
The log-level command sets the system wide log-level or the log-level for a specific task or process. In addition, you can set the log type for a specific log level on a per-task basis.


log-level system <log-level> log-level <task-name | “all”> <log-level>


<log-level> Select the log level either by name or by number
  • Values • emergency (1)
    • critical (2)
    • major (3)
    • minor (4)
    • warning (5)
    • notice (6)
    • info (7)
    • trace (8)
    • debug (9)
    • detail<task-name> Enter the task name for the log level being set<all> Change the log level for all system tasks



The log setting changes made by the log-level command are not persistent after a reboot. Upon reboot, you need to change the log settings in the system configuration in order for them to be persistent. When entering multiple log types in the log-type-list argument, use a space for separation.


ORACLE# log-level system warning