SNMP Reporting of Message Rate Statistics

The message rate statistics feature enables the system to provide message rate statistics for SIP, DNS, and ENUM traffic via ACLI and HDR output. These statistics can be retrieved via SNMP.

Message rate statistics are available through four tables. These tables correspond to SIP Method message rate per SIP Interface, SIP Method message rate per SIP Agent, DNS ALG message rate, and ENUM server message rate. Ensure that the following parameters are enabled for the type of statistics you wish to collect:

Statistic Type configuration element parameter
SIP Message Rate sip-config extra-method-stats
DNS Message Rate media-manager, dns-config extra-dnsalg-stats
ENUM Message Rate sip-config extra-enum-stats


This table, found in the Ap-sip.mib, provides a listing of SIP message rate statistics per SIP interface. It conveys the same information displayed in the show sipd rate interface command. The table is indexed by the SIP Interface index and SIP method. The SIP Interface to index number mapping is found in the apSipInterfaceTable in Ap-sip.mib. The SIP method to index mapping is found in the ApSipMethod object in Ap-tc.mib.


This table, found in the Ap-sip.mib, provides a listing of SIP message rate statistics per SIP agent (SIP session agent). It conveys the same information displayed in the show sipd rate agent command. The table is indexed by the SIP agent index and SIP method. The SIP Agent to index number mapping is found in the apSipAgentTable in Ap-sip.mib. The SIP method to index mapping is found in the ApSipMethod object in Ap-tc.mib.


This table, found in the Ap-dnsalg.mib, provides a listing of message rate statistics for a specific DNS Alg Server. It conveys the same information displayed in the show dnsalg rate realm-id and show dnsalg rate server-ip-addr commands. The table is indexed by the DNS ALG realm index and DNS ALG server index. The table of rate statistics also includes the DNS ALG server IP address and IP address type (IPv4 or IPv6). If a DNS ALG client realm, DNS ALG server, and IP address are not configured, then the combination of those indices will return no data. The DNS ALG Server to index mapping is found in the apDnsAlgServerTable in the Ap-dnsalg.mib. The DNS ALG realm to index mapping is found in the apDnsAlgConfigTable in the Ap-dnsalg.mib.


This table, found in the Ap-apps.mib, provides a listing of ENUM message rate statistics for a specific ENUM server. It conveys the same information displayed in the show enum rate command. This table is indexed by the ENUM configuration name, ENUM Server IP address and IP address type (IPv4 or IPv6).