Viewing External Policy Server Statistics

show ext-band-mgr

The show ext-band-mgr command includes cumulative statistics for all configured ext-policy-server server objects. The display includes the following counts for Period and Lifetimes:

  • socket connections established
  • total active Diameter connections
  • active Diameter server transaction
  • active Diameter client transactions

Further the show ext-band-mgr command displays the event counts with respect to client transaction with recent and lifetime counts only:

  • reserve requests sent
  • update requests sent
  • termination requests (STR) sent
  • times requests are transmitted
  • responses received to install flows
  • request errors occurred
  • deny/reject responses received from the server
  • client transactions expired
  • total application errors occurred
    ORACLE# show ext-band-mgr 
    EBM Status                 -- Period -- -------- Lifetime --------
                     Active    High   Total      Total  PerMax    High
    Client Trans          0       0       0          0       0       0
    Server Trans          0       0       0          0       0       0
    Sockets               0       0       0          0       0       0
    Connections           0       0       0          0       0       0
                                ---- Lifetime ----
                        Recent      Total  PerMax
    Reserve                  0          0       0
    Modify                   0          0       0
    Commit                   0          0       0
    Remove                   0          0       0
    EBM Requests             0          0       0
    EBM Installs             0          0       0
    EBM Req. Errors          0          0       0
    EBM Rejects              0          0       0
    EBM Expires              0          0       0
    EBMD Errors              0          0       0

show policy-server

The show policy-server command displays each external policy server’s name and address, followed by the policy server's IP addresses that are resolved through DNS, its priority, state of the server, socket related errors and Diameter related failures. The command can also display cumulative statistics for policy-groups, as well as for specific policy-agents that are members of policy-groups. The command can restrict returned statistics to a specific Diameter message.

The display also includes the following external bandwidth manager counts for recent and lifetime periods.

  • Total socket connections established
  • Total Diameter connections established

Client transactions counts include:

  • reserve type requests sent
  • update requests sent
  • termination requests (STR) sent
  • responses received that installs the flow
  • deny/rejected responses received from the server
  • client transaction timeouts occurred
  • client side related errors that occurred

Server transactions counts include:

  • requests received from the client
  • duplicate requests received
  • responses sent successfully
  • errors occurred while sending the response
  • requests dropped

The command displays aforementioned statistics for all configured external policy server configuration elements. In addition, the command displays mutilhomed IPPort for SCTP configurations. Here is an example of show policy-server connections:

ORACLE# show policy-server connections

Local IPPort         Remote IPPort        Socket State
-------------------------------------------------------    CONNECTED

Here is an example of show policy-server [name]:

ORACLE# show policy-server server1
name = server1
Server:port        Priority       State     SCTP-Failures  Diameter-Failures    0           active        2261              0
Bandwidth Policy Server          --  Recent -- -------- Lifetime --------
                           Active    High   Total      Total  PerMax    High
Sockets                         1       1       0          1       1       1
Connections                     1       1       0          1       1       1
Client Transactions             0       1      12        738       7       1
  Reserve Requests Sent         -       -       0          0       0
  Update Requests Sent          -       -       0          0       0
  Remove Requests Sent          -       -       0          0       0
  Requests Re-Trans             -       -       0          0       0
  Install Resp Received         -       -       0          0       0
  Reject Resp Received          -       -       0          0       0
  Remove Resp Received          -       -       0          0       0
  Errors Received               -       -       0          0       0
  Transaction Timeouts          -       -       0          0       0
  Errors                        -       -       0          0       0
Server Transactions             0       0       0          3       3       3
  Requests Received             -       -       0          0       0
  Dup Req Received              -       -       0          0       0
  Success Resp Sent             -       -       0          3       3
  Error Resp Sent               -       -       0          0       0
  Requests Dropped              -       -       0          0       0
CER Sent                                        1          1       1
CEA Success                                     1          1       1
CEA Errors                                      0          0       0
AAR Sent                                        0          0       0
AAA Success                                     0          0       0
AAA Errors                                      0          0       0
STR Sent                                        0          0       0
STA Success                                     0          0       0
STA Errors                                      0          0       0
RAR Rcvd                                        0          0       0
RAA Rcvd Success                                0          0       0
RAA Rcvd Errors                                 0          0       0
DWR Sent                                      737        737     737
DWA Success                                   737        737     737
DWA Errors                                      0          0       0
DWR Rcvd                                        3          3       3
DWA Rcvd Success                                3          3       3
DWA Rcvd Errors                                 0          0       0
ASR Rcvd                                        0          0       0
ASA Rcvd Success                                0          0       0
ASA Rcvd Errors                                 0          0       0

