Performance and Error Counters

Three ACLI commands display and reset IKEv2 performance and error counters.

Use the show security command to display performance and error counters for a specified IKEv2 interface, or for all IKEv2 interfaces.

ORACLE# show security

with a specified interface, displays performance and error counters for the target interface

ORACLE# show security all

with all, displays performance and error counters for all IKEv2 interfaces

Use the reset ike-stats command to reset (set to 0) performance and error counters for a specified IKEv2 interface, or for all IKEv2 interfaces.

ORACLE# reset ike-stats

with a specified interface, resets performance and error counters for the target interface

ORACLE# reset ike-stats all

with all, resets performance and error counters for all IKEv2 interfaces

Use the reset ike-mib command to reset (set to 0) MIB-based error counters for all IKEv2 interfaces.

ORACLE# reset ike-mib

re-sets the MIB-based error counters for all IKEv2 interfaces