Security MIB (ap-security.mib)

The following table describes the SNMP GET query names for the Security MIB (ap-security.mib).

The apSecurityMIBObjects object has the OID

SNMP GET Query Name Object ID: + Description
apSecurityOCSRIpAddress .5 OCSR server IP Address
apSecurityOCSRHostname .6 OCSR server hostname
apSecurityTscfStatsObjects .14 TSCF Statistical Objects

The apSecurityTacacsTable object has the OID, and the apSecurityTacacsEntry object has the

SNMP GET Query Name Object ID: Description
apSecurityTacacsCliCommands .3 Number of CLI commands sent for TACACS+ accounting
apSecurityTacacsSuccessAuthentication .4 Number of successful TACACS+ authentication requests
apSecurityTacacsFailureAuthentication .5 Number of failed TACACS+ authentication requests
apSecurityTacacsSuccessAuthorization .6 Number of successful TACACS+ authorization requests
apSecurityTacacsFailureAuthorization .7 Number of failed TACACS+ authorization requests

The apSecurityTscfStatsObjects object has the OID

SNMP GET Query Name Object ID: + SYNTAX Description
apTscfActiveTunnels .1 Counter32 Number of active tunnels
apTscfEstablishedTunnels .2 Counter32 Number of established tunnels
apTscfFinishedTunnels .3 Counter32 Number of finished tunnels
apTscfReleasedTunnels .4 Counter32 Number of released tunnels
apTscfMaxActiveTunnels .5 Counter32 Maximum number of active tunnels
apTscfConfReqReceived .6 Counter32 Number of config requests received
apTscfConfReqNagleReceived .7 Counter32 Number of config requests with nagle received
apTscfConfRespSent .8 Counter32 Number of config responses sent
apTscfConfRelReqReceived .9 Counter32 Number of config release requests received
apTscfConfRelRespSent .10 Counter32 Number of config release responses sent
apTscfCSResponseSent .11 Counter32 Number of client service responses sent
apTscfCSREnableDDT .12 Counter32 Number of Dynamic Datagram Tunnel enable client service responses received
apTscfCSRDisableDDT .13 Counter32 Number of Dynamic Datagram Tunnel disable client service responses received
apTscfCSREnableRedundancy .14 Counter32 Number of redundancy enable client service request received
apTscfCSRDisableRedundancy .15 Counter32 Number of redundancy disable client service request received
apTscfKAReceived .16 Counter32 Number of keep alive messages received
apTscfKARespSent .17 Counter32 Number of keep alive responses sent
apTscfKASent .18 Counter32 Number of keep alive messages sent
apTscfKARespRcvd .19 Counter32 Number of keep alive responses received
apTscfCMReTx .20 Counter32 Number of control message retransmissions
apTscfFailureMalformed .21 Counter32 Number of failed tunnels due to malformed requests
apTscfFailureUnkownMsg .22 Counter32 Number of unknown control messages
apTscfFailureClientAssignedIP .23 Counter32 Number of failed tunnels due to client assigned internal IP addresses
apTscfFailureCannotProvisionIP .24 Counter32 Number of failed tunnels due to internal IP that cannot be provisioned
apTscfFailureAlreadyProvisionedIP .25 Counter32 Number of failed tunnels due to internal IP that are already provisioned
apTscfFailureGeneralProvisionIP .26 Counter32 Number of failed tunnels due to general IP error
apTscfFailureClientAssignedIPMask .27 Counter32 Number of failed tunnels due to internal IP mask assigned by client
apTscfFailureCannotProvisionIPMask .28 Counter32 Number of failed tunnels due to IP masks that cannot be provisioned
apTscfFailureAlreadyProvisionedIPmask .29 Counter32 Number of failed tunnels due to internal IP masks already provisioned
apTscfFailureGeneralProvisionIPMask .30 Counter32 Number of failed tunnels due to General IP mask error
apTscfFailureClientAssignedSIPServer .31 Counter32 Number of failed tunnels due to client assigned SIP server addresses
apTscfFailureCannotProvisionSIPServer .32 Counter32 Number of failed tunnels due to not being able to provision SIP server addresses
apTscfFailureAlreadyProvisionedSIPServer .33 Counter32 Number of failed tunnels due to SIP server address already provisioned
apTscfFailureGeneralProvisionSIPServer .34 Counter32 Number of failed tunnels due to SIP server general address errors
apTscfFailureClientAsignedKA .35 Counter32 Number of failed tunnels due to client assigned keep alive value
apTscfFailureCannotProvisionKA .36 Counter32 Number of failed tunnels not being able to provision keep alive value
apTscfFailureAlreadyProvisionedKA .37 Counter32 Number of failed tunnels due to keep alive value already provisioned
apTscfFailureGeneralProvisionKA .38 Counter32 Number of failed tunnels due to keep alive value error
apTscfFailureNonExistentTunnelId .39 Counter32 Number of failed tunnels due to nonexisting tunnel ID
apTscfFailureOutOfResources .40 Counter32 Number of failed tunnels due to out of resources
apTscfFailureInternalIPExhausted .41 Counter32 Number of failed tunnels due to tunnel ID exhaustion
apTscfFailureNonNullIPAddr .42 Counter32 Number of failed tunnels due to non null IP address
apTscfFailureNonNullIpMask .43 Counter32 Number of failed tunnels due to non null IP mask
apTscfFailureNonNullSipServer .44 Counter32 Number of failed tunnels due to non null SIP server
apTscfFailureNonNullKeepAlive .45 Counter32 Number of failed tunnels due to non zero keep alive
apTscfFailureNoListeningFd .46 Counter32 Number of failed tunnels due to a missing (listening socket?) file descriptor
