Starting and Stopping HDR using the ACLI

For ease-of-use, you can start and stop record collection from Acme Packet’s command line interface (ACLI) in Superuser Mode. You can start and stop record collection for the entire HDR process, or you can specify a group name for which you want to start and stop collection.

Starting HDR

To start record collections:

  • In Superuser mode, at the root prompt, enter request collect start all and press Enter. The OCSBC starts all record collection.
    ORACLE# request collect start all

To start a group-name record collection:

  • In Superuser mode, at the root prompt, enter request collect start <group-name>, and press Enter. The OCSBC starts collection for that group name only. In the following example, voltage record collection is started.
    ORACLE# request collect start voltage

Stopping HDR

To stop all record collections:

  • In Superuser mode, at the root prompt, enter request collect stop all and press Enter. The OCSBC stops all record collection.
    ORACLE# request collect stop all

To stop a group-name record collection:

  • In Superuser mode, at the root prompt, enter request collect stop <group-name>, and press Enter. The OCSBC stops collection for that group name only. In the following example, voltage record collection is stopped.
    ORACLE# request collect stop voltage