Acme Packet 6300

Acme Packet 6300 Media Interface

The Acme Packet 6300 contains three PHY card slots. Slots 0 and 1 support network-facing media interface cards. Slots 1 and 2 support transcoding cards. The Acme Packet 6300 PHY cards contain 2x10Gb Ethernet ports.

The Acme Packet 6300 only supports the 2x10GbE Network Interface Unit (NIU).


Do not put any 2x10Gb NIU into slot 2.

Figure A-6 Acme Packet 6300 Media Interfaces

This image displays the rear view of the Acme Packet 6300 with the interfaces numbered to correspond to the table below.

The following table maps the reference numbers in the preceding illustration and the labeling on the media interfaces. It also lists the operation-type, slot, and port parameters in the phy-interface configuration element for the applicable interfaces. The table distinguishes between these using "left" and "right", with the perspective of you looking at the NIU panel.

Graphic Label NIU Label Operation-type Slot Port
1 NA (left) Media 0 0
2 NA (right) Media 0 1
3 NA (left) Media 1 0
4 NA (right) Media 1 1