Requesting HDR Collection Status

You can display the status of collection groups and push servers on the OCSBC, when required, using the ACLI.

To display the status of collection groups and push servers:

  • In Superuser mode, at the root prompt, enter request collect status and press Enter. The OCSBC displays the current status of all record collections and push receivers. In the following example, the group, fan is disabled at boot time, the start time is immediately when the system comes up, and there is no end time. The Push Receiver configured for this OCSBC is and it is currently reachable. The date and time of the next scheduled push is also indicated as well as the interval of time between each push.
    ORACLE# request collect status
    Collector is currently collecting on:
    Group	Boot-State	Start Time	End Time
    fan 	disabled	now	never
    Next Push Scheduled for: 2008-01-11-11:12:06
    Subsequent Push Interval: 15 minutes
    Registered push receivers are:
    IP Address	Status	reachable