File System Management

The Oracle Communications Session Border Controller provides you with tools to manage the file system.

Identifying File System Volumes

You can identify partitions on the file system with the show space command. In addition, free and used space are reported. This command is entered as follows:

show space < boot | code | system-disk | data-disk | hard-disk >


  • boot - the /boot partition
  • code - the /code partition
  • system-disk - all system partitions, including /opt and /opt/crash
  • data-disk - all user partitions that mount under /mnt
  • hard-disk - all partitions

Formatting the File System

The storage device format scheme is dependent on the drive’s size. With a large storage device, you can accept the file system’s default partition configuration, or you can create your own scheme. The formatting plan differs based on the internal storage device being less than or equal to 40 GB or greater than 40 GB.

40GB or Less Format Plan

When formatting a 40 GB or smaller storage device, no data partitions are created. The default partitioning scheme is as follows:

Table 8-1 System Default Format Plan (40 GB max):

Location Volume Name Volume Size
system partition /opt 8 GB
system partition /opt/crash 32 GB

40GB or More Default Format Plan

When formatting a storage device larger than 40 GB, /mnt/sys and /mnt/app volumes are created in the data partition. Their relative sizes are based on the drive’s size.

Table 8-2 System Format Plan (40 GB +):

Volume Number Volume Name Volume Size
system partition /opt 8 GB
system partition /opt/crash 2 x RAM size (not less than 8 GB)
data partition /mnt/sys 20% remaining space
data partition /mnt/app 80% remaining space

40GB or More Custom Format Plan

You can customize the format plan when a storage device larger than 40 GB is installed in your system. Before formatting the storage device, plan the number of volumes, volume names, and relative percentage of storage device disk space. A maximum of 4 volumes in the data partition are allowed.

Table 8-3 Custom System Format Plan (40 GB +):

Volume Number Volume Name Volume Size
systempartition /opt 8 GB
system partition /opt/crash 2 x RAM size (not less than 8 GB)
data partitions 1-4 /mnt/<user-label> user-defined percentage of remaining space

Formatting Procedure

Formatting a hard drive should always be an offline activity. Prior to formatting the hard drive, back-up the configuration, delete the configuration, and reboot. Additionally, no external network connections should be active as the format procedure is executed.

The format command requires one of the following arguments:

  • system-disk — formats and creates the 2 system partitions: /opt and /opt/crash
  • data-disk — formats and creates 1 or more data partitions with the default (/mnt/sys and /mnt/app) or user-defined volumes
  • hard-disk — formats and creates both the system partition and data partition

After the drive(s) are formatted, the system mounts the newly created partitions.


Ensure that no application traffic flows over the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller when you format the disk.


The format command may only be executed if certain tasks like local CDR and HDR generation are not active. Remove any boot time configuration for these features and reboot the system before attempting to format the hard-disk.

The following example shows the format command process.

ORACLE# format hard-disk
WARNING: Please ensure device is not currently in use by any applications before proceeding
Continue [y/n]?: y
The following system partitions will now be created:
1: /opt             8000000 bytes
2: /crash           16218284032 bytes
Create the system partitions and filesystems as configured above [y/n]?: y
WARNING: All system logs and data on the disk will be
permanently erased and unrecoverable.
Are you sure [y/n]?: y
The format process will take a few minutes. Once
the format process begins, it cannot be stopped.
Please do not power down or reboot the system until
the format process is complete.
Continue [y/n]?: y
Suspending logging to hard disk
Stopping tLogCleaner task
Relocating logging onto RAM drive
Initializing /opt/ Cleaner
Starting tLogCleaner task
*** Removing previous system partitions - please wait ***
*** Creating new system partitions - please wait ***
*** Formatting partition /opt. Please wait... ***
This filesystem will be automatically checked every 23 mounts or
180 days, whichever comes first.  Use tune2fs -c or -i to override.
*** Formatting completed successfully ***
*** Formatting partition /crash. Please wait... ***
This filesystem will be automatically checked every 31 mounts or
180 days, whichever comes first.  Use tune2fs -c or -i to override.
*** Formatting completed successfully ***
e2fsck 1.41.14 (22-Dec-2010)
opt: clean, 11/1960 files, 1323/7812 blocks
e2fsck 1.41.14 (22-Dec-2010)
crash: clean, 11/991232 files, 104681/3959542 blocks

This section of the format hard-drive walk-through shows the data partition creation. The following system output shows that the user has chosen to define a custom data partition scheme by typing n at the Use factory default data partitions [y/n]?: prompt.

