Security Policy Configuration

Use the following procedure to define an IPsec Security Policy.

  1. Access the security-policy configuration element.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
    ORACLE(configure)# security
    ORACLE(security)# ipsec
    ORACLE(ipsec)# security-policy
  2. name—Identify this IPsec Security Policy.
    ORACLE(security-policy)# name requireIPsec
  3. network-interface—Provide the network interface name of the IKEv2 interface to which this security policy is applied.
    ORACLE(security-policy)# network-interface M00:0
  4. priority—(Optional) Assign a priority to this IPsec Security Policy.
    • Highest priority: 0
    • Lowest priority: 123
  5. action—Specify the processing of IPsec and non-IPsec traffic streams.
    • allow—Process non-IPsec traffic
    • ipsec—Allow only IPsec traffic
    • srtp—Allow only SRTP traffic
    • srtcp—Allow only SRTCP traffic
  6. direction—Identity the traffic streams subject to the processing specified by the action parameter.
    Available values are:
    • in
    • out
    • both
  7. local-ip-addr-match—(Optional) Specify the local IP address of the network interface.

    Provide the local IP address or retain the default value,, which matches all local IP addresses.

    ORACLE(security-policy)# local-ip-addr-match
  8. remote-ip-addr-match—(Optional) Specify the IP address of the remote IKEv2 peer.

    Provide the remote IP address or retain the default value,, which matches all remote IP addresses.

    ORACLE(security-policy)# remote-ip-addr-match
  9. local-port-match—(Optional) Specify the local ports to which this IPsec Security applies.
    Use 0 to specify all local ports.
    • Min: 1
    • Max: 65535
  10. remote-port-match—(Optional) Specify the remote ports to which IPsec Security Policy applies.
    Use 0 to specify all remote ports.
    • Min: 1
    • Max: 65535
  11. ike-sainfo-name—Assign an IPsec data SA to this Security Policy.
  12. Type done to save your configuration.