
    enum                        ENUM information
    ext-band-mgr                External Bandwidth Manager status
    ext-clf-svr                 External CLF Server status
    features                    currently enabled features
    h248d                       H248D status
    h323d                       H323D status
    health                      system health information
    hosts                       show host table
    imports                     show all files available for import
    interfaces                  show network interfaces
    ip                          IP system information
    logfile                     Display a log file, 'enter' to display list
    ('space' for next page; 'q' to quit; 'enter' for next line; 'c' to continue)

Disabling the More Prompt

If you don’t want the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller to display the More prompt, you can disable it using the cli command.

ORACLE# cli more disabled
The ACLI 'more' option has been disabled