
This element defines a sip-recursion policy that is applied to a session agent or session agent group.


Name for this SIP Recursion Policy. This value will be referenced by individual session agents' or session agent groups' sip-recursion-policy parameter.
A textual description of this SIP Recursion Policy instance. If the description includes spaces, enclose all words within double quotes.
The maximum number of recursions to take before terminating recursion and sending the response back to the requester. Entering 0 here disables a maximum recursion counter.
The method of considering subsequent responses from one SIP peer containing identical response codes.
  • Default: consecutive
  • Values:
    • consecutive - Stops recursion after the response code is received the attempts number of times, consecutively.
    • absolute - Stops recursion after the response code is received the attempts number of times in total, counting from the first reply.
Typing this parameter accesses the sip-response-code subelement.


sip-recursion-policy is an element of the session-router path. The full path from the topmost ACLI prompt is configure terminal, and then session-router, and then sip-recursion-policy