
The password-policy element configures password rules for password secure mode.


Enter the minimum password length to use when system is in secure password mode. The maximum allowable length for any password is 64 characters.
  • Default: 9
  • Values: 6-64


The password using this minimum length value must contain at least one punctuation mark and two out of these three requirements: upper case letter, lower case letter, number. No special characters are allowed, for example: #, &, @.


This parameter is ignored when the password-policy-strength parameter is used (the Admin Security and/or Admin Security ACP license is active).
Specifies the maximum password lifetime in days.
  • Default: 90
  • Min: 1 / Max: 65535
Specifies the minimum password lifetime.
  • Default: 24 hours
  • Min: 1 hour / Max: 24 hours
Specifies the number of days prior to expiration that users begin to receive password expiration notifications.
  • Default: 30 days
  • Min: 1 day / Max: 90 days
Time after password expiration user has until forced to change password.
  • Default: 30 days
  • Min: 1 day / Max: 90 days
Number of logins after password expiration the user has until forced to change password.
  • Default: 3
  • Min: 1 / Max: 10
Specifies the number of previously used passwords retained in encrypted format in the password history cache.
  • Default: 3
  • Min: 1 / Max: 10
Enables the enhanced password strength requirements provided by the Admin Security and/or Admin Security ACP license.
  • Default: disabled
  • enabled | disabled


password-policy is an element under the security path. The full path from the topmost ACLI prompt is: configure terminal, and then security, and then password-policy.