H.323 Protocol Performance

This section describes the different statistics you can access for monitoring H.323 protocol performance.

Viewing the H.323 Performance Statistics

Display the H.323 performance statistics by using the show h323d command. The main show h323d command executed without arguments indicates the date and time the current period began and displays session statistics, status statistics, and stack statistics for functioning H.323 processes.

For example:

acmepacket# show h323d
Session Stats                        -- Period --  -------- Lifetime -------
                           Active    High   Total      Total  PerMax    High
Incoming Calls                135     176    1001      77258     785     196
Outgoing Calls                135     176    1001      77258     785     196
Connected Calls               135     172     977      74390     727     196
Incoming Channels             251     319    1953     148780    1454     358
Outgoing Channels             251     319    1953     148780    1454     358
Contexts                      135     179    1001      77258     785     197
H323D Status     Current   Lifetime
Queued Messages      238      16000
TPKT Channels        542       4004
UDP Channels           0          0
Stack                State    Type Mode       Registered Gatekeeper
external             enabled  H323 Gateway    No

internal enabled H323 Gateway No

The following table lists the session statistics along with a brief description.

Statistic Description
Incoming Calls Number of H.323 calls coming into the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller.
Outgoing Calls Number of H.323 calls going out of the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller.
Connected Calls Number of H.323 calls that are currently connected via the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller.
Incoming Channels Number of incoming channels that have been established on the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller.
Outgoing Channels Number of outgoing channels that have been established on the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller.
Contexts Number of contexts (i.e., the number of calls traversing the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller) that have been established on the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller.

About Status Statistics

The following table lists the current H.323 process status statistics along with a brief description:

Statistic Description
Queued Messages Number of messages queued.
TPKT Channels Number of Transport Packet (TPKT) channels open(ed).
UDP Channels Number of User Datagram Protocol (UDP) channels open(ed).


The show h323d status command shows the same information available when the show h323d command is executed without any arguments.

About Stack Statistics

The stack statistics provide a summary of information about the H.323 stacks configured on the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller via the h323 stack. This information includes the following facts about each stack: its name, whether or not it is enabled, its type, its mode (either Gateway or Gatekeeper), and whether or not it is registered with a Gatekeeper.

Viewing Current Configuration

Display statistics for the H.323 configuration currently running on the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller by using the show h323d config command. Only information about the main configuration element is shown, not for any subelements.

ORACLE# show h323d config
        state                          enabled
        log-level                      INFO
        response-tmo                   4
        connect-tmo                    32
        rfc2833-payload                101
        alternate-routing              proxy
        codec-fallback                 disabled
        last-modified-date             2006-07-07 07:49:57

Viewing Stack Information

You can view statistics about the configured H.323 stacks.

Viewing a List of Stacks

Display the list of H.323 stacks (for example, configured instances of the h323 stack) that are currently configured by using the show h323d stacklist command.

ORACLE#  show h323d stacklist
H323-Stack List
        name                           internal
        name                           external

Viewing Stack Details

Display detailed information about the configured instances of H.323 stacks by using the show h323d stackconfig command.

ORACLE# show h323d stackconfig
        name                           tester
        state                          disabled
        isgateway                      enabled
        realm-id                       test
        assoc-stack                    acme
        max-calls                      100
        max-channels                   10
        registration-ttl               15
        ras-port                       1030
        auto-gk-discovery              enabled
        gk-identifier                  RS
        q931-port                      1720
        q931-max-calls                 200
        h245-tunneling                 disabled
        fs-in-first-msg                disabled
        call-start-fast                enabled
        call-start-slow                disabled
        process-registration           disabled
        allow-anonymous                all
        proxy-mode                     H225
        h245-stage                     connect
        q931-start-port                0
        q931-number-ports              0
        dynamic-start-port             0
        dynamic-number-ports           0
        rfc2833-mode                   transparent
        filename                       packet11
        tcp-keepalive                  disabled
        last-modified-date             2006-07-07 08:39:01

Viewing Specific Stacks

Display detailed information about the configured H.323 stack specified in the <stack name> argument by using the show h323d stackconfig <stack name> command.

