Traceroute Command Specifications

The traceroute command traces the route of an IP packet to an Internet host by sending probe packets with small maximum time-to-live (TTL) values and listening to responses from gateways along the path. This diagnostic command provides the route (path) and the round trip times of packets received from each host in a route.

The traceroute command works by sending probe packets starting with a maximum time-to-live (TTL) value of one, listening for an ICMP error message in response to the TTL expiry, and recording the source that sent it. This process is repeated by incrementing the TTL value by 1 each time until the final destination is reached. This information allows the path to be traced for the packet to reach its destination.


traceroute <destination-address> <options>


<destination-address> — Specifies the destination IP address for the route to be traced.

<intf-name:vla> — Specifies the network interface and VLAN to use.

<max_ttl> — Specifies the maximum number of hops before timeout.
  • Default — 30
  • Values — Min: 1 / Max: none

<probes> — Specifies the number of probes to send.

<source-ip> — Specifies the source IP address from which to trace the route to the destination IP address.

<timeout> — Specifies the maximum time (in seconds) to wait for a response.
  • Default — 3
  • Values — Min: 1 / Max: none




ORACLE# traceroute probes 4
traceroute to
1 (0.669003 ms) (2.140045 ms) (2.290964 ms) (2.40891 ms) 
2 (0.25602 ms) (0.219822 ms) (0.604868 ms) (0.398874)