apTscfFailureServerFailure .47 Counter32 Number of failed tunnels due to server failure
apTscfFailureRedundancyNotEnabled .48 Counter32 Number of failed tunnels due to redundancy not being enabled on server
apTscfFailureRedundancyExceedsLimit .49 Counter32 Number of failed tunnels due to redundancy factor limit being exceeded on server
apTscfFailureTunnelIdExhausted .50 Counter32 Number of failed tunnels due to tunnel ID exhausted on server
apTscfFailureTimerFailure .51 Counter32 Number of failed tunnels due to timer failure on server
apTscfFailureDDTNotEnabled .52 Counter32 Number of failed tunnels due to Dynamic Datagram Tunnel not being enabled on server
apTscfFailureDDTWrongTransport .53 Counter32 Number of failed tunnels due to Dynamic Datagram Tunnel request wrong transport on server
apTscfFailureDDTDatagramOnly .54 Counter32 Number of failed tunnels due to Dynamic Datagram Tunnel only for datagram transports on server
apTscfFailureDDTInconsistantTransport .55 Counter32 Number of failed tunnels due to inconsistent transport for Dynamic Datagram Tunnel on server
apTscfFailureUnkownServiceRequest .56 Counter32 Number of failed tunnels due to unknown service type requested on server
apTscfFailureTunnelEstablished .57 Counter32 Number of failed tunnels due to incorrect control messages for established tunnels on server
apTscfFailureAddrPoolUnavilable .58 Counter32 Number of failed tunnels due to unavailable address pools on server
apTscfFailureListenFdUnavailable .59 Counter32 Number of failed tunnels due to a unavailable (listening socket?) file descriptor on server
apTscfFailureVersionNotSupported .60 Counter32 Number of failed tunnels due to version not being supported
apTscfFailureLicenseExceeded .61 Counter32 Number of failed tunnels due to exceeding the TSCF license/entitled limit
apTscfFailureNoTunnelForPkt .62 Counter32 Number of packets dropped due to being sent to an unused TSCF IP address
apTscfWrongSeqNum .63 Counter32 Number of control messages with wrong sequence number
apTscfConDrop .64 Counter32 Number of config request drop due to license limit (Inter-client communications?)
apTscfIntfConDrop .65 Counter32 Number of config requests dropped due to per interface limit ????????
apTscfStatsAllocs .66 Counter32 Number of stats memory allocation
apTscfStatsFrees .67 Counter32 Number of stats memory frees
apTscfStatsMemFails .68 Counter32 Number of stats memory allocation failures
apTscfSwitchToActive .69 Counter32 Number of times the system switched to an active system
apTscfSwitchToStandBy .70 Counter32 Number of times the system switched to a stand-by system
apTscfGetDTLSCtxSent .71 Counter32 Number of get Datagram Transport Layer Security context request sent
apTscfGetDTLSCtxSuccess .72 Counter32 Number of successful Get Datagram Transport Layer Security context request
apTscfGetDTLSCtxFailed .73 Counter32 Number of failed Get Datagram Transport Layer Security context requests
apTscfSetDTLSCtxSent .74 Counter32 Number of Set Datagram Transport Layer Security context request sent
apTscfSetDTLSCtxSuccess .75 Counter32 Number of successful Datagram Transport Layer Security context requests
apTscfSetDTLSCtxFailed .76 Counter32 Number of failed set Datagram Transport Layer Security context requests
apTscfFdTableSize .77 Gauge32 The number of entries in the File Descriptor Table
apTscfAddressTableSize .78 Gauge32 The number of entries in the Address Table
apTscfTunnelTableSize .79 Gauge32 The number of entries in the Tunnel Table
apTscfActiveTunnelTableSize .80 Gauge32 The number of entries in the Active Tunnel Table
apTscfFlowIdTableSize .81 Gauge32 The number of entries in the Flow Table
apTscfLicenseTunnelCount .82 Gauge32 Number of licensed/entitled tunnels
apTscfSpecificAddressCount .83 Counter32 Number of requests for a specific IP address
apTscfTunnelTimeoutCount .84 Counter32 Total number of timed out tunnels
apTscfTunneledPacketDrop .85 Counter32 Total number of tunneled packet dropped
apTscfUnTunneledPacketDrop .86 Counter32 Total number of untunneled packet dropped
apTscfCsrReceived .87 Counter32 Total number of client service requests received
apTscfTypeInnerIPDestDrop .88 Counter32 Number of packets dropped due to inner IP destination match with address pool


This table, found in the ap-security.mib, provides information about installed security certificates and their expiration. It conveys the same information displayed in the show security certificates command.

MIB Object Object ID: + Description
apSecurityCertificateEntry .1 The certificate entry.
apSecurityCertificateConfigId .1.1 The internal configuration ID of the certificate.
apSecurityCertificateIndex .1.2

The internal index of the certificate. Combined with configuration ID is the unique ID of a certificate.

apSecurityCertificateRecordName .1.3 The SBC's configuration record name for the certificate.
apSecurityCertificateCertSubject .1.4 The security certificate subject.
apSecurityCertificateCertStart .1.5 The start time and date of the security certificate.
apSecurityCertificateCertExpire .1.6 The expiration time and date of the security certificate.
apSecurityCertificateCertIssuer .1.7 The issuer of the security certificate.
apSecurityCertificateCertIsCA .1.8 Boolean value indicating if the certificate is a CA certificate.