Upload the Stage 3 Boot Loader and System Image

Whenever you upgrade the software image, upload the stage 3 boot loader and the new system image file to the system. The stage 3 boot loader is backward compatible with application software.

The Stage3 boot loader is generally backward compatible with previous releases, but Oracle recommends that the Stage3 boot loader be installed from the same Major.Minor version as the system image. It is not normally necessary to update the boot loader when installing a maintenance or patch release when the Major.Minor release is the same.

System upgrades typically consist of transferring the new system image and stage3 boot loader to the system and setting boot parameters to the new system software. To ensure compatibility, copy the stage 3 boot loader to /boot/bootloader before you update the boot parameters to use the new software image file. The boot loader file must be renamed to /boot/bootloader on the target system with no file extension. When upgrading an HA pair, you must perform the upgrade procedure on each HA node.

Follow the steps below to upload the Stage3 boot loader and system image.

  1. Obtain the stage 3 boot loader image file (*.boot).
  2. Upload the stage 3 boot loader image file (*.boot) as /boot/bootloader to your system using an SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) client.
  3. Upload the new system software image (*.bz) to /boot/.
  4. Validate the bootloader by rebooting the Oracle Communications Session Delivery Product after renaming the bootloader.
[Downloads]$ ls -la
total 148820
drwxr-xr-x  2 bob src     4096 Jun 17 15:16 .
drwxr-xr-x 28 bob src     4096 May 21 14:17 ..
-rw-r--r--  1 bob src 10164527 Jun 17 15:15 nnSCZ720.64.boot
-rw-r--r--  1 bob src 73849839 Jun 17 15:15 nnSCZ720.64.bz
[Downloads]$ sftp admin@
admin@'s password:
Connected to
sftp> cd /boot
sftp> put nnSCZ720.64.boot
Uploading nnSCZ720.64.boot to /boot/nnSCZ720.64.boot
nnSCZ720.64.boot                              100% 9926KB   9.7MB/s   00:01
sftp> rm /boot/bootloader
sftp> rename nnSCZ720.64.boot /boot/bootloader
sftp> put nnSCZ720.64.bz
Uploading nnSCZ720.64.bz to /boot/nnSCZ720.64.bz
nnSCZ720.64.bz                                100%   70MB  14.1MB/s   00:05
sftp> bye
Received disconnect from 11: Logged out.


Strictly speaking, the Stage3 boot loader is ready for operation after upload and filename change, but validating it before booting the new system software is good practice.