What is HDR

Historical data recording (HDR) refers to a group of management features that allow you to configure the OCSBC to collect statistics about system operation and function, and then send those records to designated servers. System statistics, defined in detail below, are saved to a comma-separated value (CSV) file, which are then sent to the designated server(s).

Information types are grouped so that you can refer to a set of statistics by simply invoking their group name (For example, the system statistics are in a group called System; interface statistics are in a group called Interface; etc.). Within each group, there are several metrics available.

The following table describes the type of HDR statistics that the OCSBC can collect and forward to a designated server.

HDR Statistics Description
Group Name The name of the group that contains the HDR statistics. This name is similar to the current OCSBC ACLI parameters. For example, system, interface, session-agent, session-realm, etc. The OCSBC uses the group name when generating the .CSV file (for example, system.csv, interface.csv, etc.).
Group Statistics Various statistical parameters within a group. These statistical parameters appear in the first record of the header in each .CSV file (for example, in the system.csv file, the header would include the statistic headings of CPU Utilization, Memory Utilization, Health Score, etc.).
Type Type of statistical parameter. This document makes use of the following data types:

counter - A counter is an integer with a minimum possible value of 0 and a maximum value of 4294967295. A counter is always increasing in value or remaining unchanged. It decreases only in response to reaching its maximum possible value, at which point it’s next value (when the next counted entity or event occurs) will be 0.

gauge - A gauge is an integer with the same bounds as a counter. However, it does not always have an increasing value. Its value may go up or down.

period - A period type represents a value determined as the sum of a number of events which occurred during a specified window of time, or stated alternatively, a time period. There are three windows defined, the "current window", the "previous window", and the "sliding window". For more information about these windows, see Windows of Time .

config - For the config type, the value for this field comes from a configuration record.

timeticks - For the timeticks type, each tick is 1/100th of a second.

string - A statistic type pertains to statistics that display as an alpha-numeric character string.

Timer Value (seconds) For period statistics (statistics that use a period timer), this is the default value, in seconds, of the timer. This value is usually not configurable. However, this value may fall within a range of values if applicable.
Range The range of values that a group statistic may use when the OCSBC collects statistics.

For descriptions of specific HDR Statistics and values, see HDR Groups and Group Statistics.