Suspending logging to RAM drive
Stopping tLogCleaner task
Relocating logging onto hard disk
Initializing /opt/ Cleaner
Starting tLogCleaner task
Disk space used by system:
        16226317824 bytes
Use factory default data partitions [y/n]?: n
Enter the number of data partitions to create: 3
Total unallocated space = 100 %
Enter the name of volume 1 (or 'q' to quit): VOLUME1
Enter the size of the volume (in %): 20
Total unallocated space = 80 %
Enter the name of volume 2 (or 'q' to quit): VOLUME2
Enter the size of the volume (in %): 40
Total unallocated space = 40 %
Enter the name of volume 3 (or 'q' to quit): VOLUME3
Enter the size of the volume (in %): 40
The following data partitions will now be created:
/VOLUME1  96776308838 bytes
/VOLUME2  193552617676 bytes
/VOLUME3  193552617676 bytes
Create the data partitions and filesystems as configured above [y/n]?: y
WARNING: All non-system data on the disk will be
permanently erased and unrecoverable.
Are you sure [y/n]?: y
The format process will take a few minutes. Once
the format process begins, it cannot be stopped.
Please do not power down or reboot the system until
the format process is complete.
Continue [y/n]?: y
*** Beginning format process ***
*** Removing previous data partitions - please wait ***
*** Creating new data partitions - please wait ***
*** Formatting partition /VOLUME1. Please wait... ***
mke2fs 1.41.14 (22-Dec-2010)
Writing inode tables: done
Creating journal (32768 blocks): done
Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: done
This filesystem will be automatically checked every 37 mounts or
180 days, whichever comes first.  Use tune2fs -c or -i to override.
*** Formatting completed successfully ***
*** Formatting partition /VOLUME2. Please wait... ***
mke2fs 1.41.14 (22-Dec-2010)
Writing inode tables: done
Creating journal (32768 blocks): done
Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: done
This filesystem will be automatically checked every 23 mounts or
180 days, whichever comes first.  Use tune2fs -c or -i to override.
*** Formatting completed successfully ***
*** Formatting partition /VOLUME3. Please wait... ***
mke2fs 1.41.14 (22-Dec-2010)
Writing inode tables: done
Creating journal (32768 blocks): done
Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: done
This filesystem will be automatically checked every 31 mounts or
180 days, whichever comes first.  Use tune2fs -c or -i to override.
*** Formatting completed successfully ***
*** Format finished successfully
New partitions have been created ***
*** Mounting partitions ***
e2fsck 1.41.14 (22-Dec-2010)
VOLUME1: clean, 11/5914624 files, 418265/23626953 blocks
/VOLUME1 mounted
e2fsck 1.41.14 (22-Dec-2010)
VOLUME2: clean, 11/11821056 files, 789884/47254150 blocks
/VOLUME2 mounted
e2fsck 1.41.14 (22-Dec-2010)
VOLUME3: clean, 11/11821056 files, 789884/47253628 blocks
/VOLUME3 mounted

Mounting and Unmounting Filesystems

You may unmount and stop the file system with the unmount command. Unmounting a file system is required to resize user partitions or replace a storage device. Prior to issuing this command you must disable user-initiated tasks that access the target volume. An example of a task which writes to disk is local CDR creation. Task log files generation is automatically halted. The unmount command is entered as follows:

unmount <data-disk | system-disk | hard-disk>

Where each of the arguments corresponds to the format command.

  • system-disk — unmount 2 system partitions: /opt and /opt/crash
  • data-disk — unmount the 1 or more data partitions containing the default (/mnt/sys and /mnt/app) or user-defined volumes
  • hard-disk — unmounts both the system partition and data partition

For example:

ORACLE# unmount data-disk
WARNING: Please ensure device is not currently in use by any applications before proceeding
Continue [y/n]?: y
/VOLUME1 unmounted
/VOLUME2 unmounted
/VOLUME3 unmounted
ORACLE# show space hard-disk
ORACLE# unmount system-disk
WARNING: Please ensure device is not currently in use by any applications before proceeding
Continue [y/n]?: y
Suspending logging to hard disk
Stopping tLogCleaner task
Relocating logging onto RAM drive
Initializing /opt/ Cleaner
Starting tLogCleaner task

You may mount and start the file system with the mount command. Mounting the file system is required to bring the storage device volumes back online after they have been unmounted. The mount command is entered as follows:

mount <data-disk | system-disk | hard-disk>

Where each of the arguments corresponds to those used in the format command.

  • system-disk — mount 2 system partitions: /opt and /opt/crash
  • data-disk — mount the 1 or more data partitions containing the default (/mnt/sys and /mnt/app) or user-defined volumes
  • hard-disk — mounts both the system partition and data partition

For example:

ORACLE# mount system-disk
Suspending logging to ramdrive
Stopping tLogCleaner task
Relocating logging onto hard disk
e2fsck 1.41.14 (22-Dec-2010)
opt: clean, 60/488640 files, 67799/1953125 blocks
Initializing /opt/ Cleaner
Starting tLogCleaner task
e2fsck 1.41.14 (22-Dec-2010)
crash: clean, 11/991232 files, 104681/3960320 blocks