
Realm configuration is divided into the following functional areas, and the steps for configuring each are set out in this chapter: identity and IP address prefix, realm interfaces, realm service profiles, QoS measurement, QoS marking, address translation profiles, and DNS server configuration.

Before You Configure

Before you configure realms, you want to establish the phy and network interfaces with which the realm will be associated.

  • Configure a phy-interface to define the physical characteristics of the signaling line.
  • Configure a network-interface to define the network in which this realm is participating and optionally to create VLANs.

If you wish to use QoS, you should also determine if your Oracle Communications Session Border Controller is QoS enabled.

Remember that you will also use this realm in other configurations to accomplish the following:

  • Set a signaling port or ports at which the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller listens for signaling messages.
  • Configure sessions agents to point to ingress and egress signaling devices located in this realm in order to apply constraint for admission control.
  • Configure session agents for defining trusted sources for accepting signaling messages.

Configure realm-config

To access the realm configuration parameters in the ACLI:

  1. Access the realm-config configuration element.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
    ORACLE(configure)# media-manager
    ORACLE(media-manager)# realm-config
  2. Press Enter.
    The system prompt changes to let you know that you can begin configuring individual parameters. To view all realm configuration parameters, enter a ? at the system prompt.

Identity and IP Address Prefix

The first parameters you configure for a realm are its name (a unique identifier) and an IP address prefix and subnet mask.

The IP address and subnet mask establish a set of matching criteria for the realm, and distinguishes between realms that you assign to the same network interface.

To configure a realm’s identity and IP address prefix in the ACLI:

  1. identifier—Enter the name of the realm. This parameter uniquely identifies the realm. You will use this parameter in other configurations when asked for a realm identifier value.
  2. addr-prefix—Enter the IPv4 or IPv6 address and subnet mask combination to set the criteria the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller uses to match packets sent or received on the network interface associated with this realm. This matching determines the realm, and subsequently what resources are used for that traffic. This setting determines whether the realm is an IPv4 or IPv6 realm.

    This parameter must be entered in the correct format where the IPv4 or IPv6 address comes first and is separated by a slash (/) from the subnet mask value. For example,

    The default for this parameter is When you leave this parameter set to the default, all addresses match.

Realm Interfaces

The realm points to one network interface on the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller.


Only one network-interface can be assigned to a single realm-config object, except for Local multi-homing SCTP deployments.

To assign interfaces to a realm:

  1. network-interfaces—Enter the physical and network interface(s) that you want this realm to reference. These are the network interfaces though which this realm can be reached by ingress traffic, and through which this traffic exits the system as egress traffic.

    Enter the name and port in the correct format where the name of the interface comes first and is separated by a colon (:) from the port number. For example, f10:0.

    The parameters you set for the network interfaces must be unique.

    Enter multiple network interfaces for this list by typing an open parenthesis, entering each field value separated by a Space, typing a closed parenthesis, and then pressing Enter.

    ORACLE(realm-config)# network-interfaces fe1:0

    You must explicitly configure a realm's network interface as either IPv4 or IPv6 when the applicable interface is either dual-stack or IPv6. You do this by appending the realm's network-interface with a .4 or a .6, as shown below.

    ORACLE(realm-config)# network-interfaces fe1:0.6

    For single-stack interface configurations that do not specify this format, the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller assumes an IPv4 interface. Dual stack interface configurations fail if this IP version family suffix is not specified.

Realm Service Profile

The parameters you configure to establish the realm service profile determine how bandwidth resources are used and how media is treated in relation to the realm. Bandwidth constraints set for realm service profiles support the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller’s admission control feature.

Peer-to-peer media between endpoints can be treated in one of three different ways:

  • Media can be directed between sources and destinations within this realm on this specific Oracle Communications Session Border Controller. Media travels through the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller rather than straight between the endpoints.
  • Media can be directed through the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller between endpoints that are in different realms, but share the same subnet.
  • For SIP only, media can be released between multiple Oracle Communications Session Border Controllers.

    To enable SIP distributed media release, you must set the appropriate parameter in the realm configuration. You must also set the SIP options parameter to media-release with the appropriate header name and header parameter information. This option defines how the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller encodes IPv4 address and port information for media streams described by, for example, SDP.

