
The snmp-view-entry element is used by an SNMPv3 agent to include or exclude access to single or multiple MIB OID nodes for an SNMP view name. An SNMP view is a mapping between SNMP scalar and tabular objects and the access rights available for this SNMP view. Scalar objects define a single object instance and tabular objects define multiple related object instances grouped in MIB tables.


This element must be configured in order for an SNMPv3 agent to work.


Use this required parameter to enter the SNMP view name.
  • Default: none
  • Values: <string> that is 1 to 24 characters.
For example:
  • view-name AcmeSbcMibView
Use this required parameter to include access rights for object Identifier (OID) nodes.
  • Values: <OID> number separated by a dot (.) in which each subsequent OID (from 0 to 32) is a sub-identifier. You can enter multiple OIDs by separating them with a space.
    For example:
    • included-sub-trees,
Use this optional parameter to exclude access rights for OID nodes.
  • Values: <OID> number separated by a dot (.) in which each subsequent OID (from 0 to 32) is a sub-identifier. You can enter multiple OIDs by separating them with a space.
    For example:
    • excluded-sub-trees


snmp-view-entry is an element under the system path. The full path from the topmost ACLI prompt is: configure terminal , and then system , and then snmp-view-entry.