SIP ISUP Features

This section describes the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller’s feaures for SIP ISUP.

SIP Diversion to SIP-ISUP Interworking

For networks in which there are devices that do not support SIP-T or SIP-I (and support native SIP alone), the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller now supports SIP Diversion interworking. This feature enables such devices to function properly in instances that require SIP-T/SIP-I style ISUP IAM message encapsulation in ISUP requests, and to receive any call forwarding information in the IAM according to ISUP standards.

The Oracle Communications Session Border Controller interworks a native SIP INVITE request to SIP-T one by inserting an ISUP IAM body based on the INVITE; this includes redirections information based on the Diversion header. This feature can also perform the reverse translation. That is, it can interwork a SIP INVITE that does have the ISUP IAM body to a non-ISUP INVITE. In this case, the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller generates the necessary Diversion headers based on the IAM’s Redirection information.

SIP-ISUP Configuration

To use this feature, you set up:

  • sip-profile—Defines the redirection behavior
  • sip-isup-profile—Defines the ISUP version to use when supporting SIP-T

You can then apply these profiles to realms, session agents, and SIP interfaces where you want this feature enabled.

The sip-profile configuration contains information that defines redirection behavior for the configuration where you apply it. You can set the redirection behavior to: none, isup, or redirection. You also uniquely identify the profile so that you can apply it by name in other configurations. This is a multiple-instance configuration, meaning that you can set up as many SIP profiles as needed.

To set up a SIP profile:

  1. In Superuser mode, type configure terminal and press Enter.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
  2. Type session-router and press Enter.
    ORACLE(configure)# session-router
  3. Type sip-profile and press Enter.
    ORACLE(session-router)# sip-profile
  4. name—Enter the name of the SIP profile. You will use this name when you apply this profile to realms, session agents, and SIP interfaces. This parameter is required, and it has no default value.
  5. redirection—Choose the redirection mode you want to use: none (default), isup, or redirection. The inherit value is reserved for future use. Note that when you set this parameter to isup, you should configure along with it a SIP ISUP profile; this will avoid any possible incompatibility when support for this feature expands (as expected).
  6. Save your work.

SIP ISUP Profile Configuration

To set up a SIP ISUP profile:
  1. In Superuser mode, type configure terminal and press Enter.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
  2. Type session-router and press Enter.
    ORACLE(configure)# session-router
  3. Type sip-isup-profile and press Enter.
    ORACLE(session-router)# sip-isup-profile
  4. name—Enter the name of the SIP ISUP profile. You will use this name when you apply this profile to realms, session agents, and SIP interfaces. This parameter is required, and it has no default value.
  5. isup-version—Specify the ISUP version you want used in this profile in order to support SIP-T: ansi-2000 (default) or itu-99.
  6. Save your work.

Apply Your Profiles to a Session Agent

When you want to enable this feature for a realm, session agent, or SIP interface, you configure the sip-profile and sip-isup-profile parameters with the name of the profile you want applied.

The following example shows this feature being applied to a session agent, but the realm and SIP interface configurations also have the same two parameters you use to set up the feature.

To apply a SIP profile and a SIP ISUP profile to a session agent:

  1. In Superuser mode, type configure terminal, and press Enter.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
  2. Type session-router, and press Enter.
    ORACLE(configure)# session-router
  3. Type session-agent , and press Enter.
    ORACLE(session-router)# session-agent
  4. sip-profile—Enter the name of the SIP profile, which defines the redirection behavior. This is the value you entered in the name parameter of the SIP profile configuration. This parameter has no default value.
  5. sip-isup-profile—Enter the name of the SIP ISUP profile, which defines the ISUP version to use for SIP Diversion SIP-ISUP interworking. This is the value you entered in the name parameter of the SIP ISUP profile configuration. This parameter has no default value.
  6. Save your work.

SIP-ISUP Format Version Interworking

ISUP message can be carried in SIP messages through either a standard body or through a multipart MIME encoded body. While ANSI and ITU are the two major groups, but each contains many specific variants. To facilitate instances where two sides of a call use different versions, the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller supports interworking between the following SIP ISUP formats: ANSI, ITU, ETSI-356 (an ITU variant), and GR-317 (an ANSI variant). To do so, the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller can move, delete, and add parameters to various sections of the message.


The ISUP message version is determine by one of two things: the content type of the SIP message or the MIME content-type. When the base and version parameters do not match, the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller first uses the base parameter value to determine the format. If there is no base, the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller then checks the version parameter. And if there is neither, the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller uses the isup-version configured in the sip-isup-profile configuration from the inbound realm, session agent, or SIP interface. Available values for that parameter are ansi-2000, itu-99, gr-317, or etsi-356. The Oracle Communications Session Border Controller considers unknown any value for the version that fails to match one of these or is missing.

Messages that contain an unknown ISUP format pass through the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller untouched. If there are operations to be performed on them, however, SIP ISUP HMR will take place. After the body has been converted, the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller updates both the base and version parameters of the content-type.

Custom formats are not supported.

SIP-ISUP Format Interworking Configuration

This section show you how to set up a SIP-ISUP format interworking. First, you configure a SIP ISUP profile, and then you apply it to a realm, session agent or SIP interface.

To set up a SIP ISUP profile:

  1. In Superuser mode, type configure terminal and press Enter.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
  2. Type session-router and press Enter.
    ORACLE(configure)# session-router
  3. Type sip-isup-profile and press Enter.
    ORACLE(session-router)# sip-isup-profile
  4. name—Enter the name of the SIP ISUP profile. You will use this name when you apply this profile to realms, session agents, and SIP interfaces. This parameter is required, and it has no default value.
  5. isup-version—Specify the ISUP version you want to which you want to covert: ansi-2000, itu-99, gr-317, or etsi-356.
  6. convert-isup-format—Set this parameter to enabled if you want to perform SIP ISUP format version interworking. The default is disabled, meaning that this feature is turned off.
  7. Save your work.

Apply a SIP ISUP Profile to a Session Agent

When you want to enable this feature for a realm, session agent, or SIP interface, you configure the sip-isup-profile parameter with the name of the profile you want applied.

The following sample shows this feature being applied to a session agent, but the realm and SIP interface configurations also have the same parameter you use to set up the feature.

To apply a SIP profile and a SIP ISUP profile to a session agent:

  1. In Superuser mode, type configure terminal, and press Enter.
    ACMEPACKET# configure terminal
  2. Type session-router, and press Enter.
    ACMEPACKET(configure)# session-router
  3. Type session-agent , and press Enter.
    ACMEPACKET(session-router)# session-agent
  4. sip-isup-profile—Enter the name of the SIP ISUP profile, which defines the ISUP version to convert to. This is the value you entered in the name parameter of the SIP ISUP profile configuration. This parameter has no default value.
  5. Save your work.