    To configure realm service profile:

  1. max-bandwidth—Enter the total bandwidth budget in kilobits per second for all flows to/from the realm defined in this element. The default is 0 which allows for unlimited bandwidth. The valid range is:
    • Minimum—0

    • Maximum—4294967295

  2. mm-in-realm—Enable this parameter to treat media within this realm on this Oracle Communications Session Border Controller. The default is disabled. Valid values are:
    • enabled | disabled

  3. mm-in-network—Enable this parameter to treat media within realms that have the same subnet mask on this Oracle Communications Session Border Controller. The default is enabled. Valid values are:
    • enabled | disabled

  4. msm-release—Enable or disable the inclusion of multi-system (multiple Oracle Communications Session Border Controllers) media release information in the SIP signaling request sent into the realm identified by this realm-config element. If this field is set to enabled, another Oracle Communications Session Border Controller is allowed to decode the encoded SIP signaling request message data sent from a SIP endpoint to another SIP endpoint in the same network to resore the original SDP and subsequently allow the media to flow directly between those two SIP endpoints in the same network serviced by multiple Oracle Communications Session Border Controllers. If this field is disabled, the media and signaling will pass through boht Oracle Communications Session Border Controllers. Remember that for this feature to work, you must also set the options parameter in the SIP configuration accordingly. The default is disabled. Valid values are:
    • enabled | disabled

QoS Measurement

This chapter provides detailed information about when to configure the qos-enable parameter. If you are not using QoS or a QoS-capable Oracle Communications Session Border Controller, then you can leave this parameter set to disabled (default).

QoS Marking

QoS marking allows you to apply a set of TOS/DiffServ mechanisms that enable you to provide better service for selected networks

You can configure a realm to perform realm-based packet marking by media type, either audio/voice or video.

The realm configuration references a set of media policies that you configure in the media policy configuration. Within these policies, you can establish TOS/DiffServ values that define an individual type (or class) of service, and then apply them on a per-realm basis. In the media profiles, you can also specify:

  • One or more audio media types for SIP and/or H.323
  • One or more video types for SIP and/or H.323
  • Both audio and video media types for SIP and/or H.323

    To establish what media policies to use per realm in the ACLI:

  1. media-policy—Enter the name (unique identifier) of the media policy you want to apply in the realm. When the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller first sets up a SIP or H.323 media session, it identifies the egress realm of each flow and then determines the media-policy element to apply to the flow. This parameter must correspond to a valid name entry in a media policy element. If you leave this parameter empty, then QoS marking for media will not be performed for this realm.

Address Translation Profiles

If you are not using this feature, you can leave the in-translationid and out-translationid parameters blank.

DoS ACL Configuration

If you are not using this functionality, you can leave the parameters at their default values: average-rate-limit, peak-rate-limit, maximum-burst-size, access-control-trust-level, invalid-signal-threshold, and maximum-signal-threshold.

Enabling RTP-RTCP UDP Checksum Generation

The Oracle Communications Session Border Controller can generate a UDP checksum for RTP/ RTCP packets on a per-realm basis. This feature is useful in cases where devices performing network address translation (NAT) do not pass through packets with a zero checksum from the public Internet. These packets do not make it through the NAT, even if they have the correct to and from IP address and UDP port information. The Oracle Communications Session Border Controller calculates a checksum for these packets and thereby enables them to traverse a NAT successfully.

If a checksum is already present when the traffic arrives at the hardware, the system simply relays it.

Aggregate Session Constraints Per Realm

You can set session constraints for the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller’s global SIP configuration, specified session agents, and specified SIP interfaces. This forces users who have a large group of remote agents to create a large number of session agents and SIP interfaces.

With this feature implemented, however, you can group remote agents into one or more realms on which to apply session constraints.

To enable sessions constraints on a per realm basis:

  1. constraint-name—Enter the name of the constraint you want to use for this realm. You set up in the session-constraints confiuration.

Admission Control Configuration

You can set admission control based on bandwidth for each realm by setting the max-bandwidth parameter for the realm configuration. Details about admission control are covered in this guide’s Admission Control and QoS chapter.