ORACLE# show h323d stackconfig internal
        name                           internal
        state                          enabled
        isgateway                      enabled
        realm-id                       acme
        assoc-stack                    packet
        max-calls                      200
        max-channels                   6
        registration-ttl               120
        ras-port                       1719
        auto-gk-discovery              disabled
        gk-identifier                  rs
        q931-port                      1720
        q931-max-calls                 200
        h245-tunneling                 disabled
        fs-in-first-msg                disabled
        call-start-fast                enabled
        call-start-slow                disabled
        process-registration           disabled
        allow-anonymous                all
        proxy-mode                     H225
        h245-stage                     connect
        q931-start-port                0
        q931-number-ports              0
        dynamic-start-port             0
        dynamic-number-ports           0
        rfc2833-mode                   transparent
        filename                       ps
        tcp-keepalive                  disabled
        last-modified-date             2006-07-10 11:48:13

Viewing Session Agent Stats

You can view statistics about the session agents.

Viewing a List of Session Agents

Display a list of session agents by using the show h323d agentlist command. For example:

ORACLE# show h323d agentlist
H323-Session Agent List

Viewing Session Agent Stats

Display statistics about the session agent by using the show h323d agentstats command. For example:

ORACLE# show h323d agentstats
Session Agent [In Service]
                             -- Period -- -------- Lifetime --------
                   Active    High   Total      Total  PerMax    High
Inbound Sessions        0       0       0          0       0       0
  Rate Exceeded         -       -       0          0       0       -
  Num Exceeded          -       -       0          0       0       -
  Reg Rate Exceeded     -       -       0          0       0       -
Outbound Sessions     199     245     196      23583     164     256
  Rate Exceeded         -       -       0          0       0       -
  Num Exceeded          -       -       0          0       0       -
  Reg Rate Exceeded     -       -       0          0       0       -
Out of Service          -       -       0          0       0       -
Trans Timeout           0       0       0         19       2       1
Requests Sent           -       -    2092     234608    1569       -
Requests Complete       -       -     196      23563     164       -
Seizure                 -       -     196      23583     164       -
Answer                  -       -     199      23563     164       -
  ASR Exceeded          -       -       0          0       0       -
Messages Received       -       -    2267     258308    1675       -
Latency=0.011; max=0.045

The following table lists the statistics along with a brief description of each.

Statistic Description
Active Number of active sessions sent to each session agent listed in the Session Agent column of this command’s output.
Rate Average rate of session invitations (per second) sent to each session agent listed in the Session Agent column of this command’s output.
ConEx Number of times that the constraints established in the constraints fields of the session-agent element have been exceeded. The constraints fields of the session-agent element include the following: max-sessions, max-outbound-sessions, max-burst-rate, max-sustain-rate, burst-rate-window, and sustain-rate-window.
Active Number of active sessions sent from each session agent listed in the Session Agent column of this command’s output.
Rate Average rate of session invitations (per second) sent from each session agent listed in the Session Agent column of this command’s output.
ConEx Number of times that the constraints established in the constraints fields of the session-agent element have been exceeded.
Avg Average latency for packets traveling to and from each session agent listed in the Session Agent column of this command’s output.
Max Maximum latency for packets traveling to and from each session agent listed in the Session Agent column of this command’s output.
Max Burst Total number of session invitations sent to or received from the session agent within the amount of time configured in the burst-rate-window field of the session-agent element.

Viewing Specific Session Agent Statistics

Display the activity for the particular H.323 session agent specified in the <agent> argument by using the show h323d agents <agent> command.

