
Use tdm-profile to specify one or more profiles for Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) behavior on the SBC. The single-port TDM card supports only one profile, while the quad-port TDM card supports up to four TDM profiles.


Only platforms with Digium PRI cards or Digium BRI cards support tdm-profile.


The tdm-profile configuration element is in the tdm-config element.

ORACLE# configure terminal
ORACLE(configure)# system
ORACLE(system)# tdm-config
ORACLE(tdm-config)# tdm-profile


The tdm-profile configuration element contains the following parameters:


Set the name for this TDM profile.


(platforms with Digium PRI cards)

Set the timing source for the TDM card.

  • Default: pri_cpe
  • Values: pri_cpe | pri_net
  • bri_net—the TDM card uses the internal clock as the timing source.
  • bri_cpe—the TDM card uses an external clock as the timing source.

(platforms with Digium BRI cards)

Set the timing source for the TDM card.

  • Default: bri_cpe
  • Values: bri_cpe | bri_net
  • bri_net—the TDM card uses the internal clock as the timing source.
  • bri_cpe—the TDM card uses an external clock as the timing source.

(platforms with Digium PRI cards)

Set a switch type for this configuration.

  • Default: national
  • Values: national | dms100 | 4ess | 5ess | euroisdn | ni1 | qsig

(platforms with Digium BRI cards)

Set a switch type for this configuration.

  • Default: euroisdn
  • Values: euroisdn

(platforms with Digium PRI cards)

Set the B channel value according to the line mode specified for this configuration.

  • Default: 1-23
  • Values: 1-23 | 1-15,17-31
  • For T1, select 1-23.
  • For E1, select 1-15,17-31.

(platforms with Digium BRI cards)

Set the B channel value according to the line mode specified for this configuration.

  • Default: 1-2
  • Values: 1-2
  • For T1, select 1-23.
  • For E1, select 1-15,17-31.

(platforms with Digium PRI cards)

Set the D channel value according to the line mode specified for this configuration.

  • Default: 24
  • Values: 24 | 16
  • For T1, select 24.
  • For E1, select 16.

(platforms with Digium BRI cards)

Set the D channel value according to the line mode specified for this configuration.

  • Default: 3
  • Values: 3
  • For T1, select 24.
  • For E1, select 16.

Set the TDM span number.

  • Default: 1

For example

  • 1
  • 1,2
  • 1,2,3,4

Configure the route group the profile belongs to.()

  • Default: 0
  • Min: 0 | Max: 63

Configure the TDM Line Build Out (LBO) value(Line Build Out is a decibel value used on a per length basis. 0: 0db / 0-133 feet 1: 266-399 feet 2: 266 -399 feet 3: 399 -533 feet 4: 533 -655 feet 5: -7.5 db 6: -15 db 7: -22.5 db)

  • Default: 0
  • Min: 0 | Max: 7

(platforms with Digium PRI cards)

Configure TDM framing value(TDM Framing value)

  • Default: esf
  • Values: esf | d4 | ccs | cas

(platforms with Digium BRI cards)

Configure TDM framing value(TDM Framing value)

  • Default: ccs
  • Values: ccs

(platforms with Digium PRI cards)

TDM coding value()

  • Default: b8zs
  • Values: b8zs | ami | hdb3

(platforms with Digium BRI cards)

TDM coding value()

  • Default: ami
  • Values: ami

(platforms with Digium PRI cards)

Enable CRC-4 checking over E1 interface()

  • Default: disabled
  • Values: enabled | disabled

(platforms with Digium BRI cards)

BRI termination resistance()

  • Default: disabled
  • Values: enabled | disabled

Configure TDM timing source value()

  • Default: 1
  • Min: 0 | Max: 4

(Decibel value that increases or decreases the TDM receive channel volume Valid value range is 0.0 - 9.9)

  • Default: 0.0

(Decibel value that increases or decreases the TDM transmit channel volume Valid value range is 0.0 - 9.9)

  • Default: 0.0

enable tdm echo cancellation()

  • Default: enabled
  • Values: enabled | disabled

Configure overlap dial()

  • Default: no
  • Values: no | incoming

A list of extension numbers or match patterns.(List of extension numbers or match patterns. Single extension numbers are separated with the vertical bar (|) symbol. A pattern starts with the underscore symbol (_). In an extension pattern, the following characters have special meanings: X matches any digit from 0-9 Z matches any digit from 1-9 N matches any digit from 2-9 [1237-9] matches any digit in the brackets (in this example, 1,2,3,7,8,9) . wildcard, matches one or more characters ! wildcard, matches zero or more characters immediately)

  • Default: _X.

Configure TDM options()