-----------------------Summary Stats---------------------
Bandwidth Policy Server          --  Recent -- -------- Lifetime --------
                           Active    High   Total      Total  PerMax    High
Sockets                         1       1       0          2       2       2
Connections                     1       1       0          1       1       1
Client Transactions             0       1      12        791      17       2
  Reserve Requests Sent         -       -       0          0       0
  Update Requests Sent          -       -       0          0       0
  Remove Requests Sent          -       -       0          0       0
  Requests Re-Trans             -       -       0          0       0
  Install Resp Received         -       -       0          0       0
  Reject Resp Received          -       -       0          0       0
  Remove Resp Received          -       -       0          0       0
  Errors Received               -       -       0          0       0
  Transaction Timeouts          -       -       0          0       0
  Errors                        -       -       0          0       0
Server Transactions             0       0       0          3       3       3
  Requests Received             -       -       0          0       0
  Dup Req Received              -       -       0          0       0
  Success Resp Sent             -       -       0          3       3
  Error Resp Sent               -       -       0          0       0
  Requests Dropped              -       -       0          0       0
CER Sent                                       54         54      54
CEA Success                                     1          1       1
CEA Errors                                     46         46      46
AAR Sent                                        0          0       0
AAA Success                                     0          0       0
AAA Errors                                      0          0       0
STR Sent                                        0          0       0
STA Success                                     0          0       0
STA Errors                                      0          0       0
RAR Rcvd                                        0          0       0
RAA Rcvd Success                                0          0       0
RAA Rcvd Errors                                 0          0       0
DWR Sent                                      737        737     737
DWA Success                                   737        737     737
DWA Errors                                      0          0       0
DWR Rcvd                                        3          3       3
DWA Rcvd Success                                3          3       3
DWA Rcvd Errors                                 0          0       0
ASR Rcvd                                        0          0       0
ASA Rcvd Success                                0          0       0
ASA Rcvd Errors                                 0          0       0

CLF Statistics

The show ext-clf-srv command is entered as follows:

show ext-clf-srv [<realm-name> | ext-policy-server <policy-server-name>]

The show ext-clf-svr command displays aggregate statistics for all CLF external policy servers active on the system. You can enter a realm-name to display only the given realm’s statistics. For example:

ORACLE# show ext-clf-svr
EBM Status                 -- Period -- -------- Lifetime --------
                  Active    High   Total      Total  PerMax    High
Client Trans      0         0      0          6      2         1
Server Trans      0         0      0          0      0         0
Sockets           1         1      0          1      1         1
Connections       1         1      0          2      1         1
                           ---- Lifetime ----
                    Recent      Total  PerMax
CLF Requests             0          4       1
CLF Admits               0          0       0
CLF Req. Errors          0          0       0
CLF Rejects              0          4       1
CLF Expires              0          0       0
CLFD Errors              0          0       0

Note the following application statistics:

  • CLF Requests—This counter is incremented when new CLF request are sent.
  • CLF Admits—This counter is incremented when the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller received RESP_STATUS_OK response from the external policy server (i.e. successful registration).
  • CLF Req. Errors—This counter is incremented when the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller has protocol level based type of error returned back from the external policy server, i.e. a bad request.
  • CLF rejects—This counter is incremented when the CLF returns a response code other than "RESP_STATUS_OK" or "RESP_STATUS_BAD"(i.e. Above mentioned CLF Req Errors)
  • CLF Expires—This counter is incremented when the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller does not receive a response to a request it sent to the CLF.
  • CLFD Errors—This counter is incremented when the encounters a general error in processing the received response from the external policy server (i.e. no socket for request, no agent for socket or no response in socket).

The show ext-clf-svr ext-policy-server command displays all ext-policy-servers Summarys. For example:

ORACLE# show ext-clf-svr ext-policy-server
Ext Clf Server summary
Ext Clf Server           Recent      Total      PerMax
diameter_check_1           0           0           0
diameter_check_2           0           0           0
diameter_check_3           0           0           0

The show ext-clf-svr ext-policy-server with a supplied ext-policy-server configuration object name displays specific statistics for the named external policy server. For example:

ORACLE# show ext-clf-svr ext-policy-server diameter_check_1
Ext Clf Svr Errors
                         -------- Lifetime --------
                         Recent      Total  PerMax
Errors                      0          0       0

HSS Statistics

The show home-subscriber command displays detailed information about HSS transactions. For example:

ORACLE## show home-subscriber-server
HSS Status                 -- Period -- -------- Lifetime --------
                 Active    High   Total      Total  PerMax    High
Client Trans          0       0       0         12       4       1
Server Trans          0       0       0          1       1       1
Sockets               1       1       0          1       1       1
Connections           1       1       0          1       1       1
                           ---- Lifetime ----
                    Recent      Total  PerMax
LIR                      0          0       0
Sent Req Accepted        0         11       3
Sent Req Rejected        0          0       0
Sent Req Expired         0          0       0
Sent Req Error           0          0       0
Internal Errors          0          0       0

Note the following statistics provided for Recent and Lifetime periods:

  • LIR—Number of LIR requests sent
  • Sent Req Accepted—Number of requests for which we got success response (2xxx)
  • Sent Req Rejected—Number of permanent failures (5xxx)
  • Sent Req Expired—Number of requests for which there was no response
  • Sent Req Error—Number of protocol errors/bad requests (1xxx, 3xxx, 4xxx)