ORACLE# show h323d agentstats
Session Agent [In Service]
                             -- Period -- -------- Lifetime --------
                   Active    High   Total      Total  PerMax    High
Inbound Sessions        0       0       0          0       0       0
  Rate Exceeded         -       -       0          0       0       -
  Num Exceeded          -       -       0          0       0       -
  Reg Rate Exceeded     -       -       0          0       0       -
Outbound Sessions     199     245     196      23583     164     256
  Rate Exceeded         -       -       0          0       0       -
  Num Exceeded          -       -       0          0       0       -
  Reg Rate Exceeded     -       -       0          0       0       -
Out of Service          -       -       0          0       0       -
Trans Timeout           0       0       0         19       2       1
Requests Sent           -       -    2092     234608    1569       -
Requests Complete       -       -     196      23563     164       -
Seizure                 -       -     196      23583     164       -
Answer                  -       -     199      23563     164       -
  ASR Exceeded          -       -       0          0       0       -
Messages Received       -       -    2267     258308    1675       -
Latency=0.011; max=0.045

The following table lists the statistics and a brief description.

Statistic Description
Inbound Sessions
Rate Exceeded Number of times the session or burst rate was exceeded for inbound sessions.
Num Exceeded Number of times the time constraints were exceeded for inbound sessions.
Outbound Sessions
Rate Exceeded Number of times the session or burst rate was exceeded for outbound sessions.
Num Exceeded Number of times the time constraints were exceeded for outbound sessions.
Burst Number of times the burst rate was exceeded for this session agent.
Out of Service Number of times this session agent went out of service.
Trans Timeout Number of transactions that timed out for this session agent.
Requests Sent Number of messages sent via the session agent.
Requests Complete Number of requests that have been completed for this session agent.
Messages Received Number of messages received by this session agent.

Viewing Session Agent Configurations

Display the configuration for all configured H.323 session agents by using the show h323d agentconfig command.

ORACLE(session-agent)# show h323d agentconfig
        hostname                       testhostname.com
        port                           5060
        state                          enabled
        app-protocol                   SIP
        app-type                       H323-GW
        transport-method               UDP
        realm-id                       h323192
        allow-next-hop-lp              enabled
        constraints                    disabled
        max-sessions                   0
        max-inbound-sessions           4
        max-outbound-sessions          5
        max-burst-rate                 0
        max-inbound-burst-rate         10
        max-outbound-burst-rate        1
        max-sustain-rate               0
        max-inbound-sustain-rate       0
        max-outbound-sustain-rate      0
min-seizures                   5
        min-asr                        0
        time-to-resume                 0
        ttr-no-response                0
        in-service-period              0
        burst-rate-window              0
        sustain-rate-window            0
        req-uri-carrier-mode           None
        proxy-mode                     Redirect
        loose-routing                  enabled
        send-media-session             enabled
        ping-interval                  0
        trust-me                       disabled
        li-trust-me                    disabled
max-register-sustain-rate      0
        invalidate-registrations       disabled
        rfc2833-mode                   none
        rfc2833-payload                0
        last-modified-date             2007-03-29 17:15:50
task done

Viewing Session Agent by Hostname

The show h323d agentconfig <hostname> command displays detailed information about the configured session agent specified by its hostname in the <hostname> argument.

When displaying individual H.323 session agent configurations, remember that H.323 does not support DNS and therefore the hostname field values for H.323 session agents are IPv4 addresses.

ORACLE(session-agent)# show h323d agentconfig
        hostname                       testhostname.com
        port                           5060
        state                          enabled
        app-protocol                   SIP
        app-type                       H323-GW
        transport-method               UDP
        realm-id                       h323192
        allow-next-hop-lp              enabled
        constraints                    disabled
        max-sessions                   0
        max-inbound-sessions           4
        max-outbound-sessions          5
        max-burst-rate                 0
        max-inbound-burst-rate         10
        max-outbound-burst-rate        1
        max-sustain-rate               0
        max-inbound-sustain-rate       0
        max-outbound-sustain-rate      0
        min-seizures                   5
        min-asr                        0
        time-to-resume                 0
        ttr-no-response                0
        in-service-period              0
        burst-rate-window              0
        sustain-rate-window            0
        req-uri-carrier-mode           None
        proxy-mode                     Redirect
        loose-routing                  enabled
        send-media-session             enabled
        ping-interval                  0
        trust-me                       disabled
        li-trust-me                    disabled
        max-register-sustain-rate      0
        invalidate-registrations       disabled
        rfc2833-mode                   none
        rfc2833-payload                0
        last-modified-date             2007-03-29 17:15:50
task done

