HA Upgrade Procedure

This procedure upgrades HA deployments.


In the procedure below, ORACLE-1 is the active system and ORACLE-2 is the standby system. The standby system should be rebooted first.
  1. Confirm that ORACLE-1 and ORACLE-2 start up and are synchronized.

    Ensure that the running and current configurations on ORACLE-1 and ORACLE-2 have the same number. In the following examples, all of the configuration versions are 5.

    On ORACLE-1 and ORACLE-2, use the show health command to ensure all processes are synchronized.

    On ORACLE-1, show the current configuration version by using the ACLI display-current-cfg-version command. Then use the same command on ORACLE-2 and be sure that its current configuration version is the same as the one on ORACLE-1.

    ORACLE-1# display-current-cfg-version
    Current configuration version is 5
    ORACLE-2# display-current-cfg-version
    Current configuration version is 5

    On ORACLE-1, show the running configuration version by using the ACLI display-running-cfg-version command. Then use the same command on ORACLE-2 and be sure that its running configuration version is the same as the one on ORACLE-1.

    ORACLE-1# display-running-cfg-version
    Running configuration version is 5
    ORACLE-2# display-running-cfg-version
    Running configuration version is 5
  2. On ORACLE-2, before loading the software image to the flash, check the remaining space in the /boot directory using the ACLI show space boot command.
    ORACLE-2# show space boot
    boot: 24759488/25760512 bytes (99%) remaining

    If you see less than 50% of the space remaining, delete older stored firmware images to make space.

    At a minimum, we recommend that you leave the diags.gz file and the currently running release on the flash memory (in the event that a rollback is required).

  3. Upload the OC-SDP software image file and stage three bootloader to the /boot directory using an SFTP client. (See the instructions on updating the Stage 3 Bootloader.)
  4. Change the boot configuration parameters on ORACLE-2 to use the appropriate new release software image.


    From the point that you upgrade the image file, do not make any configuration changes. Likewise, do not use the save-config or activate-config commands. Once you execute the save-config command, the configuration can not be guaranteed to be backward compatible should you have to back out of the upgrade.

    Access the boot parameters on ORACLE-2:

    • In the ACLI configure terminal menu, type bootparam and press <Enter> to being displaying the list of boot parameters.

      Scroll through the boot parameters by pressing <Enter>. Stop when you reach the file name boot parameter.

      The following example uses the filenames /boot/nnSCZ720m5.64.bz and /boot/nnSCZ730.64.bz.

      ORACLE-2# configure terminal
      ORACLE-2(configure)# bootparam
      '.' = clear field;  '-' = go to previous field;  ^D = quit
      boot device          : eth0
      processor number     : 0
      host name            : boothost
      file name            : /boot/nnSCZ720m5.64.bz /boot/nnSCZ730.64.bz

      As shown above, type the new Release file name next to the previous one, including the path. Press <Enter> to continue scrolling through the boot parameters.

      Reboot ORACLE-2.

  5. After ORACLE-2 has completed the boot process, use the verify-config command to confirm that the configuration has been upgraded properly.
    ORACLE-2# verify-config
  6. Confirm the ORACLE-2 is running the new boot image using the show version command.
    ORACLE-2# show version
    Acme Packet 4600 SCZ7.3.0 
    Build Date=09/09/15
  7. Use the show health command to confirm that ORACLE-2 is the standby system.
  8. As you did for ORACLE-2, upload the OC-SDP software image file and stage three bootloader to the /boot directory using an SFTP client. (See the instructions on updating the Stage 3 Bootloader.)
  9. As you did for ORACLE-2, configure the boot parameters on ORACLE-1 to boot from the new software image. Then reboot ORACLE-1.
    ORACLE-1# reboot
    WARNING: you are about to reboot this SD!
    Reboot this SD [y/n]?: y

    Rebooting ORACLE-1 causes ORACLE-2 to become the active system in the HA node.

  10. When ORACLE-1 is finished rebooting, use the show health command to confirm that it is in the standby state.


    If you need to revert to the older image, use the HA Backout Procedure.