
The packet-trace command starts or stops packet tracing on the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller. The system can save packet tracing results locally or mirror traffic to another device. Remote traffic mirroring applies only to deployments Acme Packet proprietary hardware. The software recognizes the platform on which it is installed, and only supports command arguments applicable to that platform.

When the user starts a local trace, the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller stores the packets it captures in a PCAP file. Syntax initiating local packet trace can include pcap_filter syntax, enclosed in quotes to refine the data to capture.

When the user starts a remote trace, the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller encapsulates the packets it captures, per RFC 2003, and sends them to a user-configured capture-receiver. Syntax initiating remote packet trace includes specifying the endpoint, identified by the IP address, that sent or received the traffic and the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller network interface on which to capture traffic.


The syntax for packet tracing follows.

packet-trace <local|remote> [start|stop] [all] [interface name] [capture-filter] [ip-address] [local-port] [remote-port]

To simplify, the syntax below separates arguments for packet-trace remote and packet-trace local. The syntax for remote packet tracing follows.

packet-trace remote <start|stop> <interface name> <ip-address> [local-port] [remote-port]

The syntax for local packet tracing follows.

packet-trace local <interface name> ["capture-filter"]


<remote | local> - Specifies the type of trace to run. Note that software-only deployments support only packet-trace local.

[capture filter] - Only applicable to remote packet tracing. Configure a filter in pcap_filter syntax.

[start | stop] - Only applicable to remote packet tracing. Start remote packet tracing on the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller.
  • network-interface—The name of the network interface on the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller from which you want to trace packets; this value can be entered as either a name alone or as a name and subport identifier value (name:subportid)
  • ip-address—IP address of the endpoint to and from which the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller will mirror calls
  • local-port—Layer 4 port number on which the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller receives and from which it sends. This is an optional parameter; if no port is specified or if it is set to 0, then all ports will be traced.
  • remote-port—Layer 4 port to which the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller sends and from which it receives. This is an optional parameter; if no port is specified or if it is set to 0, then all ports are traced.
<stop> - Only applicable to remote packet tracing. Manually stop packet tracing on the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller. With this command you can either stop an individual packet trace or all packet traces that the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller is currently conducting.
  • all—Stops all remote traces currently operating on the system. The all argument does not require further arguments.
  • network-interface—The name of the network interface on the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller from which you want to stop packet tracing. This value can be entered either as a name alone or as a name and subport identifier value (name:subportid).
  • ip-address—IP address of the endpoint to and from which you want the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller to stop mirroring calls.
  • local-port—Layer 4 port number on which to stop from receiving and sending. This is an optional parameter; if no port is specified or if it is set to 0, then all port tracing will be stopped.
  • remote-port—Layer 4 port number on which to stop the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller from receiving and sending. This is an optional parameter; if no port is specified or if it is set to 0, then all port tracing will be stopped.




ORACLE# packet-trace start public:0 


Do not run packet-trace simultaneously with other Oracle Communications Session Border Controller replication features, such as SRS, SIP Monitoring and Trace, and Call Recording. These features may interfere with each other, corrupting each other's results.