Viewing Session Agent Group Stats

You can view statistics for session agent groups.

Listing Session Agent Groups

Display a list of the H.323 session agent groups by using the show h323d grouplist command.

ORACLE# show h323d grouplist
H323-Session Agent Group List
        group-name                     sag1

Viewing Session Agent Group Stats

Display session information for the session agent groups by using the show h323d groupstats command. Session information is compiled by totalling the session agent statistics for all session agents that make up a particular session agent group.

While the show h323d groupstats command accesses the subcommands that are described in this section, the main show h323d groupstats command (when executed without arguments) displays a list of all session agent groups for the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller.

All of the categories for these statistics are the same as those used in the displays produced by the show h323d agent command.

ORACLE# show h323d groupstats
          ---- Inbound ---- --- Outbound ---- -Latency- ---- Max ----
SAG       Active Rate ConEx Active Rate ConEx Avg   Max Burst  In Out
H323Group      0  0.0     0      0  0.0     0 0.0   0.0     0   0   0

Viewing Session Agent Details

You can list and show the statistics for the session agents that make up the session agent groups that are being reported. The -v (meaning verbose) executed with this command must be included to provide this level of detail.

ORACLE# show h323d groups -v
SAG:              SGTest
                ---- Inbound ---- --- Outbound ---- -Latency- --- Max ---
SAG             Active Rate ConEx Active Rate ConEx  Avg  Max Burst In Out
H323Group            0  0.0     0      0  0.0     0  0.0  0.0     0  0   0
SAG:            SGTest     120  0.0     0    359  0.0     0  0.0  0.0    50  0   0

SGTest          D  120  0.0     0    359  0.0     0  0.0  0.0    50  0   0

Viewing Specific Session Group Statistics

Display statistics for the designated session agent group by using the show h323d groups <group name> command with the name of a specific session agent group.

ORACLE# show h323d groups testgroup
          ---- Inbound ---- --- Outbound ---- -Latency-  Max
SAG       Active Rate ConEx Active Rate ConEx Avg   Max  Burst
testgroup      0  0.0     0      0  0.0     0 0.0   0.0  0

If this command is carried out, but the name of an existing session agent group is not available, the system will display a messaging saying that the group statistics are not available.

ORACLE# show h323d groups test
group statistics not available

Viewing all Configurations

Display the configuration for all configured H.323 session agent groups by using the show h323d groupconfig command.

acmepacket# show h323d groupconfig
        group-name                     h323
        state                          enabled
        app-protocol                   H323
        strategy                       Hunt
        last-modified-date             2006-07-11 19:12:22 

Viewing Specific Session Agent Group Statistics

Display detailed information about the configured session agent group specified by its group name by using the show h323d agentconfig <group name> command. The group name is configured in the group-name field of the session-agent-group element in the <group name> argument.

ORACLE# show h323d groupconfig h323
        group-name                     h323
        state                          enabled
        app-protocol                   H323
        strategy                       Hunt
        last-modified-date             2006-07-11 19:12:22

Viewing Stats for Each Configured Stack

Display information for each of the configured H.323 stacks by using the show h323d h323stats command.

ORACLE# show h323d h323stats
STACK : h323172
H.225 : Sent    585622  Recd    764844  maxCPU  0
H245  : Msg     976289  Ack     1171626 Rej     0       Rel     0
RAS   : Req     0       Ack     0       Rej     0       maxCPU  0
STACK : h323192
H.225 : Sent    586040  Recd    585622  maxCPU  0
H245  : Msg     976087  Ack     1171626 Rej     0       Rel     0
RAS   : Req     0       Ack     0       Rej     0       maxCPU  0

The display identifies the H.323 stack by its name and then provides the data described in the following table.

Statistic Description
H.225 Number of H.225 messages sent and received by this H.323 stack
H245 Number of H.245 requests, acknowledgements, rejections, and releases sent and received by this H.323 stack
RAS Number of RAS requests, acks, and rejects sent and received by this H.323 stack

Viewing Statistics for Specific Stacks

Display detailed statistics for the H.323 stack specified in the <stack name> argument by using the show h323d h323stats <stack name> command. This information is displayed according to the following categories: H.225, H.245, and RAS.

acmepacket# show h323d h323stats h323172
STACK : h323172
Setup                200118     0
Call Proceeding      0          0
Alerting             0          200112
Connect              0          200109
Progress             0          0
Facility             0          0
Release Complete     199906     191628
Status               0          0
Status Inquiry       0          0
Notify               0          0
Info                 0          0
H.245 STATISTICS (Total)
MESSAGE TYPE                   MSG        ACK        REJ        REL
Master Slave                   200110     400218     0          0
Terminal Capability            400218     400218     0          0
OpenLogical Channel            0          0          0          0
CloseLogical Channel           399812     399812     0          0
MESSAGE TYPE         REQ        CON        REJ
GK Discovery         0          0          0
Registration         0          0          0
Unregistration       0          0          0
Admission            0          0          0
Location             0          0          0
Bandwidth            0          0          0
Disengage            0          0          0
Info                 0          0
MESSAGE TYPE         REQ        CON        REJ
GK Discovery         0          0          0
Registration         0          0          0
Unregistration       0          0          0
Admission            0          0          0
Location             0          0          0
Bandwidth            0          0          0
Disengage            0          0          0
Info                 0          0

The following table lists the statistics along with its type and a brief description.

Statistic Type Description
H.225 STATISTICS Statistics about the H.225.
  MESSAGE TYPE Type of messages sent and received by this H.323 stack.
SENT For each type of message specified in the MESSAGE TYPE column, how many of the message types were sent by this H.323 stack.
RECD For each type of message specified in the MESSAGE TYPE column, this statistic shows how many of the message types were received by this H.323 stack.
H.245 STATISTICS Total Statistics about the H.245
  MESSAGE TYPE Type of H.245 messages sent and received by this H.323 stack.
MSG For each type of H.245 message specified in the MESSAGE TYPE column, this statistic shows how many message requests were sent and received by this H.323 stack.
ACK For each type of H.245 message specified in the MESSAGE TYPE column, this statistic shows how many acknowledgements were sent and received by this H.323 stack.
  REJ For each type of H.245 message specified in the MESSAGE TYPE column, this statistic shows how many rejections were sent and received by this H.323 stack.
  REL For each type of H.245 message specified in the MESSAGE TYPE column, this statistic shows how many releases were sent and received by this H.323 stack.
RAS STATISTICS FOR MESSAGES There are two sections of RAS statistics: one for SENT (or issued) and one for RECD (or received.
  MESSAGE TYPE Type of RAS messages sent and received by this H.323 stack.
  REQ For each type of RAS message specified in the MESSAGE TYPE column, this statistic shows how many requests were issued/received by this H.323 stack.
  CON For each type of RAS message specified in the MESSAGE TYPE column, this statistic shows how many confirmations were issued/received by this H.323 stack.
  REJ For each type of RAS message specified in the MESSAGE TYPE column, this statistic shows how many rejections were issued/received by this H.323 stack.

Viewing H.323 Registrations

Display the total number of H.323 endpoint registrations by using the show h323d reg command.

acmepacket# show h323d reg
Stack: external       Number of registrations: 256
Total Number of Registrations : 256